spiveeworks / proto-flop

confused language for a confused ambition, readme for conclusions :)

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An embedded language designed for a project that I shouldn't have attempted.

Back when I was designing and attempting to implement a monstrous idea called Civil, I imagined in-game content being programmed using some modular language capable of two things:

  1. Scheduling objects' actions using a binary heap/BTree of events
  2. reusing old code in a static, yet flexible way

Most of the time I would focus on one of these goals or the other, to the point where I barely realized I had two distinct goals.

(This would be a recurring theme in Civil's design, but the embedded language is the only thing I've ever tried implementing, this is the second attempt in fact)

At this point proto-flop is mangled and would require an overhaul to remove traces of either of the above goals.

To some extent I designed goal 2 and implemented goal 1. What follows is a very high level overview of the design concepts associated with each goal.

State Based Temporal Procedures

The first goal of Civil's embedded language was to be convenient for event queues, which would in turn be convenient for low density high volume simulations. (Simulating 1000 entities that only update once per minute each, or 100 entities at highly accelerated simulation speed)

The two concepts that seemed to make working with queued events easiest were:

  1. State Machines/Algebraic Data Types
  2. Procedural programming with inline 'wait' commands

these formed the core of proto-flop, and would make a strong core for something similar, if one should ever need an embedded language for configuring a low-density game simulation.

One idea that seemed particularly fruitful was to associate each 'wait' invocation with a dedicated state, that unlike others, could only be bound immediately before that wait command. This meant that syntax for cancelling the current procedure was simply that of overriding the current state, and any variables in the context of the wait command could be extracted elsewhere for recovering from interruption.

Proto-flop was loosely object oriented as a result of its other design goal, and so it was simplest to associate each state to a particular class, and each object would inhabit a single state of those associated with its class, corresponding to zero or one wait events depending on the state. This made proto-flop very elegant, though its usefulness in other implementations may vary.

Role Based Polymorphism

The name Flop was conceived of once I incorporated these concepts. Flop stands for FLexible Object Programming, since the core idea here is that the same abstract class can be 'inherited from' or implemented multiple times at once, which means old implementations do not interfere with new.

To me role-interface systems are crucial for any polymorphic or generic programming to be robust, which is unfortunate for all existing static languages... except ML

The goal of Flop now is to be a robust embedded language, to take an object oriented paradigm more powerful than C++, and to use it to constrain embedded code more static/verifiable than Lua or Python. That said I still do not have a concrete use case at the time of writing, so this design is also up for debate.

Flop has a lot of concepts, most of which are at least analogous to a mainstream OOP idea:


A class is a user-defined compound data type with attached methods for convenient usage, as always.

Unlike other languages all methods and fields are private unless opted into downstream, (I imagine via semantic versioning) or put into an interface...

class X { fun(){}... }


This is not like an abstract class. An interface is a bundle of public methods, similar to how the term is used in C or perhaps even in physical hardware.

Interfaces are explicit blocks of code inside of a class, and methods in an interface can and will conflict with methods in other interfaces or within the class itself.

class X { interface X { fun(){}... } }

In combination with roles Flop programs will naturally adhere to dependency inversion, thus the focus on interfaces for public methods, despite their later focus on implementation of a role.


A role is a named signature describing how an interface could potentially look.

It is like an abstract class, an interface, a trait, a typeclass, or a signature, in other languages.

Because interfaces are treated as (compile-time) objects in their own right, roles are simply a description of an interface, and not an "abstract superclass" of an interface like in traditional OOP.

role R { fun() } class X { R X { fun(){} } }

All interfaces invoked with the interface command will have an implicit role with the same name, and hence roles and interfaces must exist in their own namespaces to deal with this.

Data Types

Classes and Roles (and hence anonymous Interfaces) each correspond to a data type, namely pointer to class, and pointer to polymorphic class respectively.

Presumably most use cases will require some form of number type, algebraic data type, and array type.

As most modern languages do, one should avoid nullable pointers, and instead use optional types which optimize when applied to pointers.

Methods and Constructors

Methods are pretty standard, they take inputs and produce outputs, while reading and/or mutating an object.

Ideally multiple return values would be possible without the use of tuple types, in the same way that multiple input values are possible.

Constructors are functions that when implemented take an uninitialized object and initialize it, and when called return a newly initialized object.

They can be freely attached to interfaces/roles as a sensible alternative to factory methods.

Static/Constructor Role

Each role should have an associated 'constructor role' which treats all constructors (and static functions) of the old role, as methods of objects that implement this new role.

Each interface should be implicitly usable as a constructor object, though the constructor role could be directly implemented as well.

This serves as an alternative to abstract factory classes, though those aren't that bad... maybe this feature isn't necessary.

constructor objects could be implemented as polymorphic pointers with a nulled data and a non-nulled vtable.

Function Role

Every function should correspond to

Explicit Subroles

There are many interesting subsets possible in this framework and similar frameworks.

The most normal of these is an explicit subrole:

role Super {}
role Sub : Super {}

class X {
    XSuper {}
    XSub : XSuper {}
    XSub2 {}  // Super has no methods but if it did they'd be here as well

Ignoring complications such as Design-by-Contract, this pattern should naturally enforce Liskov substitution, i.e....


Pointers to subroles are subtypes if the roles are subroles, thus Liskov Substitution.

ADTs with missing variants or extra fields are potentially subtypes, though this might require an implict conversion/coersion at runtime.

Beyond that variance rules should apply, so arrays, ADTs, and function results should respect subtype rules, whereas function inputs should invert subtype rules.

Implicit Subroles

This may not be the best idea, but adding methods or generalizing a method could create an implicit subrole, though adding methods probably ought to be explicit so that vtable ordering is consistent.

role Super { fun produce() -> Apple }
role Sub { fun produce() -> Fruit }  // no `:` but still a subtype

in this way explicit subroles and subinterfaces could be treated as syntax sugar for this style of rubrole.

Explicit Superroles

In the spirit of interface segregation, (well more in the spirit of ignoring it) it could be useful to exclude certain methods from a role, while still accepting full implementors of that role, particularly if you do not have access to the role.

role Role { fun a(), fun b() }
fun invoke_a(x: Role - b) { x.a(); }

Downstream Interfaces

Given the flexibility of named interfaces, it is entirely possible for one class or package to define interfaces on another class, though it will typically need to do this using public interfaces.

Connected to this is potential functors between roles.

Optional/Downstream Methods

In the spirit of the Open/Closed principle, roles could have optional methods added to them, with a default implementation for when they aren't implemented.

In the spirit of downstream interfaces, existing roles could be leveraged for communication between downstream objects by adding optional methods downstream.

These downstream methods will somehow be invoked based on their full scope, similar to Rust's use module::module::Trait; semantics.

This idea came directly from imagined scenarios in modifying Civil based games.

One could take an existing game with its own role for communication between objects, then you could add your own method for a signal that your objects can respond to but most other objects ignore... e.g. a new tool that can interact with new items.

(incomplete ADTs with downstream variants might also be useful in the same situations)

Notes about pointers

In order for default/downstream interfaces and methods to be usable interchangeably with interfaces defined with private access to a class, all methods will need to be passed a full polymorphic pointer with irrelevant parts nulled.

Similarly constructors will need to be passed an interface/constructor object so that they can wrap the appropriate interface around the result... or just do that at the call-site of the constructor

this does impose limitations on how subtypes can work, for example you can't make a generic A + B role that can be coerced into A and B because of vtable alignment... assuming that A + B is defined by writing a functor from A to B anyway

Notes about genericity

Making classes and roles that depend on types, classes, interfaces, or values, could allow for powerful genericity and/or manual optimization of virtual function calls, though this begins to look less like an OOP language, in which modularity should be top priority, even if it means extra pointer chasing. (please no SFINAE though.....)

Additionally agda style instance variables that provide a default coercion from class to role could be useful, it does make existing languages more succinct than flop code, but it would be worth trying the language without this feature for a while just to see if it is important... it is more useful for genericity than polymorphism so it could depend a lot on the above.


confused language for a confused ambition, readme for conclusions :)


Language:Rust 100.0%