Condense text documents by removing blank spaces and paragraph spaces. Reduce the overall file size by saving the condensed text into a plain text file. Included in the plain text file is a pseudocode to remember the structure of the text in the original document.
Example Document Structure Pseudocode
1. Define a Node structure
- Content: Text contained in the node
- Type: Type of the node (e.g., Heading, Paragraph, List)
- Children: A list of child nodes
2. Create a function to process the document
Function ProcessDocument(document)
Initialize an empty list DocumentStructure to hold the top-level nodes
For each element in the document
Node = ProcessElement(element)
Add Node to DocumentStructure
End For
Return DocumentStructure
End Function
3. Create a function to process each element based on its type
Function ProcessElement(element)
Create a new Node
Set Node.Content to the text content of the element
Set Node.Type based on the element type (e.g., heading, paragraph)
If the element can contain child elements (like a section or a list)
For each child element in the element
ChildNode = ProcessElement(child)
Add ChildNode to Node.Children
End For
End If
Return Node
End Function
4. To display or use the structure, traverse the DocumentStructure
Function TraverseStructure(nodes, depth = 0)
For each node in nodes
Print indentation based on depth and node content (and type if necessary)
If node has children
TraverseStructure(node.Children, depth + 1)
End If
End For
End Function
This pseudocode outlines the basic idea of processing a document to remember its structure. The ProcessDocument function starts the process by going through each top-level element in the document, processing each one with ProcessElement, which is recursive for elements that can contain other elements. The structure is then stored in a nested way, reflecting the document's hierarchy. The TraverseStructure function is an example of how you might use the stored structure to display it or perform other operations.
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