speakeasy-sdks / opa-typescript

Home Page:https://styrainc.github.io/opa-typescript/

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OPA Typescript SDK


SDK Installation


npm add https://github.com/StyraInc/opa-typescript


yarn add https://github.com/StyraInc/opa-typescript


For supported JavaScript runtimes, please consult RUNTIMES.md.

SDK Example Usage (high-level)

All the code examples that follow assume that the high-level SDK module has been imported, and that an OPA instance was created:

import { OPAClient } from "@styra/opa";

const serverURL = "http://opa-host:8181";
const path = "authz/allow";
const opa = new OPAClient(serverURL);

Simple query

For a simple boolean response without input, use the SDK as follows:

const allowed = await opa.authorize(path);
console.log(allowed ? "allowed!" : "denied!");

Note that allowed will be of type any. You can change that by providing type parameters to authorize:

const allowed = await opa.authorize<never, boolean>(path);

The first parameter is the type of input passed into authorized; we don't have any in this example, so you can use anything for it (any, unknown, or never).

HTTP Request
POST /v1/data/authz/allow
Content-Type: application/json



Input is provided as a second (optional) argument to authorize:

const input = { user: "alice" };
const allowed = await opa.authorize(path, input);
console.log(allowed ? "allowed!" : "denied!");

For providing types, use

interface myInput {
  user: string;
const input: myInput = { user: "alice" };
const allowed = await opa.authorize<myInput, boolean>(path, input);
console.log(allowed ? "allowed!" : "denied!");
HTTP Request
POST /v1/data/authz/allow
Content-Type: application/json

{ "input": { "user": "alice" } }

Result Types

When the result of the policy evaluation is more complex, you can pass its type to authorized and get a typed result:

interface myInput {
  user: string;
interface myResult {
  authorized: boolean;
  details: string[];
const input: myInput = { user: "alice" };
const result = await opa.authorize<myInput, myResult>(path, input);
console.log(result.authorized ? "allowed!" : "denied!");

Input Transformations

If you pass in an arbitrary object as input, it'll be stringified (JSON.stringify):

class A {
  // With these names, JSON.stringify() returns the right thing.
  name: string;
  list: any[];

  constructor(name: string, list: any[]) {
    this.name = name;
    this.list = list;
const inp = new A("alice", [1, 2, true]);
const allowed = await opa.authorize<myInput, boolean>(path, inp);
console.log(allowed ? "allowed!" : "denied!");

You can control the input that's constructed from an object by implementing ToInput:

class A implements ToInput {
  // With these names, JSON.stringify() doesn't return the right thing.
  private n: string;
  private l: any[];

  constructor(name: string, list: any[]) {
    this.n = name;
    this.l = list;

  toInput(): Input {
    return { name: this.n, list: this.l };
const inp = new A("alice", [1, 2, true]);
const allowed = await opa.authorize<myInput, boolean>(path, inp);
console.log(allowed ? "allowed!" : "denied!");
HTTP Request
POST /v1/data/authz/allow
Content-Type: application/json

{ "input": { "name": "alice", "list": [ 1, 2, true ] } }

Result Transformations

If the result format of the policy evaluation does not match what you want it to be, you can provide a third argument, a function that transforms the API result.

Assuming that the policy evaluates to

  "allowed": true,
  "details": ["property-a is OK", "property-B is OK"]

you can turn it into a boolean result like this:

const allowed = await opa.authorize<any, boolean>(
  (r?: Result) => (r as Record<string, any>)["allowed"] ?? false,
console.log(allowed ? "allowed!" : "denied!");


For low-level SDK usage, see the sections below.

SDK Example Usage


import { OpaApiClient } from "@styra/opa";

async function run() {
    const sdk = new OpaApiClient();

    const result = await sdk.executePolicyWithInput({
        path: "app/rbac",
        requestBody: {
            input: {
                user: "alice",
                action: "read",
                object: "id123",
                type: "dog",

    // Handle the result


Available Resources and Operations

Error Handling

All SDK methods return a response object or throw an error. If Error objects are specified in your OpenAPI Spec, the SDK will throw the appropriate Error type.

Error Object Status Code Content Type
errors.ClientError 400 application/json
errors.ServerError 500 application/json
errors.SDKError 4xx-5xx /

Validation errors can also occur when either method arguments or data returned from the server do not match the expected format. The SDKValidationError that is thrown as a result will capture the raw value that failed validation in an attribute called rawValue. Additionally, a pretty() method is available on this error that can be used to log a nicely formatted string since validation errors can list many issues and the plain error string may be difficult read when debugging.

import { OpaApiClient } from "@styra/opa";
import * as errors from "@styra/opa/models/errors";

async function run() {
    const sdk = new OpaApiClient();

    let result;
    try {
        result = await sdk.executePolicy({
            path: "app/rbac",
    } catch (err) {
        switch (true) {
            case err instanceof errors.SDKValidationError: {
                // Validation errors can be pretty-printed
                // Raw value may also be inspected
            case err instanceof errors.ClientError: {
                console.error(err); // handle exception
            case err instanceof errors.ServerError: {
                console.error(err); // handle exception
            default: {
                throw err;

    // Handle the result


Server Selection

Select Server by Index

You can override the default server globally by passing a server index to the serverIdx optional parameter when initializing the SDK client instance. The selected server will then be used as the default on the operations that use it. This table lists the indexes associated with the available servers:

# Server Variables
0 http://localhost:8181 None
import { OpaApiClient } from "@styra/opa";

async function run() {
    const sdk = new OpaApiClient({
        serverIdx: 0,

    const result = await sdk.executePolicy({
        path: "app/rbac",

    // Handle the result


Override Server URL Per-Client

The default server can also be overridden globally by passing a URL to the serverURL optional parameter when initializing the SDK client instance. For example:

import { OpaApiClient } from "@styra/opa";

async function run() {
    const sdk = new OpaApiClient({
        serverURL: "http://localhost:8181",

    const result = await sdk.executePolicy({
        path: "app/rbac",

    // Handle the result


Custom HTTP Client

The TypeScript SDK makes API calls using an HTTPClient that wraps the native Fetch API. This client is a thin wrapper around fetch and provides the ability to attach hooks around the request lifecycle that can be used to modify the request or handle errors and response.

The HTTPClient constructor takes an optional fetcher argument that can be used to integrate a third-party HTTP client or when writing tests to mock out the HTTP client and feed in fixtures.

The following example shows how to use the "beforeRequest" hook to to add a custom header and a timeout to requests and how to use the "requestError" hook to log errors:

import { OpaApiClient } from "@styra/opa";
import { HTTPClient } from "@styra/opa/lib/http";

const httpClient = new HTTPClient({
  // fetcher takes a function that has the same signature as native `fetch`.
  fetcher: (request) => {
    return fetch(request);

httpClient.addHook("beforeRequest", (request) => {
  const nextRequest = new Request(request, {
    signal: request.signal || AbortSignal.timeout(5000);

  nextRequest.headers.set("x-custom-header", "custom value");

  return nextRequest;

httpClient.addHook("requestError", (error, request) => {
  console.group("Request Error");
  console.log("Reason:", `${error}`);
  console.log("Endpoint:", `${request.method} ${request.url}`);

const sdk = new OpaApiClient({ httpClient });



This SDK is in beta, and there may be breaking changes between versions without a major version update. Therefore, we recommend pinning usage to a specific package version. This way, you can install the same version each time without breaking changes unless you are intentionally looking for the latest version.



License:Apache License 2.0


Language:TypeScript 97.8%Language:JavaScript 2.2%