sonisvm / map-reduce

Map reduce implementation using grpc

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A Simplified implementation of MapReduce framwork for word count problem


Validating MapReduce specification

The user is responsible for providing the following parameters to the mapreduce framework in the config.ini file.

  • Number of workers
  • The server address and port number where the worker processes are deployed.
  • The location of the input files
  • The output directory
  • The number of output files required
  • The size of an input shard
  • A user id. In this example, it is cs6210

The program makes the following validations

  • Checks whether all required parameters are present
  • Checks whether the server addresses of all workers are provided
  • Checks whether the input files exist
  • Checks whether the output directory exists

Input sharding

The size of each shard as well as the input files are specified by the user. The program uses the size of each input file to determine which shard it falls into. In order to prevent splitting a file in the middle of a word, the program aligns the split point to the next newline.


The master coordinates the map and reduce phase. The master stores the following data structues for this purpose.

  • Data structures required to communicate with the workers. Since GRPC is used for communication, this involves stubs and channels.
  • A copy of the file shard structure
  • Status of map and reduce tasks
  • Status of the worker
  • A structure containing all intermediate files belonging to a particular partition
  • Threads and lock structures

The master is implemented as an asynchronous multi-threaded program, which one thread per worker. Each master thread is responsible for determining a unmapped shard or unreduced partition and assigning the same to the corresponding workers. The status of a map or reduce task is initially 0 (un-assigned) and it is changed to 1 (in-progress) as soon as the task is assigned to a worker. Once the worker is successfully done with the task, the status of the task changes to 2 (done). If the task was not successfully completed, the status changes back to 0.

Worker failures are handled by keeping track of the number of failures for each worker. Each worker is given 3 chances. If the worker fails all 3 times, the worker is taken out of the pool and not assigned any more tasks. Stragglers are handled by setting timeout of 1s on the response. If the worker does not respond within the timeout period, it is considered as a failure and handled the same way as other worker failures.

The master threads will keep polling the status of the map/reduce tasks until all tasks until all of them are done.


The worker is responsible for carrying out the map and reduce functionalities. It is implemented as an asynchronous grpc server. All required parameters for the tasks are provided by the master.

  • Map phase

The worker receives one file shard from the master. The shard could contain multiple files. It reads the files line by line and invokes the map function with the parsed line. The mapped keys are buffered in memory for a while. In this implementation, we are buffering 100 keys in memory before flushing it to the intermediate files. While the keys are buffered, the count is aggregated, meaning that if a word appears twice in the file, the count of 2 is emitted. Once all the files are mapped, the worker needs to call a flush function to write any unwritten values to the intermediate files. Once this is done, the intermediate files paths are set in the response and send back to master. In order to simulate the local disk in actual map reducer framework, we assigned separate directories for each worker. The intermediate file number is chosen using a partition function which finds (hash of the word) modulus (number of reducers).

  • Reduce phase

    Master sends all intermediate files paths pertaining to a partition to reducer. Reducer sets the final output file accordingly. A map data structure is maintained with words as keys and a vector of corresponding counts as value. For every intermediate file, each key and count is entered to map structure. Reduce is called for each key, value pair of the map structure and the final output is stored in the output file under output directory (file names are like 'final0.txt', 'final1.txt' ..).


Map reduce implementation using grpc


Language:C++ 90.3%Language:Makefile 9.7%