spontarelliam / iapws

python libray for IAPWS standard calculation of water and steam properties

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Python implementation of standard from IAPWS (http://www.iapws.org/release.html). The available standard are:

IAPWS-06 for Ice
IAPWS-08 for seawater
IAPWS-05 for Heavy water


  • python 2x, 3x, compatible with both versions
  • Numpy-scipy: library with mathematic and scientific tools


In debian you can find in official repositories in testing and sid. In stable you can install using pip:

pip install iapws

In ubuntu it's in official repositories from ubuntu saucy (13.10)

In other SO you can download from its webpage in pypi and unzipped in python folder dist-packages. This is the recommended options to have the latest version.


Improve convergence in two phase region for IAPWS95 and D2O class


Class to model a state for liquid water or steam with the Industrial Formulation IAPWS-IF97

Incoming properties:

  • T, Temperature, K
  • P, Pressure, MPa
  • h, Specific enthalpy, kJ/kg
  • s, Specific entropy, kJ/kg·K
  • x, Quality, [-]

Definitions options:

  • T, P (Not valid for two-phases region)
  • P, h
  • P, s
  • h, s
  • T, x (Only for two-phases region)
  • P, x (Only for two-phases region)


  • P, Pressure, MPa
  • T, Temperature, K
  • g, Specific Gibbs free energy, kJ/kg
  • a, Specific Helmholtz free energy, kJ/kg
  • v, Specific volume, m³/kg
  • rho, Density, kg/m³
  • x, quality, [-]
  • h, Specific enthalpy, kJ/kg
  • u, Specific internal energy, kJ/kg
  • s, Specific entropy, kJ/kg·K
  • cp, Specific isobaric heat capacity, kJ/kg·K
  • cv, Specific isochoric heat capacity, kJ/kg·K
  • Z, Compression factor. [-]
  • gamma, Isoentropic exponent, [-]
  • alfav, Isobaric cubic expansion coefficient, 1/K
  • kt, Isothermal compressibility, 1/MPa
  • alfap, Relative pressure coefficient, 1/K
  • betap, Isothermal stress coefficient, kg/m³
  • joule, Joule-Thomson coefficient, K/MPa
  • deltat, Isothermal throttling coefficient, kJ/kg·MPa
  • region, Region
  • v0, Ideal specific volume, m³/kg
  • u0, Ideal specific internal energy, kJ/kg
  • h0, Ideal specific enthalpy, kJ/kg
  • s0, Ideal specific entropy, kJ/kg·K
  • a0, Ideal specific Helmholtz free energy, kJ/kg
  • g0, Ideal specific Gibbs free energy, kJ/kg
  • cp0, Ideal specific isobaric heat capacity, kJ/kg·K
  • cv0, Ideal specific isochoric heat capacity, kJ/kg·K
  • w0, Ideal speed of sound, m/s
  • gamma0, Ideal isoentropic exponent [-]
  • w, Speed of sound, m/s
  • mu, Dynamic viscosity, Pa·s
  • nu, Kinematic viscosity, m²/s
  • k, Thermal conductivity, W/m·K
  • alfa, Thermal diffusivity, m²/s
  • sigma, Surface tension, N/m
  • epsilon, Dielectric constant, [-]
  • n, Refractive index, [-]
  • Prandt, Prandtl number, [-]
  • Tr, Reduced temperature, [-]
  • Pr, Reduced pressure, [-]


from iapws import IAPWS97
sat_steam=IAPWS97(P=1,x=1)                #saturated steam with known P
sat_liquid=IAPWS97(T=370, x=0)            #saturated liquid with known T
steam=IAPWS97(P=2.5, T=500)               #steam with known P and T
print(sat_steam.h, sat_liquid.h, steam.h) #calculated enthalpies


Class to model a state for liquid water or steam with the general and scientific formulation IAPWS-95

Incoming properties:

  • T, Temperature, K
  • P, Pressure, MPa
  • rho, Density, kg/m3
  • v, Specific volume, m3/kg
  • h, Specific enthalpy, kJ/kg
  • s, Specific entropy, kJ/kg·K
  • x, Quality, [-]
  • l, Optional parameter to light wavelength for Refractive index, mm

rho and v are equivalent, only one can be defined Definitions options:

  • T, P (Not valid for two-phases region)
  • T, rho
  • T, h
  • T, s
  • T, u
  • P, rho
  • P, h
  • P, s
  • P, u
  • rho, h
  • rho, s
  • rho, u
  • h, s
  • h, u
  • s, u
  • T, x (Only for two-phases region)
  • P, x (Only for two-phases region) Very slow


  • P, Pressure, MPa
  • Pr, Reduced pressure, [-]
  • T, Temperature, K
  • Tr, Reduced temperature, [-]
  • x, Quality, [-]
  • v, Specific volume, m³/kg
  • rho, Density, kg/m³
  • h, Specific enthalpy, kJ/kg
  • s, Specific entropy, kJ/kg·K
  • u, Specific internal energy, kJ/kg
  • g, Specific Gibbs free energy, kJ/kg
  • a, Specific Helmholtz free energy, kJ/kg
  • cp, Specific isobaric heat capacity, kJ/kg·K
  • cv, Specific isochoric heat capacity, kJ/kg·K
  • cp_cv, Heat capacity ratio, [-]
  • w, Speed of sound, m/s
  • Z, Compression factor, [-]
  • fi, Fugacity coefficient, [-]
  • f, Fugacity, MPa
  • gamma, Isoentropic exponent, [-]
  • alfav, Thermal expansion coefficient (Volume expansivity), 1/K
  • kappa, Isothermal compressibility, 1/MPa
  • alfap, Relative pressure coefficient, 1/K
  • betap, Isothermal stress coefficient, kg/m³
  • betas, Isoentropic temperature-pressure coefficient, [-]
  • joule, Joule-Thomson coefficient, K/MPa
  • Gruneisen, Gruneisen parameter, [-]
  • virialB, Second virial coefficient, m³/kg
  • virialC, Third virial coefficient, m⁶/kg²
  • dpdT_rho, Derivatives, dp/dT at constant rho, MPa/K
  • dpdrho_T, Derivatives, dp/drho at constant T, MPa·m³/kg
  • drhodT_P, Derivatives, drho/dT at constant P, kg/m³·K
  • drhodP_T, Derivatives, drho/dP at constant T, kg/m³·MPa
  • dhdT_rho, Derivatives, dh/dT at constant rho, kJ/kg·K
  • dhdP_T, Isothermal throttling coefficient, kJ/kg·MPa
  • dhdT_P, Derivatives, dh/dT at constant P, kJ/kg·K
  • dhdrho_T, Derivatives, dh/drho at constant T, kJ·m³/kg²
  • dhdrho_P, Derivatives, dh/drho at constant P, kJ·m³/kg²
  • dhdP_rho, Derivatives, dh/dP at constant rho, kJ/kg·MPa
  • kt, Isothermal Expansion Coefficient, [-]
  • ks, Adiabatic Compressibility, 1/MPa
  • Ks, Adiabatic bulk modulus, MPa
  • Kt, Isothermal bulk modulus, MPa
  • Hvap, Vaporization heat, kJ/kg
  • Z_rho, (Z-1) over the density, m³/kg
  • IntP, Internal pressure, MPa
  • invT, Negative reciprocal temperature, 1/K
  • hInput, Specific heat input, kJ/kg
  • mu, Dynamic viscosity, Pa·s
  • nu, Kinematic viscosity, m²/s
  • k, Thermal conductivity, W/m·K
  • sigma, Surface tension, N/m
  • alfa, Thermal diffusivity, m²/s
  • Pramdt, Prandtl number, [-]
  • epsilon, Dielectric constant, [-]
  • n, Refractive index, [-]
  • v0, Ideal gas Specific volume, m³/kg
  • rho0, Ideal gas Density, kg/m³
  • h0, Ideal gas Specific enthalpy, kJ/kg
  • u0, Ideal gas Specific internal energy, kJ/kg
  • s0, Ideal gas Specific entropy, kJ/kg·K
  • a0, Ideal gas Specific Helmholtz free energy, kJ/kg
  • g0, Ideal gas Specific Gibbs free energy, kJ/kg
  • cp0, Ideal gas Specific isobaric heat capacity, kJ/kg·K
  • cv0, Ideal gas Specific isochoric heat capacity, kJ/kg·K
  • cp0_cv, Ideal gas Heat capacity ratio, [-]
  • gamma0, Ideal gas Isoentropic exponent, [-]


from iapws import IAPWS95
sat_steam=IAPWS95(P=1,x=1)                #saturated steam with known P
sat_liquid=IAPWS95(T=370, x=0)            #saturated liquid with known T
steam=IAPWS95(P=2.5, T=500)               #steam with known P and T
print(sat_steam.h, sat_liquid.h, steam.h) #calculated enthalpies

IAPWS-06 for Ice Ih

There is too implemented a function to calculate properties of ice Ih from 2009 revision, in this case only let temperature and pressure as input for calculate properties, the function return a dict with properties available:

  • P, Pressure, MPa
  • T, Temperature, K
  • v, Specific volume, m³/kg
  • rho, Density, kg/m³
  • g, Specific Gibbs free energy, kJ/kg
  • a, Specific Helmholtz free energy, kJ/kg
  • h, Specific enthalpy, kJ/kg
  • u, Specific internal energy, kJ/kg
  • s, Specific entropy, kJ/kg·K
  • cp, Specific isobaric heat capacity, kJ/kg·K
  • alfa, Cubic expansion coefficient, 1/K
  • beta, Pressure coefficient, MPa/K
  • kt, Isothermal compressibility, MPa
  • ks, Isentropic compressibility, MPa


from iapws import _Ice
ice=_Ice(273.15, 0.101325)            #Ice at normal melting point
print(ice["rho"])                     #Calculated density

IAPWS-05 for Heavy water

Same properties as for IAPWS-95 Reference state set at liquid at normal boiling point (1 atm)


from iapws import D2O
sat_liquid=D2O(T=370, x=0)            #saturated liquid with known T
print(sat_liquid.h) #calculated enthalpy

IAPWS-08 for seawater

Incoming properties:

  • T: Temperature, K
  • P: Pressure, MPa
  • S: Salinity, kg/kg

S is the Reference-Composition Salinity as defined in Millero, F.J., R. Feistel, D.G. Wright and T.J. McDougall, "The composition of Standard Seawater and the definition of the Reference-Composition Salinity Scale", Deep-Sea Res. I 55, 50 (2008).

Calculated properties:

  • T: Temperature, K
  • P: Pressure, MPa
  • rho: Density, kg/m³
  • v: Specific volume, m³/kg
  • h: Specific enthalpy, kJ/kg
  • s: Specific entropy, kJ/kg·K
  • u: Specific internal energy, kJ/kg
  • g: Specific Gibbs free energy, kJ/kg
  • a: Specific Helmholtz free energy, kJ/kg
  • cp: Specific isobaric heat capacity, kJ/kg·K
  • gt: Derivative Gibbs energy with temperature, kJ/kg·K
  • gp: Derivative Gibbs energy with pressure, m³/kg
  • gtt: Derivative Gibbs energy with temperature square, kJ/kg·K²
  • gtp: Derivative Gibbs energy with pressure and temperature, m³/kg·K
  • gpp: Derivative Gibbs energy with temperature square, m³/kg·MPa
  • gs: Derivative Gibbs energy with salinity, kJ/kg
  • gsp: Derivative Gibbs energy with salinity and pressure, m³/kg
  • alfa: Thermal expansion coefficient, 1/K
  • betas: Isentropic temperature-pressure coefficient, K/MPa
  • kt: Isothermal compressibility, 1/MPa
  • ks: Isentropic compressibility, 1/MPa
  • w: Sound Speed, m/s
  • mu: Relative chemical potential, kJ/kg
  • muw: Chemical potential of H2O, kJ/kg
  • mus: Chemical potential of sea salt, kJ/kg
  • osm: Osmotic coefficient, [-]
  • haline: Haline contraction coefficient, kg/kg


from iapws import SeaWater
state = SeaWater(T=300, P=0.101325, S=0.001)    #Seawater with 0.1% Salinity
print(state.cp)     # Get cp


python libray for IAPWS standard calculation of water and steam properties

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%