Book to speech converter
java -jar book2speech.jar [-a <accessKey>] [-c <[mp3 | mp4 | ogg]>]
[-e <[eu | use | usw]>] [-en <encoding>] [-g <[f | m]>] [-h]
[-i <inputFile>] [-l <language>] [-n <name>] [-o <outputDir>]
[-r <[xs | s | m | f | xf]>] [-s <secretKey>] [-vl]
[-v <[xxs | xs | s | m | l | xl]>]
-a <accessKey> Access key for Ivona API.
-c <[mp3 | mp4 | ogg]> Preferred sound codec.
-e <[eu | use | usw]> AWS region.
-en <encoding> Specify input file encoding.
-g <[f | m]> Gender of the voice.
-h Show help.
-i <inputFile> Path to input file.
-l <language> The language BCP47 code of the voice.
-n <name> Voice name returned by the voiceList.
-o <outputDir> Path to output directory.
-r <[xs | s | m | f | xf]> The speed of speech.
-s <secretKey> Secret key for Ivona API.
-v <[xxs | xs | s | m | l | xl]> The volume of speech.
-vl Return all available voices.