solrac97gr / go-jwt-auth

Template create for use as CookieCutter for my Golang projects, I decided to create a template with everything already working. πŸš€

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Go JWT Auth (Fiber & Mongo)

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Template create for use as CookieCutter for my Golang projects. The hardest part for start a project for me was to chose Stack and create the initial login and integrations like logger, database, etc. So I decided to create a template with everything already working.

All the project is based in interfaces that mean you can implement your own logic and use it in the project. example: you can use different database like Postgres, MySQL, etc. Just implement the interface and use it.


Before the execution

  • Modify the file ./config/env.json with your parameters
  • Install gomock go install
  • Install swag go install


You can also check in the route /swagger/index.html after run the project 🀩.

Note πŸ“: For add a private route you need to create it in the private router v1Private inside the pkg/server/server.go file.

Name Path Method Description Request Response
Register /api/v1/register POST Create a new user email,password
Login /api/v1/login POST Login a user email,password token
Metrics /metrics GET Monitor for your API html
Documentation /docs GET Documentation html

How to use

For this example we will make suppose that you want to create endpoints for Blog Posts.

  1. Create a new folder inside the internal folder with the name of your entity. In this case post.

  2. Create tree folders inside the entity folder: application, domain and infrastructure.

  3. Create two folders inside the domain folder: ports and model.

  4. Create a file inside the model folder with the name of your entity. In this case post.go and define your struct Post.

    package model
    import "time"  
    type Post struct {
        ID        string `json:"id" bson:"_id"`
        Title     string             `json:"title" bson:"title"`
        Content   string             `json:"content" bson:"content"`
        CreatedAt time.Time          `json:"created_at" bson:"created_at"`
        UpdatedAt time.Time          `json:"updated_at" bson:"updated_at"`
  5. Create 3 files inside the ports folder: repository.go, handlers.go and application.go.

  6. Define your interfaces inside the repository.go,handlers.go and application.go file.

    package ports
    import ""
    type PostRepository interface {
         Create(post *model.Post) error
         FindAll() ([]*model.Post, error)
         FindByID(id string) (*model.Post, error)
         Update(post *model.Post) error
         Delete(id string) error
  7. Modify the scripts/ file and add your three new interfaces.

    mockgen -destination=pkg/mocks/mock_post_application.go -package=mocks --build_flags=--mod=mod PostApplication &&
    mockgen -destination=pkg/mocks/mock_post_repository.go -package=mocks --build_flags=--mod=mod PostRepository &&
    mockgen -destination=pkg/mocks/mock_post_handlers.go -package=mocks --build_flags=--mod=mod PostHandlers
  8. Run the scripts/ file.

  9. Now is time for implement your interfaces. Create two folders inside the infrastructure folder with the name of repositories and handlers.

  10. Create a file inside the repositories folder with the name of your interface implementation. In this case mongo.go and implement the PostRepository interface.

 package repositories

 type MongoPostRepository struct {
     db *mongo.Database
     logger logger.LoggerApplication
     configurator config.ConfigApplication
 func NewMongoPostRepository(db *mongo.Database) *MongoPostRepository {
     return &MongoPostRepository{db: db}

 func (m *MongoPostRepository) Create(post *model.Post) error {
     _, err := m.db.Collection("posts").InsertOne(context.Background(), post)
     if err != nil {
 		m.logger.Error("Error creating post", err)
         return err
     return nil
  1. Create a file inside the handlers folder with the name of your interface implementation. In this case http.go and implement the PostHandler interface.
package handlers

 type HTTPPostHandler struct {
     postApplication ports.PostApplication
     logger logger.LoggerApplication
     validator validator.ValidatorApplication
 func NewHTTPPostHandler(postApplication ports.PostApplication) *HTTPPostHandler {
     return &HTTPPostHandler{postApplication: postApplication}

 func (h *HTTPPostHandler) CreatePost(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
     post := &model.Post{}
     if err := c.BodyParser(post); err != nil {
         h.logger.Error("Error parsing post", err)
         return c.Status(http.StatusBadRequest).JSON(fiber.Map{"error": err.Error()})
     if err := h.postApplication.Create(post); err != nil {
         h.logger.Error("Error creating post", err)
         return c.Status(http.StatusInternalServerError).JSON(fiber.Map{"error": err.Error()})
     return c.Status(http.StatusCreated).JSON(fiber.Map{"message": "Post created successfully"})
  1. Add your handlers to new routes depends on if it's public or private. In this case we will add it to the private routes in file pkg/server/server.go .
v1Private.Post("/posts", h.postHandler.CreatePost)
  1. If you want to add it to the swagger documentation view use comment with special annotation for your handlers.
// @Summary Create a new post
// @Description Create a new post
// @Tags posts
// @Accept json
// @Produce json
// @Param post body model.Post true "Post"
// @Success 201 {object} fiber.Map
// @Failure 400 {object} fiber.Map
// @Failure 500 {object} fiber.Map
// @Router /posts [post]
func (h *HTTPPostHandler) CreatePost(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
  1. Generate the swagger documentation with the command /scripts/
  2. Run the project with the command go run cmd/http/main.go or with the script scripts/


  • The scripts/ file is used to generate the mocks of the interfaces.
  • The scripts/ file is used to generate the swagger documentation.
  • The scripts/ file is used to run the project.
  • The scripts/ file is used to run the tests.
  • The scripts/ file is used to run the tests with coverage.
  • For avoid create users with same mail, make the mail field unique in the database (mongo index in this case).


Apache License 2.0


Template create for use as CookieCutter for my Golang projects, I decided to create a template with everything already working. πŸš€


Language:Go 88.7%Language:Shell 6.4%Language:Makefile 4.0%Language:Dockerfile 1.0%