spell1612 / todo

My first laravel project. Contains a basic CRUD

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ToDo List(Tutorial)

Just a basic CRUD interface I made, along with a setup tutorial I wrote which can be used for future references.


First time setup

Steps ( For admin privileges, start Powershell in admin mode or if Unix use $ sudo elevation)

  • After installing requirements, setup laravel's global installer $ composer global require laravel/insaller
  • Go to the project folder and grab the project dependancies with $ composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel <projectname>
  • cd into projcet folder with $ cd <projectname>
  • Setup your local environment (create a database etc...)
  • Setup the ENVIRONMENT variables in the .env file. Create one if it's absent.
  • Use $ php artisan serve to host the default Laravel app at localhost:8000
  • use $ php artisan make:migration <migrationname> to create migrations which define the schema of the different tables in the database.
    • use $ php artisan migrate to migrate these changes over to the database
  • use $ php artisan make:controller <controllername> to generate a controller file in the app/HTTP/Controller directory
  • Make app changes as required

Setting up a laravel project/app from github

These are some general steps to setup a laravel project from git on your local environment I'll use my project as an example (be sure to setup git and the other requirements mentioned above on your local machine before hand)

  • clone from git using $ git clone https://github.com/spell1612/todo.git <foldername> (Foldername optional. Defaults to repo name)
  • cd into folder with $ cd <foldername> or $ cd todo by default
  • create new env file by using $ cp .env.example .env
  • Setup your local environment (create a database etc...)
  • Enter your environment details in the .env file
  • grab the dependancies with $ composer update
    • dependancies can be defined in the composer.json file
  • migrate the db changes using $ php artisan migrate
  • if the app has default db values defined in the database/seed directory, use $ php artisan db:seed to seed them into the database
  • $ php artisan serve to run the app at localhost:8000


My first laravel project. Contains a basic CRUD


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