spica314 / rust-and-nuxt3-app

An example of an application architecture using Rust and Nuxt3 for the frontend and Rust for the backend

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


An example of an application architecture using Rust and Nuxt3 for the frontend and Rust for the backend.

Dependency Graph

graph TD;
  app-api-server --> app-api-schema
  app-front-nuxt3 --> app-front-rust
  app-front-rust --> app-api-schema

Steps to create the structure of this repository from scratch

Setup rust crates

  1. Create crates
cargo new --lib app-api-schema
cargo new --bin app-api-server
cargo new --lib app-front-rust
  1. Add the [lib] section to the app-front-rust/Cargo.toml file
crate-type = ["cdylib", "rlib"]

Setup nuxt3 package

  1. Create a package (ref: https://nuxt.com/docs/getting-started/installation)
npx nuxi@latest init app-front-nuxt3

and select yarn for package manager

  1. Add packages for using wasm (ref: https://github.com/nshen/vite-plugin-wasm-pack?tab=readme-ov-file#install-manually)
yarn add vite vite-plugin-wasm-pack -D
  1. Add a plugin configuration to vite.config.js (ref: https://github.com/nshen/vite-plugin-wasm-pack?tab=readme-ov-file#usage)
import wasmpack from 'vite-plugin-wasm-pack';

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  ssr: false,
  vite: {
    plugins: [wasmpack('../app-front-rust')]
  1. Add scripts for building wasm in package.json
  "scripts": {
    "build": "nuxt build",
-   "dev": "nuxt dev",
-   "generate": "nuxt generate",
+   "dev": "yarn wasm && nuxt dev",
+   "generate": "yarn wasm && nuxt generate && cp ../app-front-rust/pkg/*.wasm ./dist/_nuxt",
    "preview": "nuxt preview",
    "postinstall": "nuxt prepare",
+   "wasm": "wasm-pack build ../app-front-rust --target web"


Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


An example of an application architecture using Rust and Nuxt3 for the frontend and Rust for the backend

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Rust 84.6%Language:Vue 13.9%Language:TypeScript 1.6%