spajeo / push_swap-1

School Project : Algorithm (1)

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Subject 📌

Push_swap is a sorting game that requires two programs :

  • push_swap : You only have two stacks to help you to sort. At first, a stack (called Stack A) contains a certain amount of unduplicated integers and a second one (Stack B) is empty. The goal is to have all the numbers sorted in increasing order in Stack A. The output of the program is a list of instructions.
  • checker : read the instructions and execute them. It checks if Stack A is correctly sorted and Stack B empy. It sends "OK" to stdin if it is the case, otherwise it sends "KO".

Instructions are pre-defined by the subject and are the only reference to measure the performance of both programs during the peer-evaluation. Of course the less, the better. There are 4 types of instructions :

  • push (pa, pb) : moves the first element of a stack to the beginning of the other one
  • swap (sa, sb, ss) : swap the two first elements of a stack
  • rotate (ra, rb, rr) : first element comes last
  • reverse rotate (rra, rrb, rrr) : last element comes first

The instruction is ignored if the instruction cannot be executed (for instance if the stack is empty).

Allowed functions : write, read, malloc, free, exit

Find the subject here

Libraries 📚

  • libft : personnal library with functions from libc.h (printf from stdio.h for instance)
  • liblst : personnal library with a set of tools to manipulate Linux-like linked lists
  • ncurse : for bonuses only


Different methods are used according to the number of elements to sort to reach the objectives asked by the correction.

  • sort_three sorts 3 elements with less than 3 instructions
  • insert_sort sorts short lists (with less than 20 elements)
  • quick_sort sort 100 elements with less than 900 instructions, and around 6600 for 500 elements. These are average numbers, see ⬇️ for further details.

Quicksort described step-by-step

The algorithm is a while loop with 2 algorithms, the 1st is called quick_a and is directly followed by the 2nd one called quick_b. The loop stops when Stack A is sorted and Stack B is either empty or reverse sorted. In the second case, all elements in Stack B are pushed back to Stack A.

quick_a routine

void		ft_ps_quick_a(void)
	int	pivot;
	int	pushed;
	node	left;

	pushed = 0;
	while (NB_ELEM_A > 1)
		/* Top element on Stack A is selected as pivot */
		pivot = DATA(;

		/* It is also tagged as SORTED to indicate it will be pushed
		   at its correct location on Stack B */
		SORTED( = 1;

		left = TOP_A;
		/* We go through Stack A and compare elements with the pivot */
		/* Lower elements are sent to Stack B */
		if (ft_there_is_left_to_sort(&left, &pivot))
			ft_push_lower(&left, &pushed, &pivot);
			if (ft_exec_head_is_sorted(&HEAD_A))
				ft_ps_find_shortest_path(&HEAD_A, DATA(;
				break ;
			/* When top of Stack A is on the pivot again,*/
			/* it is pushed to Stack B */
			ft_stack_a_routine(&pushed, &pivot);

This process goes on until Stack A is sorted or if there is a single value remaining.

quick_b routine

We apply the same process to Stack B. However, two things are now different :

  1. Stack B now has a number of sections separated by tagged elements.These elements can not be selected as pivot again. Whenever there is a tagged element at the top of Stack B, it is popped to Stack A. The element at the top of Stack B is tagged and used as a pivot. The process is repeated until a tagged element is met again or if Stack B is empty.

  2. If the section has less than 30 elements (numbers of elements in Stack B between the new pivot and the next tagged element), there are sorted thanks to an selectsort based algorithm.

void	ft_quick_select(int *pushed, int *pivot)
	/* Push all the values between two pivots
	   and selects the greastest value each time */
	while (*pushed)
		ft_ps_push_max(&HEAD_B, *pushed);

	if (ft_exec_head_is_sorted(&HEAD_A) &&
			(ft_ps_head_is_reverse_sorted(&HEAD_B) || !NB_ELEM_B))
		return ;

	/* Pushback everything to Stack B */
	while (DATA(TOP_A) < *pivot)

Worse case performance 💥

This quicksort-like algorithm seems to share the advantages and disavantages with Hoare’s Quicksort. Best cases occur when the first pivot breaks Stack A in halves (or close to) and worse performances occur when elements are almost in order or reverse order.


  • "advanced" parsing : 0 "4 2" 1 6" 3 7" 8
  • option to clear up all redondant moves (ex : pb then pa)
  • save instructions in a file
  • short script to execute quickly push_swap then checker with random numbers and shows some info (OK / KO, time, initial list)
  • interactive display made with ncurse

Sources 📑

Help ❗

> ./push_swap [--clean] [-x] [args ...]
> ./checker [-x] [args ...]

clean : check for known instruction patterns and delete them

x : write instructions results.txt

args : integers to be sorted. Send ERROR if the parameter is not an integer or a duplicated element

ARG="4 67 3 87 23";./push_swap $ARG | ./checker $ARG

./push_swap --clean 2 6 3 5 7 1 4 | ./checker 2 6 3 5 7 1 4

./push_swap -x 2 6 3 5 && ./checker -x 2 6 3 5

./push_swap --clean -x 2 6 3 5 && ./checker -x 2 6 3 5

> doxygen Doxyfile

Doxygen has to be installed : > brew install doxygen


Project achived at 112%


School Project : Algorithm (1)


Language:C 90.5%Language:Makefile 7.2%Language:Perl 1.9%Language:Shell 0.3%