somaproject / crc-hw

CRC hardware

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is python code, documentation, and test cases to demonstrate and
document proper calculation of the ethernet frame check sequence (FCS)
which we repeatedly use thoughout soma as a data checksum. 

modules contained include: 

crc_combinational: an 8-bit wide data input combinational CRC-32 calculator

crc16_combinational: a 16-bit wide data input combinational CRC-32 calculator

crcverify: takes in a 16-bit-wide ethernet frame with len-header and reports
if the ending CRC is valid

crcappend: takes in a 16-bit-wide ethernet frame with len-header and
appends a 32-bit CRC as an ethernet FCS (i.e. inverted, bit-reversed, etc.)

We use the python module crcmod (included) to write wrappers for
computing the ethernet FCS from both data octet strings and numpy
strings (both 8- and 16-bit wide)

The CRC code is, I believe, structured such that passing a valid FCS
through our module should generate a constant.

from network docs: 

Simultaneoulsy, a CRC-32 is calculated on the input byte stream. The
exact methods for 802.3 FCS CRC generation are a bit complex,
requiring the bytes to be complemented and sent in a certain
direction, and bit-reversed as well. The FCS is appended onto the end
of the frame. The CRC is loaded with 0xFFFFFFFF, which is tantamount
to inverting the first four bytes (as specified by the standard).

It looks as if the output of the crc_combinational and
crc16_combinational are bit-reversed from the nominal output of
crcmod, and thus from ethernet. 


CRC hardware