solfra / pywavan3D

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This code are devolped during my M1 stage whith Jean-François Robitaille and Frederique Motte at IPAG.
It's a 3D version of MnGSeg developed by Jean-François Robitaille. This code make also new visualisation of a 3D data cube, including moment 0 and moment 1 map for the coherent part and animation of this moment map.

This repository is organised as follows :

  • code : all useful fonction
  • g353 and w43 : all notebook for this region
  • g353_feathered_isolated and w43_7+12m isolated : notebook and annimation make for this region
  • 3d_test : test of a 3d wavelet, not working

You find two type of notebook :

  • cube : compute coherent and gaussian cube and power spectrum
  • traitement_donnee : make all data processing, including moment 0 and moment 1 Map.

Necesary package :

pywavan :
spectral cube :
astropy, numpy, mathplotlib, subprocess

Animationare make with gifsicle

overview fonction :

Pywavan3D :

  • fan_trans3D() : 3D version of fan_trans from pywavan
  • partClean() : clean the cube, to be used before make moment 1 map

Power Spectrum plot :

  • PSplot() : plot simply a power specctrum
  • animPSplot() : make animation of the power spectrum plot, whith or whithout gaussian and/or non-gaussian component

moment 1 spectral cube :

  • moment1Cube() : make the moment 1 map of a cube
  • mom1_anim_center() and mom1_anim(), tow way for animate moment 1 map



Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%Language:Python 0.0%