sophia-jihye / data-copier

copies data from db to db

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


> copies data from db to db


1. edit file
1. edit file path
	- log4jPropPath 
2. edit sourceDb information
	- sourceDbDriverClassName, sourceDbUrl, sourceDbUsername, sourceDbPassword
3. edit targetDb information
	- targetDbDriverClassName, targetDbUrl, targetDbUsername, targetDbPassword	
4. edit mappingList 
	- mappingList has a relationship with sophia/copier/dao/xml/custom*.xml and sophia/copier/dto/TempOutputDto
	- @ is a delimiter to distinguish source query id, source column name, target table name, and customized target column Name.
		: sourceQueryId @ columnName @ targetTableName @ columnName(customized)
	- As to customized target column name, refer to sophia/copier/dao/xml/custom*.xml
	- Be careful to type mappingList${SEQUENCE} correctly
5. edit options
	- copier.option
		1. onetime : 1회 실행 후 자동 종료 
		2. continue  : 최소 대기 시간 (copier.minWait) 및 최대 대기 시간 (copier.maxWait)을 두고 계속 실행
		3. off : bxt-copier.jar 실행 종료
			Ex. copier.minWait가 10분(=600000millisec), copier.maxWait가 30분(=1800000millisec)일 때, 
			Case1) DB 2 DB 작업이 총 7분 걸렸다면 -> 23분(maxWait - elapsedTime) 후 재실행 [주기: 30분 (maxWait)]
			Case2) DB 2 DB 작업이 총 17분 걸렸다면 -> 10분(minWait) 후 재실행 [주기: 10분 (minWait)]
	- copier.minWait
	- copier.maxWait	
2. edit file
1. edit log file path
	- log4j.appender.logfile.File
2. edit other options if you need.
3. edit sophia/copier/dao/xml/custom*.xml
1. edit query
	- if you edited queryId, also edit the mappingList in
	- if you edited columnName in customTargetDao.xml, also edit the mappingList in and sophia/copier/dto/TempOutputDto			


copies data from db to db


Language:Java 99.7%Language:Shell 0.3%