somya2305 / Tennisball

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Code for tennis ball detection (Work in progress)

This repo contains the tennis ball detection dataset and code. A bit about this repository:

  • src contains source code files. Please note that live_video.cpp and still_image.cpp are demo programs for testing the models. The only files you should really need for integrating this code are detector.hpp and detector.cpp.
  • data contains the training and testing datasets and the final exported models. Please note that all *_shuffled.csv and *.tfrecord files are automatically generated; you should not need to do anything with them.
  • data/training contains the training dataset, including the CSV with bounding boxes and the TFRecord files used during training.
  • data/testing contains the testing dataset, including the CSV with bounding boxes and the TFRecord files used during evaluation.
  • data/final_models contains the exported neural network in both binary and plain text format. You will need both frozen_inference_graph.pb and graph.pbtxt in this directory to use the detector. -images contains the photos used in the dataset. -training contains training pipeline config files. -scripts contains scripts for setting up the repository, preparing data, training, and exporting models.


Installing Object Detection API models

  1. Enter project directory
  2. From the project directory, run scripts/ This script will clone the Object Detection API from GitHub, copy it to the project directory, and then patch the file with the modified version found in scripts/.

Installing libraries

OpenCV must be installed for this repository to work. Please build at least OpenCV 3.4.3 from source.

Training setup

Please note that you probably shouldn't need to do this step. The models should have already been trained. However, if it becomes absolutely necessary, follow these steps to run training.

Preparing data

  1. Enter project directory
  2. From the project directory, run scripts/ This should shuffle the data in the CSV and output it to a separate CSV file in the data directories.
  3. From the project directory, run scripts/ This should save the data from the images and CSV files into .tfrecord files used for training.

Running training job

  1. Enter project directory
  2. From the project directory, run scripts/ This should clone the latest Object Detection API, and also install a starter model based on the COCO Dataset from the Tensorflow Object Detection Zoo.
  3. From the project directory, run scripts/ This script will call the Object Detection API's Please note that this will take a VERY long time to complete, and should probably be run on a computer with an NVidia GPU and CUDA installed to speed up the process.

Compiling demo programs

  1. Enter the project directory
  2. Run cmake .
  3. Run make
  4. Executables should have been created. Please note that these are just demo programs for testing the models.

Detector API

Include detector.hpp in your program to use the detector. Please note that all classes and methods are in the tb namespace.

The Detector Class

Construct one of these to use the detector. You can construct a Detector like so:

tb::Detector(std::string binaryGraphPath, std::string graphPbtxtPath)

where binaryGraphPath is the path to the aforementioned frozen_inference_graph.pb, and graphPbtxtPath is the path to the aforementioned graph.pbtxt, both represented as strings.

Once you have a Detector, you may call one of these methods on it to run the detection:

std::vector<tb::Detection> performDetection(cv::Mat image);
std::vector<tb::Detection> performDetection(cv::Mat image, float confidenceThreshold);

where image is an OpenCV Mat representing the image you would like to run the detection on, and confidenceThreshold, if supplied, is a value between 0 and 1 representing the minimum confidence value of detections to be returned. If this is not supplied, it defaults to 0.2. These functions return a vector of Detection objects, which brings us to...

The Detection Class

These are returned by the Detector to represent an object that was detected. You should likely never need to construct one of these objects, as they are constructed by the Detector, but if you wish to do so, they may be constructed like so:

tb::Detection(int left, int right, int top, int bottom, float confidence)

where left, right, top, and bottom are integers representing the left, right, top, and bottom coordinates of the bounding box, respectively; and where confidence is a float between 0 and 1 representing the confidence value of this detection.

Detection objects have the following methods:

float getConfidence();
float getConfidencePct();

The former returns the confidence value for this Detection, the latter returns this value as a percentage (i.e. multiplied by 100).

int getBBoxLeft();
int getBBoxRight();
int getBBoxTop();
int getBBoxBottom();
int getBBoxWidth();
int getBBoxHeight();

These methods return the bounding box left, right, top, bottom, width, and height, respectively.

cv::Rect2i getBBoxRect();

Gets the bounding box of this Detection as an OpenCV Rect.

cv::Point2f getBBoxCenter();

Gets the center of the bounding box as an OpenCV Point.


Please contact us on Slack in the #tennisballdetection channel if you have any questions.



Language:C++ 41.8%Language:Python 41.6%Language:Makefile 9.7%Language:Shell 5.5%Language:CMake 1.4%