spragunr / midi-assignment

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Python Learning Objectives

  • Writing and calling functions with return values
  • Using for loops
  • Accessing tuples using bracket notation
  • Manipulating lists


  • This activity depends on two Python libraries that will need to be installed through the Thonny package manager (or pip, if you you aren't using Thonny):
    • pygame
    • mido
  • Actually playing the MIDI files we will be creating below also requires that FuidSynth and possibly TiMidity++ be installed on your computer.


Download the following Python files and store them in the same folder:

Introduction: Musical Notation

You may have some experience with standard musical notation like the following:

mary has a little lamb

The vertical position of individual notes corresponds to the pitch, and different symbols are used to represent the length of the note. In the example above, the filled notes are quarter notes and the open note at the end is a half note.

The goal of today's activity is to think about different ways of representing and manipulating musical information in Python. In particular, we will be learning a little bit about MIDI, the Musical Instrument Digital Interface. MIDI is a widely-used standard for representing and communicating musical information in digital form.

Let's consider some options for representing the musical notes above using Python. One possibility is to represent the notes as a string containing the sequence of note names:

mary = "E D C D E E E"

This is OK, but it has some weaknesses. It doesn't tell us anything about the length of the individual notes, and working with it involves awkward string manipulation.

As an alternative, let's use a list of tuples, where each tuple represents a single note. For example, here are the notes above in the proposed format:

mary = [ (0, 100, 64), 
         (100, 200, 62), 
         (200, 300, 60), 
         (300, 400, 62), 
         (400, 500, 64),
         (500, 600, 64),
         (600, 800, 64)

Each tuple contains three numbers: the first is the start time of the note, the second is the end time of the note and the third is a number corresponding the pitch of the note. A list of these notes will be be ordered by the starting time of each note.

One advantage of this representation is that it allows us to represent multiple notes played at the same time. For example, using standard musical notation we might see something like this:

mary has a little lamb

In this case the two notes at the top are tied together with a line to indicate that they should be played as one long note at the same time as the other notes are being played. This overlapping note can be added as follows:

mary = [ (0, 100, 64), 
         (0, 800, 77),  # THE NEW NOTE!
         (100, 200, 62),
         (200, 300, 60),
         (300, 400, 62),
         (400, 500, 64),
         (500, 600, 64),
         (600, 800, 64)

Exercise #1 Validating a Note List

Complete the function named valid_notes in notes.py so that it conforms to the provided docstring. A list of notes is valid if and only if:

  • All note values are in the range 0-127.
  • All note start times are greater than zero.
  • The ending time of every note is greater than or equal to the starting time of the note.
  • The start time of every note is greater than or equal to the starting time of the preceding note.

Here are some sample calls:

a = [ (0, 100, 64) ]
print(valid_notes(a)) # Should print True

b = [ (-1, 100, 64) ]
print(valid_notes(b)) # Should print False, negative start time

c = [ (100, 0, 64) ]
print(valid_notes(c)) # Should print False, end is before start

d = [ (0, 100, 200) ]
print(valid_notes(d)) # Should print False, invalid note number

e = [ (0, 100, 64), (100, 200, 62) ]
print(valid_notes(e)) # Should print True

f = [ (50, 100, 64), (40, 200, 62) ]
print(valid_notes(f)) # Should print False, second start starts before first

Think before you code: what style of for loops should you use here? Should you use a standard for loop, or an indexed for loop using the range function? Should you use both? Make sure to consider this for each of the following exercises.


The MIDI protocol takes a different approach from the format described above. Rather than representing music as a sequence of notes, it represents music as a sequence of events, where the start of a note is one event and the end of a note is another. This approach makes sense because MIDI wasn't originally designed to represent musical scores. It was designed to connect electronic instruments and other devices. When a player presses a key on an electric keyboard, we want to communicate the starting event immediately. There is no way to know how long the note will be until the finger is lifted.

Exercise #2 Converting to Events

Complete the notes_to_events function so that it conforms to the provided docstring. Each event should be represented as a tuple with three fields: The time of the event, the note number, and the type of event. Event types are either 'note_on' or 'note_off'. Each note should result in exactly two events and the list of events must be sorted by time. The easiest way to manage this is to create the full list of events, then sort it by the starting times when the list is complete.

This can be accomplished by using the sort method for Python lists. For example:

a = [3, 2, 1]
a.sort() # the list now contains [1, 2, 3]

When the sort method is called on a list of tuples, the list will be sorted according to the first element in each tuple, which in our case will be the event times.

Here are some sample calls to notes_to_events illustrating the expected behavior:

a = [ (0, 100, 64) ]
print(notes_to_events(a)) # prints [(0, 64, 'note_on'), (100, 64, 'note_off')]

b = [ (0, 200, 64), (50, 75, 65)]
print(notes_to_events(b)) # prints [(0, 64, 'note_on'), 
                          #         (50, 65, 'note_on'),
                          #         (75, 65, 'note_off'),
                          #         (200, 64, 'note_off')]

Exercise #3 Calculating Deltas

Mido is a Python library for reading, manipulating and writing MIDI files. The event lists above are almost in a format that we can use with mido. One remaining problem is the way time is handled in our events. In the event lists generated above, the time field represents the absolute time that the corresponding event occurs. The MIDI protocol actually represents time in terms of deltas between events. The delta value stored with each event represents the elapsed time since the previous event. Complete the events_to_midi_events function to convert our event lists into this representation. The following code snippet shows an example of the expected behavior:

events = [(0, 64, 'note_on'), 
          (50, 65, 'note_on'),   # delta is 50
          (75, 65, 'note_off'),  # delta is 25 
          (200, 64, 'note_off')] # delta is 125
print(events_to_midi_events(events)) # prints [(0, 64, 'note_on'), 
                                     #         (50, 65, 'note_on'),
                                     #         (25, 65, 'note_off'),
                                     #         (125, 64, 'note_off')]

Exercise #4 Using Mido to create MIDI files

We now have all of the tools in place to create MIDI files from a sequence of notes. Here is an example illustrating how the Mido library can be used to create a midi file corresponding to the previous example:

from mido import Message, MidiFile, MidiTrack

outfile = MidiFile()
track = MidiTrack() # MIDI files can have multiple tracks, but we won't.

track.append(Message('note_on', note=64, velocity=100, time=0))
track.append(Message('note_on', note=65, velocity=100, time=50))
track.append(Message('note_on', note=65, velocity=100, time=25))
track.append(Message('note_on', note=64, velocity=100, time=125))


Mido represents a MIDI file using a MidiFile object, which can contain multiple MidiTrack objects, which themselves contain a sequence of Message objects corresponding to events.

Complete the unfinished notes_to_midi function so that it conforms to the provided docstring.

Exercise #5 Composition

The provided synth.py program uses pygame to provide a simple graphical music composition tool. If you have successfully completed the exercises above, you should be able to use the tool to generate and play MIDI files. The tool accepts the following input:

  • The left mouse button activates grid squares indicating that the corresponding note should play at the indicated time.
  • The right mouse button clears a square.
  • Pressing the 'c' key will clear the current composition.
  • Pressing the 'p' key will save and play the current composition. The file will be saved as synth.mid in the same folder where the program was executed. If playback doesn't work, you should be able to play the saved file using a web-based MIDI player like https://midiplayer.ehubsoft.net/.

Use this tool to create a beautiful musical composition.



Language:Python 97.8%Language:LilyPond 2.2%