A random password generator and manager made with PySimpleGUI and SQLite3.
Download zip from Github, changedir (cd) to the script directory and run the following:
pip install -e .
*This will install the Snazzy Pass package locally
Installation isn't required to run the script but you will need to ensure the requirements below are met.
[Python 3]
[tkinter] :: Linux Users
If installed you can use the following command syntax:
python -m spassgui
Otherwise you can run the script directly by changing directory (cd) in a terminal of your choice to the spassgui directory and using the following syntax:
python spassgui.py
Once initiated, use the following steps:
1. Use the slider to select your password length.
2. Use the checkboxes to select options for your password.
3. Click the "Generate" button.
4. Type in a note to associate with your password and click the "Save" button to save to your local database.
5. Use the dropdown menus under "Database" to view database items or to delete the database.
Password length of 4 to 50 characters
Avoid Ambiguous characters (1,l,0,O)
Include / exclude: -uppercase letters -lowercase letters -numbers -special characters
Copy button to copy output to your clipboard
Reset button to clear fields / reset defaults
Option to save the password with an associated note to a SQLite database
Database fields can be queried and or deleted using the "Database" dropdown menu
Exit button closes the app
Snazzy Pass is a password generator first and foremost
The password management functionality is basic and was added in version 2
The local snazzy database isn't password protected but passwords are encrypted using Fernet