Automagically process the model of the SPDXv3 specification to validate input or to generate stuff.
python3 ./ -h
usage: [-h] [-d] [-f] [-n] [-q] [-v] [-V] input_dir [output_dir]
Generate documentation from an SPDX 3.0 model
positional arguments:
input_dir Directory containing the input specification files
output_dir Directory to write the output files to
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --debug Print debug output
-f, --force Overwrite existing generated files
-n, --nooutput Do not generate anything, only check input
-q, --quiet Print no output
-v, --verbose Print verbose output
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
Note that not all flags are functional yet.
python3 -n some/where/.../model
Note that no dependencies are needed.
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 some/where/.../model some/where/else/.../output_dir
- parse everything in model
- generate mkdocs input
- generate JSON dump
- generate diagrams
- generate RDF ontology
- generate JSON-LD context
Contributions are always welcome!
Feel free to open issues for any behavior that is (or even simply does not seem) correct.
However, due to the pressure for releasing SPDXv3, development is happening in fast mode, and not always refelcted in this repository. To save everyone valuable time, if you want to contribute code: clearly indicate in the corresponding issue your willingness to work on it, and wait for the assignment of the issue to you.