songweige / DeepVote

Rectify the Static Assumption of Multi-View Stereo 3D Mapping with DeepVote Model

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Rectify the Static Assumption of Multi-View Stereo 3D Mapping with DeepVote Model

The DeepVote model aims at rectifying the inaccuracy caused by the violation of the static assumption of Binocular(Pairwise) Stereo Matching (BSM) algorithms, which are widely used in the process of Multi-View Stereo 3D mapping for satellite imagery.


  • Python 2.7
  • PyTorch
  • NumPy
  • Scipy
  • imageio

Network Architecture

The network takes as input a set of the arbitrary number of images with two channels: color, and height which is calculated by BSM. The base model contains a series of convolutional blocks applied elementwise to extract local features. A global mean pooling operation is employed in the end to calculate the final rectification. The final DSM is obtained as the aggregation of the retification and the average of the input height maps. Each convolutional block includes several convolutional permutation equivalence layers with leakyReLU activation function and BatchNorm layers. The whole architecture is shown as below.

Network Architecture


First, create the enviroment with Anaconda. Installing Pytorch with the other versions of CUDA can be found at Pytorch document. Here PyTorch 3.1.0 and CUDA 9.0 are used:

  mkdir DeepVote DeepVote/data DeepVote/results
  cd DeepVote
  git clone
  conda create -n DeepVote python=2.7
  conda activate DeepVote
  conda install pytorch=0.3.1 cuda90 -c pytorch

Then download the data/ folder from the link to directory DeepVote/data/. The data are processed from IARPA Multi-View Stereo 3D Mapping Challenge. The input height and color images are stored in data/MVS and the ground truth DSM are stored in data/DSM. The KML files used to crop the areas are stored in data/kml.



Change the exp_name to whatever you want to call. Also see to adjust hyper-parameters (for eg. change n_folds to set the folds number in cross validation experiments). See for other variants of Deep Vote model to replace model option.

python --model base --exp_name base_dv --gpu_id 0 > logs/base_dv_cross_validation.txt


After training the model, you can use it to fuse any BSM results using the following command. For example, you can download our trained model to ../results/base_dv/models/base_all and use it to rectify the arbitrary number of images in folder indicated by input. The results will be saved under reconstruction folder of the corresponding exp_name folder.

python --model base --exp_name base_dv --model_name base_all --gpu_id 0 --n_pair 5 --input ../data/MVS/dem_6_18 


We provide the codes to visualize the generated DSM. Command below plot the fused DSM, ground truth DSM and an error map.

python --input ../results/base_dv/reconstruction/dem_6_18_base_dv_base_all.npy --ground_truth ../data/DSM/dem_6_18.npy


For a full comparison between the deep vote results and baselines, run the command below. It calculates the metrics including Rooted Mean Square Error, Median Error, L1 Error and Completeness. Four baselines are implemented: Median Fusion, k-Median Fusion, Mean Fusion and Consensus Voting.

python --exp_name base_dv --mode test --save_image False > logs/evaluation_base.txt


Rectify the Static Assumption of Multi-View Stereo 3D Mapping with DeepVote Model


Language:Python 100.0%