sovit-123 / pytorch-dcgan-framework

A small PyTorch framework to try out and train DCGAN on different datasets.

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DCGAN Training on Different Datasets using PyTorch

  • Currently, the generator generates 64x64 resolution images.

Current Features/Supports

  • You can resume training from any saved model.
  • TensorBoard logging of loss graphs.
  • Resuming training will also create new TensorBoard run where the old plots will be generated first, and then continue.
  • The generator model is from the paper Unsupervised Representation Learning with Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks. I tried to replicate it as well as I could.
  • The discriminator network follows all the rules from the official paper although there can be a few flexibilties to the size and depth of the network. Still, the core rules are all from the paper.
  • Option to save GIFs of generated images after training ends (See If trained for high number of epochs (>500), it will require a lot of RAM as all the saved images from the 500 epochs will be loaded directly to memory to create teh GIF. Therefore provided option to turn it off.

Current Datasets Supported

  • Fashion MNIST
  • CIFAR10
  • Abstract Art Gallery

Dataset Directory

The datasets are one folder back from the working project directory. Relative path from current project directory:

  • ../input/data

Following is the structure showing how all the datasets are arranged:

    │   ├───Abstract_gallery
    │   │   └───Abstract_gallery
    │   └───Abstract_gallery_2
    │       └───Abstract_gallery_2
    │   └───img_align_celeba
    │   └───raw
    │   └───raw
  • MNIST, Fashion MNIST, and CIFAR10 data are directly downloaded from PyTorch torchvision module.
  • To train on CelebA and Abstract Art Gallery dataset, you need to download them and arrange them proper directory first.
  • Download CelebA dataset.
    • Download the file.
  • Download Abstract Art Gallery dataset.

Project Directory

├── outputs_ABSTRACT_ART
├── outputs_CELEBA
├── outputs_CIFAR10
├── outputs_FashionMNIST
├── outputs_MNIST
├── runs

Training Configurations

  • The training configuration for MNIST and Fashion MNIST datasets are the same.

    • Just change the DATASET to 'MNIST' or 'FashionMNIST'. N_CHANNELS should be 1 for grayscale images.

      import torch
      BATCH_SIZE = 128
      EPOCHS  = 50
      EPOCH_START = 0
      NUM_WORKERS = 4
      MULT_FACTOR = 1
      # image channels
      N_CHANNELS = 1
      # SAMPLE_SIZE is the total number of images in row x column form...
      # if SAMPLE_SIZE = 64, then 8x8 image grids will be saved to disk...
      # if SAMPLE_SIZE = 128, then 16x8 image grids will be saved to disk...
      SAMPLE_SIZE = 64
      # latent vector size
      NZ = 100
      # number of steps to apply to the discriminator
      K = 1
      DEVICE = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
      # one of 'MNIST', 'FashionMNIST', 'CIFAR10', 'CELEBA', ...
      # ... 'ABSTRACT_ART'
      # for printing metrics
      PRINT_EVERY = 100
      # for optimizer
      BETA1 = 0.5
      BETA2 = 0.999
      LEARNING_RATE = 0.0002
      # Epcoh nterval at which to save the Generator Model.
      # Provide path to a trained model to resume training, else keep `None`.
      # GEN_MODEL_PATH = 'outputs_MNIST/generator_final.pth'
      # DISC_MODEL_PATH = 'outputs_MNIST/discriminator_final.pth'
      GEN_MODEL_PATH = None
      DISC_MODEL_PATH = None
      # Whether to create GIF from all the generated images at the end or not,
      # might need a considerable amoung of RAM as all the generated images will
      # be loaded to at once. Give values as either `True` or `False`.
      CREATE_GIF = False
  • For CIFAR10 and other colored images datasets, change the N_CHANNELS to 3, RGB images.

    • import torch
      BATCH_SIZE = 128
      EPOCHS  = 50
      EPOCH_START = 0
      NUM_WORKERS = 4
      MULT_FACTOR = 1
      # image channels
      N_CHANNELS = 3
      # SAMPLE_SIZE is the total number of images in row x column form...
      # if SAMPLE_SIZE = 64, then 8x8 image grids will be saved to disk...
      # if SAMPLE_SIZE = 128, then 16x8 image grids will be saved to disk...
      SAMPLE_SIZE = 64
      # latent vector size
      NZ = 100
      # number of steps to apply to the discriminator
      K = 1
      DEVICE = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
      # one of 'MNIST', 'FashionMNIST', 'CIFAR10', 'CELEBA', ...
      # ... 'ABSTRACT_ART'
      # for printing metrics
      PRINT_EVERY = 100
      # for optimizer
      BETA1 = 0.5
      BETA2 = 0.999
      LEARNING_RATE = 0.0002
      # Epcoh nterval at which to save the Generator Model.
      # Provide path to a trained model to resume training, else keep `None`.
      # GEN_MODEL_PATH = 'outputs_MNIST/generator_final.pth'
      # DISC_MODEL_PATH = 'outputs_MNIST/discriminator_final.pth'
      GEN_MODEL_PATH = None
      DISC_MODEL_PATH = None
      # Whether to create GIF from all the generated images at the end or not,
      # might need a considerable amoung of RAM as all the generated images will
      # be loaded to at once. Give values as either `True` or `False`.
      CREATE_GIF = False


A small PyTorch framework to try out and train DCGAN on different datasets.


Language:Python 100.0%