A simple Javascript media query library for web browsers.
$ npm install libmq --save
This module runs media queries on either the window's width/height or a provided value.
import { query, screenWidths as w } from 'libmq'
if ( query.desktopUp())
console.log( `Width is at least ${ w.desktopUp }`)
else if ( query.phoneOnly())
console.log( `Width is no more than ${ w.phoneOnly }`)
if ( query.desktopUp( w.bigDesktopUp ))
console.log( "This module isn't broken." )
Each method tests window.innerWidth or a provided value against the following conditions:
- bigDesktopUp() - Above 1800px
- desktopUp() - Above 1200px
- phoneOnly() - Below 599px
- tabletPortraitDown() - Below 899px
- tabletPortraitUp() - Above 600px
- tabletLandscapeDown() - Below 899px
- tabletLandscapeUp() - Above 600px
- landscape() - Greater than or equal to window.innerHeight
- portrait() - Less than window.innerHeight