spo0ds / Deep-Dive-into-DEFI

We'll dive deep into defi space exploring various protocol like uniswap, maker, aave, compound and more.

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We'll dive deep into defi space exploring various protocol like uniswap, maker, aave, compound and more.

This repo is the continuation of my Journey to become a Blockchain Engineer repo.You can follow from there to view all the resources.

Day 61

Deep Dive into DEFI
Traditional Finance System
- Income Statement
- Fractional Reserve
- The multiplier effect and the money supply
- Bank Notes
- Bank notes and checks
- Giving out loans without giving out gold
- Reserve ratios
- Reserve ratio requirement
- Leverage
- Reserve Bank
- Treasury (government debt)
- Open market operations

Day 62

- The Federal Funds Rate
- More on the fed funds rate
- How do target interest rates differ from money supply?
- What happened to the gold?
- Overall discussion
- The discount rate
- Repurchase agreements (repo transactions)
- Fractional reserve banking
- Deposit insurance
- Big picture

Day 63

Connecting TradFi and DeFi
- Volatility
- Liquidity
- Collateral
- Floating and Fixed Interest Rates
- Currency pegs
Types of stablecoins and comparison

Day 64

- Tether(USDT)
- DAI and MakerDAO
Mechanism Design of Maker (DAI and MKR)
- Dual Token Mechanism
- Reserve Mechanism
- Creating DAI and How it works
- Maintaining Stability
- Crashes, Liquidations
- How is this different from lending and borrowing?
- Transparency
- Global Settlement
- Interacting with a Maker Vault

Day 65

Smart contract module of MakerDAO

Day 66

Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs)
- Stocks
- Financial Instruments
- Order Book
- Market
- Exchange
- Broker-Dealer
- Market Makers
- Market Index
- Long Trade vs. Short Trade
- Leverage
- Margin Trading
- Counterparty risks
- Trade Slippage

Day 67

- DEX risk
- How a Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchange Works
- Atomic Swaps
Liquidity pools and automated market makers
- Liquidity pools
- impermanent loss
- Rug Pull

Day 68

High Level Working of Uniswap
- Creating markets using Uniswap Exchange Factories
- Adding liquidity to markets via Uniswap Exchanges
- Swapping Ether for Tokens
- Swapping tokens for Ether
- Swapping tokens for tokens
Comparison of Unswap v1 vs v2 vs v3
- Uniswap V1
- Uniswap V2
- Uniswap V3
Frontrunning and sandwich attacks
- How is it related to slippage?
- MemPool

Day 69

- Index
- Index fund
- What is Balancer?
- Liquidity bootstrapping pools
How does the balancer work?
Smart Contract walkthrough
- BFactory.sol
- BPool.sol

Day 70

Curve Finance
- Why not Uniswap?
- How does curve finance work?
- Math behind Curve Finance

Day 71

Smart contract walkthrough
- Vault.sol
- MasterVault.sol
- ExternalProtectionVault.sol
- ExternalRewardsVault.sol

Day 72

- BancorArbitrage.sol

Day 73

- Asymmetric Liquidity
- Overview
- features of Carbon
Smart Contract Walkthrough
- CarbonController.sol

Day 74

- continue of CarbonController.sol

Day 75

Token Bonding Curves
- What are token bonding curves?
Properties of Bonding Curve
Use Cases
Value of Bonding Curve
Mitigating Risks
Bonding Curve Functions
How do you calculate the price?
- Token Functions

Day 76

- Architecture
- Lockup Linear


We'll dive deep into defi space exploring various protocol like uniswap, maker, aave, compound and more.