go get github.com/WeMeetAgain/go-hdwallet
// Generate a random 256 bit seed
seed, err := hdwallet.GenSeed(256)
// Create a master private key
masterprv := hdwallet.MasterKey(seed)
// Convert a private key to public key
masterpub := masterprv.Pub()
// Generate new child key based on private or public key
childprv, err := masterprv.Child(0)
childpub, err := masterpub.Child(0)
// Create bitcoin address from public key
address := childpub.Address()
// Convenience string -> string Child and ToAddress functions
walletstring := childpub.String()
childstring, err := hdwallet.StringChild(walletstring,0)
childaddress, err := hdwallet.StringAddress(childstring)
go get code.google.com/p/go.crypto/ripemd160
go get github.com/conformal/btcutil
go get github.com/conformal/btcec