These js files can be run on ESP32_tinyConsole project support require statement for module, the module.js must at directory /js/modules testng directory still has some problem.
0date.js 748 #time
0helloc.js 159 #hello
1sio.js 650 #sio
2fsio.js 746 #fs
3touch.js 3014 #touch
40color.js 1437 #canvas
41graphics.js 2613 #canvas
42graphics.js 1993 #canvas
50d0.js 33 #gpio d0
50d1.js 112 #gpio d1
50pin.js 341 # pin def
50pins.js 1645 # pin def
51blink.js 375 # blink
52button.js 1056 # button test
70dht.js 389 # dht22
blinkt.js 407 # blink
gpio.js 219 # gpio
modules 320 # modules directory
timer1.js 854 # setInterval
dumpf.js 2341 # js dumpf Rectangle
dumpg.js 1533 # js dumpg
jswmgen.js 21672 # js jswmgen [jsonFile OutputFile]
In iot enviroment, you need include a lot of libraries, but jerryscript did not have these io libraries. we need to use a C++ binding wrapper to static compiler link.
- prepare one wrapper CPP, to binding call C++ class object library,
- register this to jerryscript
- use js call the binding object, use library. The first step is a lot of handmade work, here we use a auto generator to reduce the workload.
Run with Node.js can Generator the Arduino ESP32 Library Wrapper, which .h contains classObject. When wrapper cpp is generated, checked,and feed into ESP32_TinyConsole project to compiler. then the new Object can be used in Jerryscript.
methods = {
classObj : 'rectangle', // write your own object name
constructorPrototype : 'Rectangle::Rectangle(int length,int width);', // should be CLASSNAME::CONSTRUCTOR
prototypesArray : [// TODO will use only C Prototype , suppose JS is auto generated
// C properties & methods define here, and consider the inherit methods if need.
'int getSize();',
'int getLength();',
'int getWidth();'
className :'',
// for constructorPrototype
'Rectangle::Rectangle(int length,int width);', // correct
'Rectangle(int length,int width);', // wrong, no classname
// for prototypesArray
Adafruit_SSD1306::Adafruit_SSD1306(uint8_t w, uint8_t h, TwoWire* twi ,int8_t rst_pin, uint32_t clkDuring , uint32_t clkAfter); // wrong TwoWire* twi, this should be remove and use static link by yourself when call method
Adafruit_SSD1306::Adafruit_SSD1306(uint8_t w, uint8_t h, int8_t rst_pin, uint32_t clkDuring , uint32_t clkAfter); // correct , then ->Adafruit_SSD1306(w,h,&Wire,rstpin,clkDuring,clkAfter);
Adafruit_SSD1306::Adafruit_SSD1306(uint8_t w, uint8_t h, TwoWire* twi ,int8_t rst_pin, uint32_t clkDuring , uint32_t clkAfter);
"void createChar(uint8_t c, uint8_t* buf);", // correct
"begin(uint8_t lcd_addr, uint8_t lcd_cols, uint8_t lcd_rows, uint8_t charsize = LCD_5x8DOTS);" // error , "= LCD_5x8DOTS" is not allowed, you can set it as OPTIONAL later and set default value into arg declaration.
void createChar(uint8_t , uint8_t* );", // error, argvar name miss
"void createChar(const uint8_t c, uint8_t* buf);", // error, const redundence
"int8 createChar(int8 c, uint8_t* buf);", // error, int8 is not defined in argMappings_C_to_JS or retMappings_C_to_JS
"void createChar(uint8_t c, uint8_t *buf);", // error, should be uint8_t*
"void createChar(uint8_t c, uint8_t buf[]);", // error, should be uint8_t*
"void createChar( uint8_t c, uint8_t *buf);", // possible, '( uint8_t' to '(uint8_t'
"void createChar(uint8_t c, uint8_t* buf);", // corrcet, uint8_t* will mapping to jerryx_arg_arraybuffer
"void createChar(uint8_t c, char* buf);", // corrcet, char* will mapping to jerryx_arg_string
"void getTextBounds(char* str, int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t* x1, int16_t* y1, uint16_t* w, uint16_t* h);", // char* map to jerryx_arg_string, int16_t* x1 to int16 "void createChar(uint8_t c, uint8_t* buf);", // corrcet, uint8_t* will mapping to jerryx_arg_array
It converts from C arg type to js type defined in argMappings_C_to_JS. There are some exceptions, ignore, function, native_pointer, and custom should be coded by yourself.
function definedConstArg(){
const argMappings_C_to_JS = { // TODO for arg_type mappings type
"size_t": "uint32",
"int": "int32",
"int_t": "int32",
"int8_t": "int8",
"int16_t": "int16",
"int32_t": "int32",
"uint": "uint32",
"uint8": "uint8",
"uint16": "uint16",
"uint32": "uint32",
"uint_t": "uint32",
"uint8_t": "uint8",
"uint16_t": "uint16",
"uint32_t": "uint32",
"uint_t*": "arraybuffer",
"uint8_t*": "arraybuffer",
"uint16_t*": "arraybuffer",
"uint32_t*": "arraybuffer",
"int_t*": "arraybuffer", // ignore part should be modified as GFX drawbitmap
"int8_t*": "arraybuffer",
"int16_t*": "arraybuffer",
"int32_t*": "arraybuffer",
"char*": "string", // possible use string_sz
"char": "uint8",
"char*": "string",
"double": "number",
"float": "number",
"bool": "boolean",
"ignore": "ignore", // TODO ignore one, and process later
"void*": "native_pointer", // TODO for class Object
"funcptr": "function", // TODO for callback should be typedef funcptr prototype
"custome": "custome" // TODO
return argMappings_C_to_JS;
This mapping converts from c return type to js type defined in retMappings_C_to_JS. The object return type is not supported now.
function definedConstRet(){
const retMappings_C_to_JS = { // TODO for return js type
"size_t": "number",
"int8": "number",
"int16": "number",
"int32": "number",
"int": "number",
"int_t": "number",
"int8_t": "number",
"int16_t": "number",
"int32_t": "number",
"uint8": "number",
"uint16": "number",
"uint32": "number",
"uint": "number",
"uint_t": "number",
"uint8_t": "number",
"uint16_t": "number",
"uint32_t": "number",
"uint8*": "string",
"uint8_t*": "string",
"char*": "string",
"char": "number",
"bool": "boolean",
"void": "void"
};// TODO crettype auto transfer to jsrettype
return retMappings_C_to_JS;
the default .h in include subdirectory. the default .json in json subdirectory.
%node h2json Rectangle.h # if success, it will generate a json file in json folder
%node jswmgen Rectangle.json Rectangle.cpp # cpp will be generated in jswrapper folder.
%cd /js/jswmgen
%js jswmgen rectangle.json jsw_rectangle.cpp
%cat jsw_rectangle.cpp
#then select copy and paste to your files
%dl jsw_rectangle.cpp #downloadfile
When you get the autogen file, you should check,
- if tab postion wrong, bad news!
- check each methods, if C using same method, different args, it should be merge into one, by check arg_cnt, or using differnet method name.
- callback wrapper function, should be created. This generator does not generate.
- non method property, need to set/get, it is function type.
- bytes array no idea, how to mapping.
- char buf[32];, size should be review, now define buf[32];
char charmap[32];
jerryx_arg_string(charmap, sizeof(charmap), JERRYX_ARG_NO_COERCE, JERRYX_ARG_REQUIRED),
- method have different args_cnt same method name, can be merged, with
if (args_cnt == 2 ){
}else if ((args_cnt == 3 )) {
or use optional flag
const jerryx_arg_t mapping[] ={
JERRYXX_ON_ARGS_COUNT_THROW_ERROR_SYNTAX(!((args_cnt == 2)||(args_cnt == 3)), "Wrong arguments count");
- if generator stop on some method, you may need to delete this method, later add by yourself.
- put the register prototype into /lib/jswrapper/jswrap_tc.h
bool js_rectangle_classobj_wrapper();
- put the define to include the source file into compiler into /src/cmdconfig.h
- call register prototype into /lib/jswrapper/jswrap_tc_module.cpp, then the rectangle object will load when js vm start up.
void jerryxx_register_arduino_library(){
- Compiler and upload, uploadfs
- check your Object is registered.
%js dumpg
- use your Object in js
%js rectangle