souza-eab / QCN_spatial

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Based on the data available 1_Asset_v0-1 (MCTI, 2020), only one column was included. This column is obtained by relating the IBGE FITO to the LULC classes (Mapbiomas-C8, 2023) and generating the 'MB_C8' column.
**IBGE FITO** to the **LULC classes (Mapbiomas-C8, 2023)

Eg. Amazon - 1_Asset_v0-1

fito c_abg c_bgb c_dw c_litter total MB_C8
Aa 117.3 11.7 9.5 6.8 ..... 3
Ab 133.9 13.4 10.9 7.7 ..... 3
.. ..... ..... .... ........ ..... ......
Pa 43.9 16.2 4.8 1.6 ..... 11

The original data are geopackages. To ingest assets tile it into Earth Engine (.EE), all the biomes had to be divided into tiles. Well, like the Amazon process, it was also done using tiles.

Results Assets

Once the data has been processed and is available in .EE, the path to accessing are:

---> 📂Folder QCN - root path:

var path = 'projects/mapbiomas-workspace/SEEG/2023/QCN'
Asset Description Scale format Complete path
0_Data_Official_tiles tile files from all biomes raster (GDAL)* 30m 'ee.ImgC' 'projects/mapbiomas-workspace/SEEG/2023/QCN/0_Data_Official_tiles'
0_pastVegetation_v0-1 tile files from biome Amazon for rasterize (.EE) 30m 'ee.Img' 'projects/mapbiomas-workspace/SEEG/2023/QCN/0_pastVegetation_v0-1'
0_pastVegetation_v0-2 tile files from biome Amazon for rasterize (.EE) 250m 'ee.Img' 'projects/mapbiomas-workspace/SEEG/2023/QCN/0_pastVegetation_v0-2'
1_Asset_v0-1 Official data QCN - BR 30m 'ee.ImgC' 'projects/mapbiomas-workspace/SEEG/2023/QCN/1_Asset_v0-1'
1_Asset_v0-2 Official data QCN - BR 250m & 30m 'ee.ImgC' 'projects/mapbiomas-workspace/SEEG/2023/QCN/1_Asset_v0-2'
2_Asset_v0-1_rect Official data ('QCN-BR') rectified by weighted average ´FITO´ 30m 'ee.ImgC' 'projects/mapbiomas-workspace/SEEG/2023/QCN/2_Asset_v0-1_rect'
2_Asset_v0-2_rect Official data ('QCN-BR') rectified by weighted average ´FITO´ 250m & 30m 'ee.ImgC' 'projects/mapbiomas-workspace/SEEG/2023/QCN/2_Asset_v0-2_rect'
3_Asset_v0-1_rect_AGB ......... rectified AGB by weighted average ´FITO´ 30m 'ee.ImgC' 'projects/mapbiomas-workspace/SEEG/2023/QCN/3_Asset_v0-1_rect_AGB'
3_Asset_v0-1_rect_BGB ......... rectified BGB by weighted average ´FITO´ 30m 'ee.ImgC' 'projects/mapbiomas-workspace/SEEG/2023/QCN/3_Asset_v0-1_rect_BGB'
3_Asset_v0-1_rect_CDW ......... rectified CDW by weighted average ´FITO´ 30m 'ee.ImgC' 'projects/mapbiomas-workspace/SEEG/2023/QCN/3_Asset_v0-1_rect_CDW'
3_Asset_v0-1_rect_LIT ......... rectified LIT by weighted average ´FITO´ 30m 'ee.ImgC' 'projects/mapbiomas-workspace/SEEG/2023/QCN/3_Asset_v0-1_rect_LIT'
4_Asset_v0-2_rect_AGB ......... rectified AGB by weighted average ´FITO´ 250 & 30m 'ee.ImgC' 'projects/mapbiomas-workspace/SEEG/2023/QCN/4_Asset_v0-2_rect_AGB'
4_Asset_v0-2_rect_BGB ......... rectified BGB by weighted average ´FITO´ 250 & 30m 'ee.ImgC' 'projects/mapbiomas-workspace/SEEG/2023/QCN/4_Asset_v0-2_rect_BGB'
4_Asset_v0-2_rect_CDW ......... rectified CDW by weighted average ´FITO´ 250 & 30m 'ee.ImgC' 'projects/mapbiomas-workspace/SEEG/2023/QCN/4_Asset_v0-2_rect_CDW'
4_Asset_v0-2_rect_LIT ......... rectified LIT by weighted average ´FITO´ 250 & 30m 'ee.ImgC' 'projects/mapbiomas-workspace/SEEG/2023/QCN/4_Asset_v0-2_rect_LIT'
// *Expect biome AMZ

// +INFO Assets QCN (
// Data official (total)
var data_Total_carbon = ee.ImageCollection('projects/mapbiomas-workspace/SEEG/2023/QCN/1_Asset_v0-1')
  .select('total') //.select('c_agb'; 'c_bgb'; 'c_dw'; 'c_litter'; '...'; 'total')
  .filterMetadata('biome', 'equals', 'amazonia')
// MapaddLayer
var visFlo = {min: 0,max: 200,
Map.addLayer(data_Total_carbon, visFlo,"data_Total_carbon");

Link to script - 'total'

Link to script - 'c_agb'


Folders 📂 are organized by key-steps ✨ and contain a set of codes {} following the QCN QCN_rectify classification scheme:

  1. ✨ Scripts GEE.js



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