sorribas / azure-block-blob-storage

Simple API for the azure block blob storage.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Small module wrapper for the AWS sdk that allows you to easily use azure.

npm install azure-block-blob-storage 


var azure = require('azure-block-blob-storage')({
  containerName: 'my-container'
  connectionString: '...'

azure.put('hello', 'world', function () {
  azure.get('hello', console.log)

Or if you want use the file system locally instead

var azure = require('azure-block-blob-storage')('my-bucket', {
  type: 'fs' // will store the data in ./my-bucket

// azure has the same api


var azure = azurestorage(bucket, [options])

Make a new storage instance. Options include:

azure.put(key, value, [callback])

Write a new value.

azure.get(key, callback)

Read a value out

azure.del(key, [callback])

Delete a value

azure.createReadStream(key, options)

Create a readable stream to a key.

azure.createWriteStream(key, options)

Create a writeable stream to a key. Options include

  length: sizeOfStream, // required

azure.rename(src, dest, [callback])

Rename a folder/file

azure.stat(key, callback)

Return stat info about a key. The returned object looks like this:

  size: sizeOfValue,
  modified: lastModifiedDate

var stream = azure.list([options])

Create a list stream. Each data emitted looks like this

  key: 'value/key', // the value key
  size: 24, // how many bytes
  modified: Date() // when was it modified last?

Options include:

  prefix: 'foo', // only list keys under foo
  limit: 14 // only return this many




Simple API for the azure block blob storage.


Language:JavaScript 100.0%