soundwanders / sleepy-chef


Repository from Github https://github.comsoundwanders/sleepy-chefRepository from Github https://github.comsoundwanders/sleepy-chef

👩‍🍳 Sleepy Chef

Time-Saving Treats: 30 Minute Recipes for Busy Chefs
  • Sleepy Chef lets you search for recipes based on type, name, or ingredients.
  • Built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, MongoDB + deployed with Vercel.
  • useSWR provides a convenient way to handle caching and revalidation. Plus some extra spicy syntax for data fetching.
  • Next's useRouter hook sends and receives user's query & query parameters, which we use to filter and sort our recipes with our Next.js API Handler function.
  • Our API responds to user queries by using key-value pairs to return all matching recipes as Objects, delivering recipe results.
  • getStaticPaths and getStaticProps generate our static pages at build time, which eliminates the need for on-demand server-side rendering and greatly reduces the load placed on the servers.
  • Recipe cards double as Next.js Link components, navigating to individual recipe pages built with SSR methods.
  • React Context used to avoid prop drilling and improve scalability by creating a context to share unaltered recipe data between components if needed.
  • Experimenting with the use of Glyphhanger to optimize webfont loading by subsetting font files to only include the characters used in Sleepy Chef.

All icons made by Freepik from


If you encounter any buggy things, broken things, or have a great idea for a shiny new thing, please feel free to open an issue or send me a message. If you have crafted your own code such as a bug fix or new feature, please follow a few simple steps:

  • Fork the Project from branch 'main'
  • Create your Update Branch (git checkout -b update/BugSquash), the name is arbitrary but it'd be nice if it's descriptive.
  • Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Hey change this thing')
  • Push to the Branch (git push origin update/BugSquash)
  • Open a Pull Request and I'll take a look!



Language:JavaScript 96.7%Language:CSS 3.3%