solfra / galapagos-c

Andreas Hiemer's re-implementation and extension of GALAPAGOS in C

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1. Install libraries

GALAPAGOS-C includes the Common Pipeline Library (CPL).
GALAPAGOS-C is tested using the CPL version 6.3.1.
It uses the libraries m cplui cplcore cext cpldrs and wcslib.
Download CPL from:
and install:


and if necessary:


Make sure that MPI libraries are available on your machine and 
find the paths to openmpi include directories and openmpi 
lib directories.
GALAPAGOS-C is tested using the module: openmpi-1.4.4

On some machines, it is necessary to link the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=</path/to/your/cpl/lib>
It's may be necessary also to link the cfitsio library : export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=</path/to/your/cfitsio/lib>

2. Install SExtractor and GALFIT

This version of GALAPAGOS-C is tested for the latest SExtractor version 2.8.6 and 
the latest GALFIT version 3.0.4.
We also tested GALFIT version 2.1.c.
Download SExtractor from:
Download GALFIT from:
and install. Make sure where your executables are as you need to specify the correct
paths in the GALAPAGOS-C setup file (gala.setup).

3. Compile the code

Adjust the Makefile included in the Code folder.
Replace the </path/to> place holders with the correct paths to the cpl and 
openmpi include and lib directories on your machine.
After that, type "make" to compile the code.

The only allowed warnings to occur are warings for "unused variables" which should be ignored.

4. Adjust the GALAPAGOS-C setup file (gala.setup) and the file list (gala.files)

Link the according files and folders as described in these files.
Link the according files also in the SExtractor setup files! (,, ...)

5. Run the code

On a supercomputer, GALAPAGOS-C usually is started using a submission script. 
The syntax and the specified variables might change from
from computer to computer. Read the supercomputer`s manual to construct a 
correct starting script.
Usually you should load the gcc and mpi modules first. Make sure that the GALFIT 
modules are loaded.
If these are not available ask the supervisor of the supercomputer to install the 
GALAPAGOS-C is tested using gcc version 4.7.0
The command to run GALAPAGOS-C usually is similar to:

mpirun -np NSLOTS ./GALAPAGOS "</path/to/GALAPAGOS-C/Setup/gala.setup>"

where "NSLOTS" is the number of slots.

Make sure to replace </path/to/GALAPAGOS-C/Setup/gala.setup> with the 
correct path to your GALAPAGOS-C setup file.

We provide a set of 3 STAGES testimages in the folder "Testimages" to test
the correct installation of GALAPAGOS-C and for testruns.
You can also download survey images from:


1. If you would like to run GALAPAGOS-C on a personal computer we recommend a machine 
with at least 4 CPUs.

2. Install libraries

GALAPAGOS-C includes the Common Pipeline Library (CPL).
GALAPAGOS-C is tested using the CPL version 6.3.1.
It uses cplui cplcore cext cpldrs and wcslib.
Download CPL from:
and install:


and if necessary:


Make sure that MPI libraries are available on your machine.
GALAPAGOS-C is tested using the module: openmpi-1.4.4

On some machines, it is necessary to link the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to

3. Install SExtractor and GALFIT

This version of GALAPAGOS-C is tested for SExtractor version 2.8.6 and GALFIT version 3.0.4.
Download SExtractor from:
Download GALFIT from:
and install. Make sure where your executables are as you need to specify the correct
paths in the GALAPAGOS-C setup file (gala.setup).

4. Install ECLIPSE

Download ECLIPSE from


5.1 Start a new C-Project by using "File" -> "New"  
    and give it a name, e.g. GALAPAGOS-C.
    Eclipse will ask for the project type and the Toolchain.
    The project type must be "MPI Hello World C Project" and the Toolchain must be 
    "Linux GCC".
    Then click the "Finish" button.
    Remove the file .c / .h created into this folder

5.2 Open the workspace of your new C-Project, e.g. in the folder /path/to/GALAPAGOS-C
    and open the src folder. 
    Copy the complete GALAPAGOS-C code (astrolib_utils.c, astrolib_utils.h, gala_sextractor.c,
    gala_sextractor.h, galapagos_utils.c, galapagos_utils.h, GALAPAGOS.C, sextractor_utils.c, 
    sextractor_utils.h, string_ops.c, string_ops.h) into the source folder.

5.3 Enter the projekt folder in the Project Explorer list in the eclipse environment 
    and press F5 to refresh the content.

5.4 Link all the include files and libraries to your project
    Left click on the project folder in the Project Explorer list. Click on "Properties"
    -> "C/C++Build" -> "Settings" and go to "Includes" in the right window.

5.4.1 Add include paths by clicking on the green "+" symbol
      Link the include paths to your CPL include library, e.g. 
      Link the include paths to your CPL wcs include library, e.g.
      Link the include paths to your OPENMPI include library, e.g.

5.4.2 Link your CPL and OPENMPI libraries by clicking on "Libraries" 
      Add the libraries by clicking on the green "+" symbol
      Add m, cplui, cplcore, cext, cpldrs (exacly this syntax, not !)
      Add the library seach paths below to your CPL library, your WCS library and your 
      OPENMPI library, e.g.
      and click "Apply"

5.5 Go back to the Project Explorer and click "Project" -> "Build Project"
    Click on grey arrow next to the green "Play" Button on top an go to 
    "Run Configurations"
    Go to "Parallel Application" in the list and left click on "New"
    Go to the list on the right and specify the number of processor under "Resources" (at least minimum 2 cpu)
    Go to "Application" and link the path to your Debug Folder under "Application Program"
    Go to "Arguments" and enter the complete path to your GALAPAGOS-C setup file (e.g. gala.setup)
    	in speech marks
    Go to "Environment" and click "New" to specify your LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    The must be: LD_LIBRARY_PATH and the value must be the path to your CPL libraries, e.g.
    Start the Resource Manager and click on "Apply" 

5.6 Run the code by either clicking on "Run" or clicking on the green "PLAY" Button on top

For any questions:

You can send an email to:


Andreas Hiemer's re-implementation and extension of GALAPAGOS in C


Language:C 99.9%Language:Makefile 0.1%Language:Shell 0.1%