sonhmai / interpreter-compiler

Simplified Interpreter and Parser

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Writing an interpreter and a compiler

Source: two great books Writing an Interpreter in Go and Writing a Compiler in Go by Thorsten Ball

Monkey programming language

let one = 1;
let two = 2;
let result = one + two;


Code (String)
--> Tokenizing with Lexer
--> Lexer(input string).NextToken() token.Token
--> Parsing with Parser
--> Parser(lexer).ParseProgram() *ast.RootNode
AST (ast.Node)
--> Evaluating with Tree-walking interpreter
--> func Eval(node ast.Node) object.Object
Result (Object)
package main

code := ""
lexer := Lexer.New(code)
parser := Parser.New(lexer)
programRootNode := parser.ParserProgram()

Module Structure

ast - Abstract Syntax Tree nodes output of the parser
compiler - converting AST to bytecodes (instructions in bytes)
eval - interpreter evaluation
lexer - lexing text to tokens
parser - parsing tokens to Abstract Syntax Tree
token - code tokens parsed from string
vm - virtual machine to execute the instructions in bytes from compiler


  • lexing
    • lexer
    • tokens
    • repl
  • parsing
    • parser
    • abstract syntax tree (ast) node
      • program
      • statement
      • identifier
      • expression
        • prefix expr
        • infix expr
        • if expr
          • condition
          • consequence
          • alternative
        • integer literal
        • boolean literal
    • methods
      • top down
        • pratt parser (operator precedence)
      • bottom up
  • interpreting
    • evaluation
    • environment
    • conditionals
    • objects
      • null
  • compiling
    • compiler
    • bytecode
    • instructions
    • constants
    • opcodes
      • constant
      • pop
      • add
      • sub
      • mul
      • div
      • mod
      • true
      • false
      • equal
      • greater
      • and
      • or
      • minus
      • plus plus
      • minus minus
      • bang
      • jump not truthy
      • jump
      • null
      • get global
      • set global
      • array
      • hash
      • index
      • call
      • return value
      • return
      • get local
      • set local
      • get builtin
      • closure
      • get free
      • current closure
    • virtual machine
      • stack machine
      • stack pointer
    • objects
      • null
    • conditionals
      • ast flatten
      • jumps
      • null
    • bindings
    • closure
  • symbol table
  • built-in function



  • Abelson, Harold and Sussman, Gerald Jay with Sussman, Julie. 1996. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, Second Edition. MIT Press.
  • Appel, Andrew W.. 2004. Modern Compiler Implementation in C. Cambridge University Press.
  • Cooper, Keith D. and Torczon Linda. 2011. Engineering a Compiler, Second Edition. Morgan Kaufmann.
  • Grune, Dick and Jacobs, Ceriel. 1990. Parsing Techniques. A Practical Guide.. Ellis Horwood Limited.
  • Grune, Dick and van Reeuwijk, Kees and Bal Henri E. and Jacobs, Ceriel J.H. Jacobs and Langendoen, Koen. 2012. Modern Compiler Design, Second Edition. Springer
  • Nisan, Noam and Schocken, Shimon. 2008. The Elements Of Computing Systems. MIT Press.


  • Ayock, John. 2003. A Brief History of Just-In-Time. In ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 35, No. 2, June 2003
  • Ertl, M. Anton and Gregg, David. 2003. The Structure and Performance of Efficient Interpreters. In Journal Of Instruction-Level Parallelism 5 (2003)
  • Ghuloum, Abdulaziz. 2006. An Incremental Approach To Compiler Construction. In Proceedings of the 2006 Scheme and Functional Programming Workshop.
  • Ierusalimschy, Robert and de Figueiredo, Luiz Henrique and Celes Waldemar. The Implementation of Lua 5.0.
  • Pratt, Vaughan R. 1973. Top Down Operator Precedence. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • Romer, Theodore H. and Lee, Dennis and Voelker, Geoffrey M. and Wolman, Alec and Wong, Wayne A. and Baer, Jean-Loup and Bershad, Brian N. and Levy, Henry M.. 1996. The Structure and Performance of Interpreters. In ASPLOS VII Proceedings of the seventh international conference on Architectural support for program- ming languages and operating systems.
  • Dybvig, R. Kent. 2006. The Development of Chez Scheme. In ACM ICFP ’06


Simplified Interpreter and Parser


Language:Rust 89.4%Language:Go 10.6%