spilgames / gcp-audit

A tool for auditing security properties of GCP projects.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A tool for auditing security properties of GCP projects. Inspired by Scout2.

gcp-audit takes a set of projects and audits them for common issues as defined by its ruleset. Issues can include, but are certainly not limited to, storage buckets with read/write permissions for anyone and compute engine instances with services exposed to the Internet.

The results are written to a report containing information about issues that were found along with information about which objects these issues were found in so that it's possible to address the problems.

gcp-audit is currently in alpha status. We are actively improving it and Spotify's production environment is our current test suite.


Run pip install git+https://github.com/spotify/gcp-audit.git.


usage: gcp-audit.py [-h] [-c CHECKS] [-k KEYFILE] [-o OUTPUT] [-p PROJECTS]

A tool for auditing security properties of GCP projects.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CHECKS, --checks CHECKS
                        comma separated list of types of checks to run
  -k KEYFILE, --keyfile KEYFILE
                        keyfile to use for GCP credentials
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        file to output results to
  -p PROJECTS, --projects PROJECTS
                        comma separated list of GCP projects to audit


Make sure you have virtualenv (on OSX: brew install virtualenv) then run

virtualenv env
env/bin/pip install gcp-audit
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=YourCredentials-abc123.json env/bin/python gcp-audit

Alternatively you can specify your credentials using the -k switch. Make sure your credentials have the Organization viewer role.

Supported Python versions: 2.7+


To contribute and develop, clone the project inside a virtualenv and install all the dependencies with pip install -r requirements.txt.


Rules are put in a subdirectory under rules/. The subdirectories are based on the check category. Currently checks for the following categories exist:

  • bucket_objects - objects within buckets (as opposed to the buckets themselves)
  • buckets - buckets. :)
  • firewalls - GCP firewall settings
  • cloudsql - CloudSQL instances

The rule language is fairly simplistic and can be done using YAML (which will be translated to JSON internally) or raw JSON. Each rule can specify the following:

  • name - the name of the rule that will be shown in reports etc.
  • filters - a list of filters that the engine should use to match the rule to the object that is being evaluated. This section needs a set of subproperties defined, see below.
    • matchtype - specifies how the engine should match filter properties. Valid values are "regex", "exact", "partial" and "count". See the "Match types" section below for more details.
    • filter - a template of properties and values that will be matched against the object. The structure of the filter needs to mimic the structure of the object.
    • listcondition (OPTIONAL) - what boolean operator to apply if a rule specifies lists with values. Can be "and" or "or". "and" means all list entries must match. "or" means at least one list entry must match.
  • filtercondition (OPTIONAL) - what boolean operator to apply between multiple filters. Can be "and" or "or". "and" means all filters must match. "or" means at least one list entry must match. Default is "and".

Rules will match against output received from the API's Google exposes for each service supported by gcp-audit. The official documentation on the API's can be found here but to make writing rules easier, sample objects for each category are provided in the docs/samples directory. As an example of what a rule can look like, this rule will find CloudSQL instances that are exposed to

    "name": "Traffic allowed from all IP's to CloudSQL instance",
    "filters": [{
        "matchtype": "exact",
        "filter": {

And here's the same rule in YAML format:

name: Traffic allowed from all IP's to CloudSQL instance
  - matchtype: exact
            - value:

The engine will apply the filters defined in the template to the object and check whether the properties match exactly and the values match according to the defined matchtype for each filter.

Match types

Each filter must define a match type that will be used for evaluating filter values against object values. Each filter can define only one match type, so for rules that need to evaluate something based on multiple match types, separate filters need to be created.

Examples below are all matching this mock object:

{"someproperty":"some text"}


Match filter values to the corresponding object values exactly.


"name":"Example regex rule",
    "someproperty":"some text"


Match filter values to the corresponding object values by checking if the filter values are a subset of the object values. No wildcards needed, or supported - wildcards will be treated as regular characters so should only be used if you actually want to match a literal *.


"name":"Example partial rule",
    "someproperty":"me tex"


Match filter values to the corresponding object values based on regular expressions.


"name":"Example regex rule",


Perform a numeric comparison between the filter value and the object value. The syntax is "field":"<op> <value>" where op is one of eq, lt, le, gt or ge.


"name":"Example numeric rule",
    "someproperty":"lt 100"


This match type doesn't actually look at the data in the fields themselves but rather counts how many occurrences are found of the field that is to be matched. Syntax is identical to the one used for the numeric match type, see previous section.


"name":"Example count rule",
    "someproperty":"ge 1"


When writing rules, it's important to remember that the filter template needs to match the object EXACTLY. If a value exists within a list in the object, the template needs to reflect that too. So for the following object:


The following template will NOT match, because the subsection under "properties" is not specified as a list:


But this one matches:


Handling both these templates so they both match in an unambiguous way is on the todo list.

Code of Conduct

This project adheres to the Open Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to honor this code.


A tool for auditing security properties of GCP projects.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%