spencerstock / Android_Sprint9_Challenge

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Spencer Stock

Additional Android Sprint Challenge


Please read this entire README to make sure you understand what is expected of you before you begin.

This sprint challenge is designed to ensure that you are competent with the concepts taught throughout Sprint 9.

In your solution, it is especially important that you follow best practices such as MVC and good, consistent code style. You will be scored on these aspects as well as the project MVP (minimum viable product) requirements below.

Fork this repository and clone your fork to your computer. Create your Android Studio project in this cloned fork repository folder, then commit and create a pull request. Commit appropriately as you work. When finished, push your final project to GitHub and comment on the pull requestto indicate that your project is complete.

You have 3 hours, and you should work independently — looking things up (search, notes) is all fair game. And questions about process / logistics (i.e. if you have a hard time opening/saving to GitHub) are fair game too.

Good luck!

Screen Recording

There is a screen recording in this repo which previews the look and feel of a completed project that meets the MVP requirements for this project.

This is an example showing how two views can look different when using different parameters.


Build a Map activity that has actions in the action bar to center the map on the user's current location and one to place a pin in the center of the screen. When a pin is placed, an audio effect will be played.

  • Use toolbar actions to allow for adding pins and centering on the user
  • Use a mediaplayer to play an audio track when pin is dropped (this could be from a resource directory, the file system, or from the internet)

Stretch Goals

  • Allow a user to set the audio effect and save that persistently
  • Allow a user to remove each pin
  • Allow a user to set a pin that's not in the center (long press for pin)
  • Any other polish features that you'd like to add



Language:Java 100.0%