sourcecodebd / Car-Services-Reactjs

Hello there! I have made a simple app using React JS, React-Bootstrap, Material UI and JSON server, where I implemented a login-registration system using Firebase (login with password oAuth, Facebook, GitHub, google) Firebase React-Router, Context-API, Custom-Hooks, Private Route. Hope it would helpful for the beginners. Check it out!

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Car Services Reactjs



Nafi Mahmud

Hello there! I have made a simple app using React JS, React-Bootstrap, Material UI and JSON server, where I implemented a login-registration system using Firebase (login with password oAuth, Facebook, GitHub, google) Firebase React-Router, Context-API, Custom-Hooks, Private Route. Hope it would helpful for the beginners. Check it out!


Hello there! I have made a simple app using React JS, React-Bootstrap, Material UI and JSON server, where I implemented a login-registration system using Firebase (login with password oAuth, Facebook, GitHub, google) Firebase React-Router, Context-API, Custom-Hooks, Private Route. Hope it would helpful for the beginners. Check it out!


Language:JavaScript 85.0%Language:CSS 11.5%Language:HTML 3.6%