spkdroid / OOP-Lab1

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Object Oriented Programming Lab

Problem 1: Class Inheritance

  1. Create a base class Person with attributes name and age.
  2. Derive two classes, Student and Teacher, from Person.
  3. Include appropriate constructors and methods in each class.
  4. Demonstrate polymorphism by creating an array of Person objects and displaying information for each.

Problem 2: Encapsulation and Abstraction

  1. Design a class BankAccount with private attributes accountNumber, balance, and accountHolderName.
  2. Encapsulate these attributes using getter and setter methods.
  3. Implement a method withdraw(double amount) to deduct money from the account balance.
  4. Create instances of the BankAccount class and demonstrate encapsulation and abstraction.

Problem 3: Interface and Polymorphism

  1. Define an interface Drawable with a method draw().
  2. Create classes Circle and Square that implement the Drawable interface.
  3. Add unique methods to each class (e.g., calculateArea() for Circle and calculatePerimeter() for Square).
  4. Demonstrate polymorphism by creating an array of Drawable objects and calling the draw() method on each.

Problem 4: Composition

  1. Create a class Library with attributes name and a list of Book objects.
  2. Implement a method in the Library class to add a book to its collection.
  3. Create instances of the Library and Book classes and showcase composition.

Problem 5: Exception Handling

  1. Create a class TemperatureConverter with a method convertToFahrenheit(double celsius) that converts Celsius to Fahrenheit.
  2. Implement exception handling to handle invalid temperature values.
  3. Demonstrate the usage of the TemperatureConverter class with different scenarios.

Problem 6: Static Members

  1. Create a class Car with a static variable totalCars to keep track of the number of cars created.
  2. Implement a non-static method startEngine() that prints a message indicating the engine has started.
  3. Demonstrate the usage of both static and non-static members.
