solanacryptodev / core

core protocol

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comsolanacryptodev/coreRepository from Github https://github.comsolanacryptodev/core

Gemworks πŸ’Ž

Gemworks is a collection of Solana on-chain programs for doing all kinds of cool stuff with NFTs (gems πŸ’Ž).

Currently it consists of:

  • Gem Bank 🏦 - lets you manage a whitelisted collection of gems across any number of lockable vaults.
  • Gem Farm πŸ§‘β€πŸŒΎ - lets you offer a yield-bearing facility to loyal gem stakers.

Deploy your own version πŸ› 

  • git clone the repo
  • Make sure you have solana-cli installed, keypair configured, and at least 10 sol on devnet beforehand
  • Update path to your keypair in Anchor.toml that begins with wallet =
  • Run anchor build to build the programs
  • We need to update the program IDs:
    • Run solana-keygen pubkey ./target/deploy/gem_bank-keypair.json - insert the new Bank prog ID in the following locations:
      • ./Anchor.toml
      • ./programs/gem_bank/src/
      • ./app/gem-bank/src/globals.ts
      • ./app/gem-farm/src/globals.ts
    • And solana-keygen pubkey ./target/deploy/gem_farm-keypair.json - insert the new Farm prog ID in the following locations:
      • ./Anchor.toml
      • ./programs/gem_farm/src/
      • ./app/gem-farm/src/globals.ts
  • Run anchor build to build one more time
  • Run anchor deploy --provider.cluster devnet to deploy to devnet
  • Now copy the IDLs into the apps:
    • cp ./target/idl/gem_bank.json ./app/gem-bank/public
    • cp ./target/idl/gem_bank.json ./app/gem-farm/public
    • cp ./target/idl/gem_farm.json ./app/gem-farm/public
  • alternatively you can run the script I prepared ./scripts/
  • (!) IMPORTANT - run yarn inside the root of the repo
  • finally start the apps!
    • eg cd into app/gem-bank and run yarn && yarn serve
  • don't forget to open Chrome's console with CMD+SHIFT+I to get feedback from the app when you click buttons. It currently doesn't have a notifications system

Docs ✏️

Extensive documentation is available here.

The answer you're looking for is probably there. Pls don't DM with random questions.

License 🧾



core protocol

License:MIT License


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