sonlv0204 / spring-boot-getting-started

Repository for my presentation on getting started with Spring Boot in a Microservices environment

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Repository for my presentation on getting started with Spring Boot in a Microservices environment

1 - Introduction

Hi, I'm Michael Hoffman. All the details from my presentation can be found here in this repository.

Some highlights of my background:

  • I author for Pluralsight provides online technical training courses on almost every topic you can imagine. Content is produced by some of the top authors in the industry and comes at a reasonable monthly price.
  • I work for NVISIA based out of Chicago and Milwaukee. We are a consultancy providing product development, legacy modernization, IT strategy and agile strategy services. Our primary focus is on Java-based solutions.
  • I've been working with Spring Boot since it was first released in 2014 and watched it grow and mature over the past three years from an unknown framework to a leader in providing rapid development of server-based applications, especially in the realm of REST-based microservices.

2 - Spring Initializr Demo

Creating the Project

I'll be starting by demonstrating the creation of a Spring Boot application. I'll be generating the code assets using the website

Here are some details on selections and entries from this form:

  • Build tool - selecting Gradle to leverage code for our build scripts over XML configuration.
  • Language - selecting Java, but also options available for JVM languages Kotlin and Groovy
  • Spring Boot Version - going to use the latest 1.5 version.
  • Group = com.scmc
  • Artifact = boot-demo
  • Name = boot-demo
  • Package Name = com.scmc.bootdemo
  • Packaging = JAR
  • Java Version = 8
  • Dependencies = DevTools, Actuator, Web, JPA, H2, Liquibase

Once selections and entries are complete, click create and the project will be generated and downloaded as a zip file.

Copy the files from the zip file into the project's root directory.

Let's try running the command to start the application, ".\gradlew bootRun"

Fixing the Liquibase Error

I selected Liquibase for managing the database schema, but Spring Initializr didn't start me off with a changelog file.

By default, the Spring Boot configuration is looking for a changelog in the following location:


Create this file now in the project's src/main/resources folder and add the content below:

  - changeSet:
      id: 1
      author: hoffman
        - createTable:
            tableName: restaurant
              - column:
                  name: id
                  type: bigint
                  autoIncrement: true
                    primaryKey: true
                    nullable: false
              - column:
                  name: name
                  type: varchar(255)
                    nullable: false
              - column:
                  name: rating
                  type: int
                    nullable: false

You can verify the application is up by hitting the URL:


3 - Spring Boot Deep Dive

We now have a working Spring Boot application. This is just one approach for creating a Spring Boot project. We could have also used a CLI tool or a generator called JHipster to create the project. As a next step, we are going to deep dive into what Spring Initializr generated.

Spring Boot Application Class

  • Let's start with the only Java class that was generated in the project.
  • You can find this in the folder src/main/java/com/scmc/bootdemo with the name:
  • Below are the contents:
public class BootDemoApplication {

	public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
  • Let's start by looking at the only Java class generated
  • This is found in the folder source main java
  • The package is com.scmc.bootdemo
  • This is a simple Java class with one method
  • The main method is a Java convention for application entry
  • The main method calls the run method on the spring application class
  • Note the SpringBootApplication annotation.
  • This annotation simply wraps common conventions for configuring a spring application.
  • I'll come back to this class momentarily

The application properties file can be found here: src/main/resources/

  • To start, this file doesn't contain anything.
  • This file is one of several ways to set properties.
  • By default, Spring Boot has actually defaulted many properties for you.
  • Again, I'll come back to this momentarily

Next, Spring Initializr generated a test class for you.

public class BootDemoApplicationTests {
	public void contextLoads() {
  • A test class was generated for the project.
  • This test class is found in the source test java folder.
  • The package name is com dot scmc dot bootdemo
  • The test name is
  • This is just a simple test for loading the application context.
  • Again, we see several annotations on the class.
  • SpringRunner means that Junit will use the spring runner class for test execution
  • SpringBootTest provides Spring Boot support for configuration
  • Let's look at the last artifact generated

The last file Spring Initializr generated was the gradle build file.

dependencies {
  • The final artifact is the gradle build file
  • You can find this in the root directory with the name build.gradle
  • I'm just showing the dependencies section of the script
  • Note that there are four dependencies that have the prefix spring boot starter
  • These are specialized libraries provided by Spring Boot to automatically bring in dependencies for you
  • For example, the web starter will bring in an embedded Tomcat web server for you.
  • There are several ways you can override these starters. For example, you can
  • Now that you've seen the generated files, let's find out a little more about what Spring Boot is and does.

Spring Boot Goal - Provide a radically faster and widely accessible getting-started experience for all Spring development.

  • What we have seen so far is a demonstration of one of the key goals of Spring Boot
  • Spring Boot wants you to be able to get started on feature development quickly
  • While there were a few hiccups, there's nothing stopping us from adding actual value right now.
  • Let's look at another goal.

Spring Boot Goal - Absolutely no code generation and no requirement for XML configuration.

  • As we saw, annotations and the spring boot starters configured everything in the application.
  • There was no XML configuration, a hallmark of earlier Spring
  • There was also no code generation needed

Is Spring Boot just an abstraction over a lot of complexity?

  • Now you might be thinking, I just showed you an application with one line of code.
  • Is Spring Boot just abstracting us away from a whole bunch of complexity?
  • I can't disagree with this
  • Given that Boot is an abstraction, its important to understand some of the foundations of Spring before jumping into Boot

Spring Framework Features

  • There are four key features of the Spring Framework
  • First, the Spring Framework supports and wraps most of the Java Enterprise Edition APIs
  • One major omission was Enterprise JavaBeans
  • The goal of wrapping these specifications was to simplify Java enterprise development
  • A second feature is open source.
  • You can freely look at all of the code right on GitHub.
  • Foundational to Spring is its support of dependency injection.
  • Instead of directly declaring a dependency in my class, I simply inject it during construction.
  • One of the best things about Spring is its testability.
  • Testing is a core concept to the framework and was a major improvement over the J2EE offering.
  • Dependency injection makes it much easier for me to mock out objects and simplify my tests.

Inversion of Control Container

  • To elaborate more on dependency injection, Spring provides an Inversion of Control container
  • You register Spring Beans in the container. A bean can be any Java class.
  • During construction of a Spring Bean, dependencies get injected.
  • These dependencies are immutable.
  • By default, a dependency is a singleton. Each time a dependency is called, you are actually calling a cached version.
  • Finally, beans are tied to an application context.

XML Configuration

  • As I noted earlier, a goal of Spring Boot was no XML configuration.
  • Early on, Spring was heavy on XML.
	<bean id="myBean" class="com.ex.MyBeanEx" />
	<bean id="yourBean" class="com.ex.YourBeanEx">
		<property name="myBean" ref="myBean" />
  • This is an example of a context using XML configuration
  • Note here that two beans are defined.
  • While there are more attributes available, I'm just simply setting an ID and the class name for each bean.
  • When the spring container loads, myBean will be injected as a dependency of yourBean.
  • This structure works well for smaller application, but you end up in XML hell when the application grows.

Revisit Spring Boot Application Class

  • Let's revisit the Spring Boot application class that was generated.
  • The SpringBootAnnotation is a good example of the path Spring chose over XML
  • Spring makes heavy use of Java annotations, which can decorate everything from classes to methods to member variables.
  • SpringBootAnnotation will automatically scan your code for Spring Beans and register them in the container.
  • This annotation will also automatically configure your application context for you.
  • For example, if you have the Tomcat embedded server library on your classpath, it will automatically register and configure a server.

Spring Boot Goal - Be opinionated out of the box but get out of the way quickly as requirements start to diverge from the defaults.

  • Leveraging annotations in this manner achieves another of Spring Boots' goals.
  • Spring Boot is opinionated.
  • By using auto-configuration, Spring Boot automatically starts your application with certain dependencies.
  • Specifically, this is done through Spring Boot Starter dependencies.

Gradle Build File

  • We saw those starter dependencies here in the gradle build script dependencies section.
  • The web starter brought in an embedded tomcat and set defaults for the server, such as port 8080
  • Actuator brought in metrics
  • JPA brought in Hibernate dependencies.
  • Test brought in JUnit

Spring Framework Offerings

  • Spring offers a wide range of libraries, each with different implementation options.
  • For example, Spring Security supports different approaches for security, including Oauth and JWT
  • Spring Boot in turn provides starters for these offerings, along with many others, such as libraries for logging and metrics.

Spring Boot Goal - Provide a range of non-functional features that are common to large classes of projects (such as embedded servers, security, metrics, health checks, and externalized configuration)

  • That brings us to Spring Boot's final goal
  • Boot provides us with a range of features in the form of these starters
  • As I noted in the previous goal, Spring Boot takes an opinion on how these features are configured
  • You can further customize based on your needs


  • Let's summarize what's been talked about so far.
  • You saw how Spring Initializr can be used to create a Spring Boot project
  • I showed you all of the options available to you
  • I discussed the key goals Spring Boot is trying to achieve
  • Get you started quickly
  • No code generation and no XML requirements
  • Opinionated out of the box, but get out of the way as requirements necessitate
  • Provide support for a range of non-functional features
  • Next, let's focus on a common way Spring Boot is currently used.

4 - Microservices with Spring Boot

Architecture Approaches

  • There are two prevailing approaches to architecting systems
  • First is the monolithic application
  • Monoliths are the most common approach for development.
  • Application is packaged as a single artifact
  • Whole application is deployed at once.
  • The second approach is Microservices
  • Application is broken down to multiple, distributed services
  • Services can be deployed independently.
  • There is also a gray area
  • Application has several artifacts
  • Broken up between front-end and back-end code
  • Usually done to support multiple front-ends

Monolith Vs. Microservices

  • I wasn't planning on getting into a battle over monolith versus microservices
  • Monoliths are not dead and they aren't bad.
  • Pattern I'm seeing is to start with a monolith and then decompose
  • If you are interested in more, we can discuss after the session.

Spring Boot Architecture Support

  • For either monoliths or microservices, Spring Boot is an option to support server-side code
  • That said, in this presentation, I'm going to focus on Microservices

Survey from Redhat on Microservice Adoption

  • The approach of using microservices architecture is continuing to grow at a rapid pace
  • Per a Redhat survey, almost 70 percent of respondents are using this approach
  • Given the growth of microservices, it should come as no surprise that the Spring Boot team has focused heavily on its support

Microservices with Spring Boot

  • Let's look at a basic implementation of a Microservices architecture
  • I'll start with an Eureka Service Registry

Eureka Service Registry

  • The Eureka Service registry supports the service discovery pattern in Microservice architecture.
  • It is provided by Netflix
  • Its also available via Spring Cloud's custom wrapper.
    • Can create from Spring Initializr
  • Eureka is a database of service instances and their locations
  • This database gets queried by clients or routers
    • The goal here is to provide discoverability of services
    • It also decouples the client or gateway from direct calls to the microservices

Eureka Server Demo

  • I'll start by showing you the generated Eureka Server application code
  • Then I'll start the server
  • Next, I’ll show you the Eureka UI
  • Finally, we will update the application we started with for discovery


  • Open Intellij to the Eureka Server application and explain the code
  • Note that the code was generated by Spring Initializr
  • Open command window to eureka server project and enter .\gradlew bootRun
  • Navigate to
  • Note there are no instances registered with Eureka
  • Let’s update the spring boot app we created earlier to be discovered.
  • Open the build.gradle and add the following:
dependencyManagement {
  imports {
    mavenBom ''

  • Next, open the BootDemoApplication class and add the following annotation on the class and the class for service instances:

class ServiceInstanceRestController {
  private DiscoveryClient discoveryClient;
  public List<ServiceInstance> serviceInstancesByApplicationName(
    @PathVariable String applicationName) {
    return this.discoveryClient.getInstances(applicationName);
  • Next, create a file called in the resources folder and add the following content:
  • Finally, run the application from a command prompt using .\gradlew bootRun
  • After the application has started, we can go back to the Eureka home page and see the instance now registered.
  • Let’s stop the application as we are going to add some more to it.

Microservices with Spring Boot

  • We saw how to use Spring Boot, Spring Cloud and Eureka to support the discoverability of Microservices.
  • Next, let’s look at how we can support external configuration of our Microservices

Spring Configuration Server

  • The Spring Configuration Server supports the Externalized Configuration Pattern for Microservice architecture.
  • The server is provided as part of the Spring Cloud library
  • Commonly, configurations that will change per environment are externalized, such as the database URL
  • The server properties are backed by a repository, which is usually Git.

Spring Configuration Server Demo

  • I’ll start by showing you the generated Spring Config Server application code
  • Next, I’ll show the backing GitHub repository for properties
  • Then I’ll start the configuration server
  • Finally, I’ll wire up a property to the initial application


  • Open Intellij to the Configuration Server application and explain the code
  • Note that the code was generated by Spring Initializr
  • Open command window to config server project and enter .\gradlew bootRun
  • Navigate to http://localhost:8888/restaurant-service/restaurant-servce
  • Note the restaurant-service title property included
  • Let’s update the spring boot app we created earlier to be discovered.
  • Open the build.gradle and add the following:
  • Next, open the file for the service application and add the lines
  • Then, add the following to the BootDemoApplication class:
class MessageRestController {

  @Value("${title:Default Title}")
  private String title;

  String getTitle() {
    return this.title;
  • Finally, run the application from a command prompt using .\gradlew bootRun
  • After the application has started, we can navigate here to verify the property: http://localhost:8080/title
  • Let’s again stop the application as we are going to add some more to it.

Microservices with Spring Boot

  • We’ve now covered discoverability of microservices through Eureka and externalized configuration through Spring Config
  • The microservice application we created can now communicate with both.
  • The next step is to create an API gateway for a sample client application to communicate with

Spring Gateway

  • The Spring Cloud Gateway supports the API gateway pattern for Microservices
  • Provided as part of the Spring Cloud library
  • An API Gateway is simply a single entry point for all clients, be it web, mobile or IoT
  • The gateway allows you to expose different APIs per client.
    • Mobile may require less data than web, for example
  • The gateway can handle your requests in multiple ways
    • Can simply route or proxy the request
    • Can also fan out the request to multiple service instances
    • Can load balance to a discovery service
  • Let's look at a gateway implementation now

Spring Gateway Demo

  • I’ll start by showing you the generated Spring Gateway Server application code
  • Then we will start the application and see the route


  • Open Intellij to the Gateway Server application and explain the code
  • Note that the code was generated by Spring Initializr
  • Show the route and explain mapping to discovery server
  • Open command window to gateway server project and enter .\gradlew bootRun
  • Navigate to http://localhost:9001/restaurant-service/api/restaurants
  • Note that we will have this working once we wire up the service
  • Let’s stop the application for now

Microservices with Spring Boot

  • The final step is to code up our restaurant review API
  • This will be implemented as a microservice

Microservice Demo

  • To finalize the demo for Microservices, I’ll start by creating an entity for our sample microservice
  • Next, I’ll create the repository that will query restaurant information from the H2 database
  • Then finally, I’ll create the restaurant resource which exposes our api for submitting and viewing ratings on restaurants.


  • Open Intellij to the Sprint Boot demo application
  • Create a class called RestaurantEntity in the package com.scmc.bootdemo.domain
  • Add the following code to the restaurant entity:
import javax.persistence.*;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;

@Table(name = "restaurant")
public class RestaurantEntity {

  @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "sequenceGenerator")
  @SequenceGenerator(name = "sequenceGenerator")
  @Column(name = "id")
  private Long id;

  @Column(name = "name", nullable = false)
  private String name;

  @Column(name = "rating", nullable = false)
  private Integer rating;

  public RestaurantEntity() {

  public RestaurantEntity(String name, Integer rating) { = name;
    this.rating = rating;

  public Long getId() {
    return id;

  public void setId(Long id) { = id;

  public String getName() {
    return name;

  public void setName(String name) { = name;

  public Integer getRating() {
    return rating;

  public void setRating(Integer rating) {
    this.rating = rating;
  • Create a class called RestaurantRepository and place it in the package: com.scmc.bootdemo.repository
  • Add the following code:
import com.scmc.bootdemo.domain.RestaurantEntity;

import java.util.List;

public interface RestaurantRepository extends JpaRepository<RestaurantEntity, Long> {

  List<RestaurantEntity> findAllByName(String name);
  • Create a class named RestaurantResource and add it to the package:
  • Add the following code:
import com.scmc.bootdemo.domain.RestaurantEntity;
import com.scmc.bootdemo.repository.RestaurantRepository;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;

import javax.validation.Valid;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.OptionalDouble;

public class RestaurantResource {

  private final RestaurantRepository restaurantRepository;
  private final String title;

  public RestaurantResource(RestaurantRepository restaurantRepository,
    @Value("${title}") String title) {
    this.restaurantRepository = restaurantRepository;
    this.title = title;

  public List<RestaurantEntity> getAllRestaurants() {
    return restaurantRepository.findAll();

  public ResponseEntity<String> getRestaurantsRating(@PathVariable(name = "name") String name) {
    OptionalDouble averageRating =
    if (averageRating.isPresent()) {
      return ResponseEntity.ok(title + " - " + name + " average = " +
    } else {
      return ResponseEntity.notFound().build();

  public ResponseEntity<RestaurantEntity> createRestaurant(
      @Valid @RequestBody RestaurantEntity restaurantEntity) throws Exception {
    RestaurantEntity result =;
    return ResponseEntity
        .created(new URI("/api/restaurants/" + result.getId()))

  • Next, let’s start the application up
  • With all four applications running, we should now be able to test.




Repository for my presentation on getting started with Spring Boot in a Microservices environment

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Java 100.0%