spotx / libpriamcql

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libpriamcql - Safe Easy to use C++17 CQL Client library

CI Coverage Status language license

libpriamcql is a C++17 client library that provides an easy, memory safe, and fast wrapper around the DataStax cpp-driver.

libpriamcql is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.


  • Easy to use Synchronous and Asynchronous CQL Query Request Support.
  • Supports ad-hoc queries and prepared statements.
  • Safe C++17 client library API, modern memory move semantics.
  • Type Safe and easy conversions using Result/Row/Column objects to iterate over query results.
  • Leverages the Datastax C driver internally. This library is compiled and statically linked in the default build. ** Its possible to use and link against your own build of the cpp-driver, see CMake option PRIAM_BUILD_EMBEDDED_DATASTAX_DRIVER.



See all of the examples under the examples/ directory. Below are some simple examples to get you started on using libpriamcql.

Simple Synchronous Prepared Statement

#include <priam/priam.hpp>

#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std::chrono_literals;

int main()
    // Start by creating a new cluster with settings on how to connect to Cassandra.
    auto cluster_ptr = priam::cluster::make_unique();
        .username_and_password("username", "password");

    // Next create a client session to issue queries to Cassandra.  This requires
    // moving ownership of the Cluster object into the Client instance.
    auto client_ptr = std::make_unique<priam::client>(std::move(cluster_ptr));

    // Create a statement with a single primary key to be bound.
    priam::statement stmt{"SELECT val1, val2 FROM table_name WHERE primary_key = ?"};
    // Bind the 'primary_key' parameter, note that this can also be done by parameter index.
    stmt.bind_int(5, "primary_key");

    // Execute the statement synchronously, async queries are also supported.
    auto result = client_ptr->execute_statement(
        stmt,                           // The statement to execute, can be re-used via reset().
        std::chrono::seconds{5},        // An optional timeout.
        priam::consistency::local_one   // An optional query consistency.

    // Now that we have the result we can work with the data.
    std::cout << "Status code: " << priam::to_string(result.status()) << "\n";
    std::cout << "Row count: " << result.row_count() << "\n";
    std::cout << "Columns count: " << result.column_count() << "\n";

    for(const auto& row : result)
        auto val1 = row[0];         // Fetch column value by name.
        auto val2 = row["val2"];    // Fetch column value by index.

        // All the returned columns can also be iterator over.
        for(const auto& value : row)
                case priam::data_type::int_t:
                    // All values in C* can be nullable and are returned as an optional.
                    std::cout << "int value = " << value.as_int().value_or(0) << "\n";

                std::cout << "bool value = " << value.as_boolean().value_or(false) << "\n";

    return 0;


C++17 compiler (g++/clang++)
make and/or ninja
libuv devel
openssl devel
zlib devel



# This will produce the libpriamcql.a and all of the examples and tests.

mkdir Release && cd Release
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
cmake --build . -- -j$(nproc)

CMake options:

Name Default Description
PRIAM_BUILD_EXAMPLES ON Should the examples be built?
PRIAM_BUILD_TESTS ON Should the tests be built?
PRIAM_CODE_COVERAGE OFF Should code coverage be enabled?
PRIAM_USER_LINK_LIBRARIES uv pthread z dl Override priam's target link libraries.
PRIAM_BUILD_EMBEDDED_DATASTAX_DRIVER ON By default priam will build an embedded datastax cpp driver. Set this to OFF and provide a target via PRIAM_USER_LINK_LIBRARIES to link to your own cpp driver.


File bug reports, feature requests and questions using GitHub Issues

Copyright © 2017-2020, Josh Baldwin




Language:C++ 99.3%Language:CMake 0.6%Language:Makefile 0.1%