sperlic / zShell

ZSH Framework based on robbyrussell's oh-my-zsh but cholesterol free!

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--- README.markdown
Updated: Wed 05 Jan 2011 04:02:59 PM CET

zShell ZSH Framework with 0% fat!

The original idea come from Robb Russel's Oh-My-ZSH community driven framework. This derivate/fork have same philosophy like OMZ framework but with simplicity in mind. Big part of original code is replaced with new one, and lot of new was added.


  • User files are separated from framework files;
  • Added priority when loading lib/* files;
  • Added .zlogin and .zlogout template files;
  • Added better way for history completion with UP/DOWN arrows from cursor position;
  • VCS prompt use internal vcs_info module;
  • Implemented promptinit to handle themes; OMZ themes does not work;
  • Plugins are compatible with Oh My Zsh framework;


  • Automagicaly setup user files with informations from Bash environment using bash2zsh internal script;
  • Merge tools/*.zsh scripts into one zshell-admin.sh script;
  • Add support for OMZ way to handle themes;
  • Convert rubbrussel.zsh-theme to prompt theme


First you need to download install script and set file executable:

% wget http://code.sperlic.rs/zshell/tools/install.sh
% chmod +x install.sh

Run installation with simple dot slash command from current $PWD:

% ./install.sh

After installation is finished, your zShell environment is ready and you can add and edit files in folder $HOME/.zsh;


For purpose of stay up to date there is a function for updating environment.

% update-zsh



ZSH Framework based on robbyrussell's oh-my-zsh but cholesterol free!
