soumyarao17 / pizzeria

Pizza Ordering App

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Demo Screenshots attatched -

  1. img.png
  2. img_2.png
  3. img_4.png
  4. img_3.png
  5. img_5.png
  6. img_6.png

Code flow AND TESTS -

  1. app/ -> Viewset for create and get order status
  2. app/ -> Background tasks to schedule order status changes based on time. Also to print/log it.
  3. app/ -> Pizza and Order models with validations
  4. app/tests/ -> Test to check creation of order along with validations for invalid ones
  5. app/tests/ -> Test change of order status after creation

Execution Setup -

  1. Download and extract the zip file.

  2. Download and install MySQL or install via Terminal - brew install mysql

  3. Start MySQL server: brew services start mysql

  4. (Optional) Set MySQL Password, MySQL Root Password

  5. Install Docker and start docker daemon

  6. Host MySQL server on Docker container and expose it to the port 3306. Use commands -
    (Ensure you are in the project home directory)
    Build - docker build -f docker/db/Dockerfile -t pizzeria_db .
    Run - docker run --network=host -it --expose 3306 -p 3306:3306 pizzeria_db

  7. MySQL server is now hosted which automatically created database "pizeria_db" (If you have setup MySQL Root Password, update the Dockerfile accordingly)

  8. Build and run docker for pizzeria app apis and tasks:
    Build - docker build -f docker/apis/Dockerfile -t pizzeria_apis_tasks .
    Run - docker run --network=host -it --expose 8000 -p 8000:8000 pizzeria_apis_tasks

  9. Open Docker Desktop and run a terminal in pizzeria_apis_tasks container
    docker images | grep pizzeria_apis_tasks # Copy id
    docker run -i -t /bin/bash

  10. Run migrations and run the server:
    python makemigrations
    python migrate
    python runserver 8000

  11. Similary open another terminal to run process_tasks (background tasks):
    python process_tasks

  12. Testing: Open another terminal in pizzeria_apis_tasks container

    • Api request to Create order:
      curl -X POST -d '{"pizzas": [{"name": "Pizza 1", "base": "thin-crust", "cheese": "mozzarella", "toppings": ["pepperoni", "mushrooms", "bell-peppers", "olives", "onions"]}, {"name": "Pizza 2", "base": "normal", "cheese": "cheddar", "toppings": ["pepperoni", "tomatoes", "bell-peppers", "olives", "sausage"]}]}'

    Curl O/P: { "order_id": 1 }
    Postman Output Screenshot -> ![img.png](img.png)

  • Api request to Fetch order details:
    curl -L -X GET
    Curl O/P: { "order_id": 1, "order_status": "Delivered" }
    Postman Output Screenshot -> img_2.png

  • Api request to create invalid order:
    curl -X POST -d '{"pizzas": [{"name": "Pizza 1", "base": "thin-crust", "cheese": "mozzarella", "toppings": ["pepperoni", "mushrooms", "bell-peppers", "olives", "onions"]}, {"name": "Pizza 2", "base": "normal", "cheese": "cheddar", "toppings": ["pepperoni", "tomatoes", "bell-peppers", "olives"]}]}'
    Curl O/P: { "error": "You must select 5 toppings." }
    Postman Output Screenshot -> img_4.png

  • Log screenshot of the background tasks
    Format : Orderid Status Time

    • Displays how status change after 0, 1, 3 and 5 minutes
      Output Screenshot -> img_3.png


Pizza Ordering App


Language:Python 97.5%Language:HTML 0.8%Language:JavaScript 0.5%Language:CSS 0.4%Language:C 0.3%Language:Shell 0.2%Language:Batchfile 0.2%Language:Nushell 0.0%Language:PowerShell 0.0%Language:Dockerfile 0.0%