souvik666 / bluemercuryclone

Clone of with backend as a part of a construct week project at Masai School. This project includes features like authentication, sorting products using filters, buying a product, promo code, card payment and Paytm payment gateway, etc. We used MongoDB Atlas to store data and users can only buy a product after login. We used EJS to show data dynamically.

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bluemercury Clone

Bluemercury is a chain of American beauty stores founded in 1999 by Marla Malcolm Beck and Barry Beck. This project was build as a construct week project by Masai School Students.

Team Members:-

  1. Pankaj Ganjale
  2. Souvik Dutta
  3. Rahul Kumar
  4. Shikha Mishra

To start our Project on your Machine:-

  1. Create a new folder.
  2. Run following command in terminal:- git clone
  3. Now run this command:- npm run server
  4. You will find this application running on port 2345.


  1. You will find latest products on this website.
  2. It has features of authentication, signup, reset password and mail subscription.
  3. It has different categories. User can find products using filters such as a price, brand name, new arrivals.
  4. Users can read details of each product by clicking on product.
  5. Users can add products to the cart.
  6. Users can see all previously added products and quantity in a cart.
  7. Users can apply promo code for discount.
  8. Users have to fill address details for shipping.
  9. Users can pay money using a card as well as paytm wallet.

Technologies that we used :-

  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. Javascript
  4. Node.js
  5. Express.js
  6. MongoDB
  7. Embedded Javascript (EJS)


Took some help from these resources

  1. W3 Schools
  2. MDN docs

Glimpse of Our Work:-

Sign Up Page:-

sign up Page

Users can create a account on this page.

Login Page:-

login Page

Only valid user can login on this web application. If user is not valid, then it will show an error. If user is valid, then user will redirect to home page for shopping.

Forgot Password Page:-

forgot Page

If users forgots a password, they can change their password on this page. If user is not present, then user will redirect to sign up page and if user is present, then user will redirect to login page for login.

Home Page:-

home Page

On this page, users can see different products and some information about services.

Product Page:-

product Page

Users can apply different filters on this page such as price, brand, status, etc. Users can read all details of any product after clicking on that product.

Product Details Page:-

details Page

On this page, users can read all the details of any product. Also, users can add product to cart using add to cart button.

Cart Page:-

cart Page

Users can see all the products added in the cart with quantity, price and total amount.

Shipping Page:-

shipping Page

On this page users have to fill all the details for shipping purpose. Also, users can apply promo code for discount.

Payment Page:-

payment Page

Users can pay money by filling card details or users can also use paytm payment gateway.

Output of Project:-

Video Presentation


Clone of with backend as a part of a construct week project at Masai School. This project includes features like authentication, sorting products using filters, buying a product, promo code, card payment and Paytm payment gateway, etc. We used MongoDB Atlas to store data and users can only buy a product after login. We used EJS to show data dynamically.


Language:EJS 49.5%Language:JavaScript 29.1%Language:CSS 21.4%