Group Project: Job Tracker API
Developed by Mark, Soul & Helmi
Technologies Used
Front End:
Back End:
Ruby On Rails
General Approach
First step that we did, was to brainstorm the user story and did a rough sketch of what our website would look like. We then wrote down the database table and entity relationship diagram of what is needed for our API so that we know what are the primary keys and relationships for our database. After coming up with the database, we designed the wireframes and decided on what technologies we would use to run our API on.
After we have all the components and ideas of how our website would look like, we then divided the task of building our website according to front end and back end design of the website.
User story:
As a job-seeker, I want to register an account so I can login.
As a job-seeker, I want to add a job I'm applying for.
As a job-seeker, I want to see the jobs, I've applied for.
As a job-seeker, I want to edit my job listings so I can track my application progress.
As a careers coach, I want to view the jobs my clients have applied for.
As a user I want to add jobs, I will not apply for, so that other users can be notified of jobs available. (i.e Job Board Feature)
Wireframes: Also available in wireframes folder.
Unsolved Problems or Major Hurdles:
Using github branch files to merge files (i.e. conflicting file issues).
Seedfile status not in sync between team members' files.
Limited time to include admin login so that admin can view jobs that the clients have applied for.
Date format of the new added job in job listing is not the same format as the other jobs in the currrent listing until user refresh page.
If user changed his/her decision after updating job status and decided to delete it instead, user need to refresh page to see that job has been deleted from listing.
Last application submitted time/date format doesn't update.
Need to refresh page in order to get an update of Your Job Diary daily/weekly/pending applications.
Website is not in scope for mobile optimization.
If add more than 5 jobs daily, it intermittently resets your daily job target at times and randomly creates duplicate jobs in your joblisting.