spencerrwise / extinct-mammals

Simple NodeJS/mongoDB API

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Simple NodeJS/mongoDB API

##Objective This will help solidify your understanding of mongoDB alongside of NodeJS using a popular ORM for mongo called mongoose You'll build a public API of extinct mammals retrieved from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_extinct_mammals

##Day One ###Step 1: Build your project

  • Create your package.json file with mongoose and express as dependencies
  • Make sure mongod is running in your terminal
  • Create a server.js file that will hold all of your API's logic
  • Be sure to require and initialize express

###Step 2: Setup the mongoDB connection (reference: http://mongoosejs.com/docs/)

  • In your server.js require the mongoose library and create a connection to your database server
  • Create your mammalSchema with three fields: name, type, and year_extinct
  • Use express to create two endpoints on /, one a GET and one a POST


  • returns a JSON array of all extinct mammals, ordered by name


  • saves a new Mammal model based on the fields given in the JSON request

###Step 3: Insert some data

##Day Two ###Step 4: Break up your project into multiple modules

  • (You can use https://gist.github.com/fwielstra/1025038 as a good example)
  • Create an api.js to hold your get and post calls
  • Create a mammal.js that contains the schema and model creation for Mammal
  • Create an app.js file that brings everything together:
    • it should require the express and mongoose modules
    • it should instantiate express and connect to the mongo server
    • it should require the api module and connect the endoints to their appropriate functions in api.js
    • it should start the server listening on a desired port

###Step 5: Routing and fetching

  • Use a more complicated routing structure for your GET / call:
    • change the route to point to /mammals rather than just /
    • make it so that if someone requests /mammals/marsupials or mammals/rodents the call will return only mammals of that type
    • include an order_by query param that instructs the API to order the results by the given field

###Step 6 (Black Diamond): Query by id

  • Use regex to determine whether someone is asking for /mammals/:id or /mammals/:type and return the appropriate response

##Integration Tests with Jasmine ###Step 1: Create your spec file You can name it whatever you'd like, but since we're testing the API, let's call it test/spec/apispec.js ###Step 2: Make sure you have the correct setup

  • Make sure mongodb is running (either in another tab or via mongod &)
  • Make sure node app.js is running and has no problems
  • Make sure you're required the request lib in your spec
  • "Describe" your test case, maybe something like "tests the api"

###Step 3: Create a spec to make sure GET /mammals returns data

  • NOTE: make sure you have some data in your collection
  • Hint: Use the "toThrow" matcher in Jasmine to make sure try to parse JSON from the response body doesn't throw an error:
request("http://localhost:8888/mammals", function(err, response, body) {
 var checkJSON = function() {
  //if body isn't valid JSON, this will throw an error and break stuff

###Step 4: Create specs to make sure both variations of /mammals work GET /mammals should work as well as /mammals/marsupial (or however you input the type)

###Step 5: Create a spec to ensure that POST /mammals works You're going to need to utilize the post method of the request library, like so:

 uri: url+"/mammals",
 method: 'POST',
 json: {
  "name": "TEST MAMMAL", 
  "type": "test", 
  "year_extinct": 2013
}, function(err, response, body) {
 //code for assertion and done() here


Simple NodeJS/mongoDB API


Language:JavaScript 100.0%