spdavid / t13activityweb

Website to help organizations & clubs coordinate activities amongst their members

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T13 Activity Web

Website to help organizations & clubs coordinate activities amongst their members, especially my local karting club.

Master: Build Status Dev: Build Status Release: Release status

Developed by Marcus Sonestedt under the Affero GPL license.

Data model

  • EventTypes - race day, training week, track work day or club barbequeue
  • Events - a specific race or similar time-bound event of some type
  • ActivityType - a role that has to be filled during an event, flag marshal, pre-grid controller or technical scrutineer for races, carpenter or painter for work days or grillmeister and saucemaster for barbequeues.
  • Activity - a specific activity of given type for an event, which can be assigned to a user
  • Member - person able to perform an Activity, possible linked to a web site User
  • ActivityDelistRequest - request by member to be delisted from an activity, must be approved/rejected by staff to have an effect, unless someone else books that activity


  • Any OS should work, although it has been devleoped on Windows with the goal to support running on Linux in production.
  • Visual Studio Code is an free and excellent editor.
  • Visual Studio Community/Professional is also usable.

Architecture Overview

This project was set-up with inspiration from this blog but using Typescript instead of Javascript for the React frontend for type safety.

Currently, the React-based frontend is served via the Django web server but it could be moved to a fast, static website/CDN in the future.

The end-user part of the front-end is written in React to work as a single-page web application, putting most of the work on the client and leaving the server with only delivering data and answering terse api-calls.

For administrators, a classic render-html-on-server approach via the regular Django framework is used, mostly because we want to use Django's great autogenerated admin-site to enter and adjust the backing data


Uses Django & Django REST Framework.

By default, uses the SQLite db during development, which runs in-process against a single file.

  • Install Python 3.7 or later

  • Create a virtual python environment and activate it

    • On Windows:

      python -m venv env  
    • On Linux:

      virtualenv env
      source env/scripts/activate
  • Install required packages (into the virtual environment)
    This must be done whenever requirements.txt is updated)

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Initialize database with create schema (via migrations), load some sample data and create a super user so you can log in:
python manage.py migrate
cat fixtures/2020_testdata.json | python manage.py loaddata - --format= json
python manage.py createsuperuser
  • Start development server
python manage.py runserver


Uses React, TypeScript and Bootstrap.

  • Install Node.js

  • Go into frontend dir

    cd frontend
  • Install packages:
    This must be done whenever frontend/packages.json is updated.

    npm install
  • Start development server

    npm run start

Setup running in production

  • Perform steps for backend & frontend above except starting servers

  • In repo root, run the build.py script:

    python ./build.py

    This builds the frontend and copies static files to where Django expects them.

  • Setup the Django site as a WSGI app on your web host:

    import os
    import sys
    # assuming your django settings file is at '/home/macke/t13activityweb/T13ActivityWeb/settings.py'
    # and your manage.py is is at '/home/macke/t13activityweb/manage.py'
    path = '/home/macke/t13activityweb'
    if path not in sys.path:
    os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'T13ActivityWeb.settings'
    # then:
    from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application
    application = get_wsgi_application()
  • Start your server!

Update individual packages


Check outdated packages

npm outdated

Then update (save/save-dev depending if used during runtime or not)

npm install <package>@latest --save[-dev]


List outdated packages:

python -m pip list --outdated

Update via pipupgrade, or any another method recommended here.

python -m pip install pipupgrade
python -m pipupgrade --latest --yes

Third-party services

API-Keys, passwords, email-addreses and other things that interact with the world outside this web application is stored in secrets.py.

See secrets_example.py for the format and current keys.

The app should work fine without this file or with a subset of keys, please report a bug if your experience is different.

ReCaptcha v3


  • Verify that users registering and/or logging in are humans



  • Website uses the django-recaptcha library to integrate into login/register forms.
    The forms have a ReCaptcha field and the require



  • send/receive SMSes.
  • verifying phone numbers (via SMS)


  • Create phone number (for SMS source) and get api keys from their Admin Console.

  • Create a messaging service and configure webhook to point to our server's 'api/sms' view to receive SMS.


  • Web site uses Twilio's python library to send SMS and verify phone numbers.

Sendgrid (by Twilio)


  • Send lots of emails.



  • Web site uses Sendgrid's SMTP relay to use Django's existing email code easily.


Website to help organizations & clubs coordinate activities amongst their members

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:TypeScript 48.5%Language:Python 43.1%Language:HTML 4.6%Language:JavaScript 2.7%Language:CSS 1.1%