solangii / MLP

Implement MLP using numpy

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Course project of CSE463 Machine Learning, UNIST


Our task is to train an MLP on$X_{tr}$, apply the trained MLP to the test set $X_{te}$, and visualize the corresponding test results. Our data are visualized in Fig. 1: The training set consists of 630 pairs of inputs and the corresponding ground-truth outputs: In Fig. 1(left), the location of each dot represents the corresponding training input $(x_1, x_2)$-coordinate values) while the class labels are highlighted by color. The accompanying Trn.txt file contains this training set: For each line, the first two columns represent an input $x = [x_1,x_2]^⊤$ and the third column provides the corresponding class label (0 or 1). The test set consists of 10,200 data instances and they are provided in Tst.txt file where two columns represent a test input per line.

Implement Detail

My MLP Architecture

Weight Initialization

$$ W \sim N(0,Var(W))\\ Var(W) = \sqrt{2 \over {n_{in}+n_{out}}} $$

​ ($n_{in}$ : # of previous layer's neurons, $n_{out}$ : # of next layer's neurons)

  • Bias initialization as zero

Hyper-Parameter Setting

  • Learning Rate : 1
  • epochs : 50
  • batch size : 1 (fully-SGD)
  • using sigmoid for activation function


Loss 2D visualization 3D visualization
loss 2d 3d

Additional Analysis

Except for the variable values regulated in the experiment, all values(hyper-params) are set to be the same.

Learning Rate

lr = 1 (base) lr = 0.1 lr = 0.01
2d 2d 2d

It appears to have found the appropriate learning rate value.


Epochs = 50 (base) Epochs = 30 Epochs = 10
2d 2d 2d

Given the loss plot(loss graph), there has been no significant difference since it dropped sharply from about 10000-20000(iters), indicating that learning has been stable since epochs was about 15–30. Therefore, there is no significant difference between 30 and 50. I think It's okay to stop learning at a location where loss is moderately reduced(about epochs 15-30).

Number of Neurons (for Hidden Layer)

  • h1: # of 1st hidden layer's neuron
  • h2: # of 2nd hidden layer's neuron
h1 = 100, h2 = 50 (base) h1 = 10, h2 = 5 h1 = 5, h2 = 2
2d 2d 2d

It appears to have found the appropriate # of neuron value.


Implement MLP using numpy


Language:Python 100.0%