spearki / search

Search service for OpenStack

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Search service for OpenStack (a prototype)


  • Python (dah!): python 2.7, virtualenv, setuptools, pip
  • mysql client - must be installed on the system for mysql-python dependency. On Mac, use homebrew: brew install mysql. On debian, apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev.
  • libmxl2 - on Ubuntu/Debian, apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev
  • Java JRE 1.6 and above, and Apache Solr 4.x (tested with 4.4.0) - detaied instruction ./data/solr/README.md
    • All pre-requisites for Ubuntu are captured for Ubuntu in toosl/install-prereqs.sh

Set up virtualenv

To setup the virtual-env do the following while in the search root folder.

  1. cd $SEARCH_ROOT
  2. $virtualenv -p python .venv [create a virtual environemnt with defaut python. If -p python is not specified could end up with some random python. We use $VIRTUAL_ENV_ROOT=.venv]
  3. $source venv/bin/activate
  4. $pip install -q -r requirements.txt [install all the requirements specified in requirements.txt]. Once done, it should print Successfully installed and a list of packages.

Run unittests

nosetests -v

Enable Nova AMQP notifications

We use the same mechanism as Ceilometer or StackTach, and asking for the same change. The AMQP notifications must be enabled on each compute node.

  • Edit /etc/nova/nova.conf file, in the DEFAULT section add the line: notification_driver=nova.openstack.common.notifier.rabbit_notifier By default it is disabled or [commented out] See nova.conf sample on openstack github.

  • Restart nova-compute on each compute node for the config to take effect:

      sudo stop nova-compute
      sudo start nova-compute

Hint for DevStack users

With devstack the typical 'sudo service nova-* restart' does not work. Running 'sudo ./unstack.sh' followed by 'sudo ./stack.sh' also does not work as it overwrites changes to nova.conf. To restart nova-compute on dev-stack:

  1. attach to the screen that stack.sh has started
  2. screen -x stack Note: screen -r works, too: we don't know the difference yet. Quick reference on screen: http://aperiodic.net/screen/quick_reference
  3. step into the screen for each service individually by 'ctrl+a #{screen no}' e.g. 'ctrl+a 5'is the nova api. Use ctrl-a, " to switch between screens if # double-digit.
  4. ctrl + c to stop the service; up arrow and enter to restart
  5. ctrl+a, d to leave (detach) the screen session
  6. restarting n-cpu shall enable the notifications.

Start up the workers

  1. If using virtualenv, activate it (source .venv/bin/activate)

  2. modify $SEARCH_ROOT/config/config.ini - adjust to your OpenStack setup

  3. modify $SEARCH_ROOT/config/logging.conf to adjust the path for logs

  4. Configure Solr: modify $SEARCH_ROOT/data/solr/params.sh to point to your Solr installation

  5. Start Solr: ./solr-testrun.sh If everything Ok, the Solr will be configured and running, ready to go.

     OK :)
     Solr installed, configured, tested, and running
     Go to http://localhost:8983/solr
     For output: tail -f -20 solr.out
     To shut down: ./kill.sh
  6. Start the workers:

     python search/start_workers.py -f ./config/config.ini


Search service for OpenStack

License:Apache License 2.0