solancer / ZzFX

Zuper Zmall Zeeded Zound Zynth

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ZzFX - Zuper Zmall Zeeded Zound Zynth

By Frank Force 2019

Here's the latest version of the ZzFXmicro you can use directly!

// ZzFXmicro - Zuper Zmall Zound Zynth - MIT License - Copyright 2019 Frank Force
zzfx_v=.5;zzfx_x=new AudioContext;zzfx=(g,h,a,b=1,c=.1,k=0,f=0,l=0,m=0)=>{let q=44100,Q=Q=>Q*(Math.random()*2-1),d=2*Math.PI;a=d/q*a*(1+Q(h));k*=500*d/q**2;b=q*b|0;c=c*b|0;l=d/q*l;m=d/2*m;h=[];for(let n=d=0,e=0;e<b;++e)h[e]=g*zzfx_v*Math.cos(d*a*Math.cos(n*l+m))*(e<c?e/c:1-(e-c)/(b-c)),d+=1+Q(f),n+=1+Q(f),a+=k;g=zzfx_x.createBuffer(1,b,q);a=zzfx_x.createBufferSource();g.getChannelData(0).set(h);a.buffer=g;a.connect(zzfx_x.destination);a.start()}

ZzFX Features

  • Tiny synth engine with 9 controllable parameters.
  • Small code footprint for full version and the micro version is under 500 bytes!
  • Can produce a wide variety of sound effect types.
  • Seeded sounds can be played with a tiny function call, ex: ZZFX.z(6)
  • Seeded sound paramerters can be overridden, ex: ZZFX.z(26,{frequency:600})
  • Random number generator ZZFX.R() can be used in place of Math.random().
  • Use ZZFX.Note to get music frequencies, ex: ZZFX.Note(440, 7) // 7 semitons above A4 aka E4

ZzFX UI Features

  • Generate random sounds from seed.
  • Stores sounds in list with local storage persistence.
  • Parameters can be modified for more control.
  • Lock, reset and mutate buttons for each parameter.
  • Displays image of sound wave when played.
  • Sounds can be download as a wave file.
  • Mark sounds as favorites to keep them from being cleared.
  • List of sounds can be exported and imported.
  • Supports drag-and-drop of exported files into sound list.

Games Using ZzFX

ZzFX Image


Zuper Zmall Zeeded Zound Zynth



Language:JavaScript 100.0%