spkdroid / Spring-CaseStudy

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Spring Case Study

  1. Scenario: Online Shopping Cart

    • Design a Spring MVC application for an online shopping cart.
    • Discuss the architecture and components involved in building the cart functionality.
    • How would you handle user authentication and authorization for purchasing items?
    • Explain how you would manage the session and handle concurrency issues when multiple users are accessing the cart simultaneously.
  2. Scenario: Social Media Platform

    • Develop a Spring MVC application for a social media platform.
    • Describe the data model for users, posts, and comments.
    • Implement features like user profiles, timeline, and commenting using Spring MVC.
    • How would you optimize the application for performance, especially when dealing with a large number of users and posts?
  3. Scenario: Employee Management System

    • Build a Spring MVC application for managing employee information.
    • Discuss the design choices for the database schema to store employee details.
    • Implement CRUD operations for employees using Spring MVC controllers and services.
    • How would you handle validation and error handling for employee-related operations?
  4. Scenario: Event Booking System

    • Create a Spring MVC application for an event booking system.
    • Design the data model for events, venues, and bookings.
    • Implement features such as event creation, venue selection, and ticket booking.
    • Discuss how you would handle security concerns related to user data and payment information.
  5. Scenario: Blogging Platform

    • Develop a Spring MVC application for a blogging platform.
    • Explain the design of the system to support multiple blogs, posts, and comments.
    • Implement features like post creation, editing, and commenting using Spring MVC.
    • How would you incorporate search functionality for finding specific blog posts?
  6. Scenario: E-commerce Order Processing

    • Build a Spring MVC application to handle e-commerce order processing.
    • Design the system to manage product catalogs, customer orders, and order fulfillment.
    • Discuss how you would implement a workflow for order processing, including payment and shipping integration.
    • How can you ensure data consistency and reliability in the order processing system?
  7. Scenario: Task Management System

    • Develop a Spring MVC application for task management.
    • Design the data model for tasks, users, and task assignments.
    • Implement features like task creation, assignment, and completion tracking.
    • How would you handle scheduling and notification functionalities for upcoming tasks?
  8. Scenario: Real-time Chat Application

    • Create a real-time chat application using Spring MVC.
    • Discuss the choice of technologies for handling real-time communication.
    • Implement features like private messaging, group chats, and message history.
    • How would you handle security aspects such as authentication and authorization in a real-time chat environment?
