sohrabtowfighi / cahn-hilliard

Code to simulate the Cahn-Hilliard equation

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Cahn-Hilliard solver

This repository contains the code we developped to simulate the Cahn-Hilliard equation in 2 and 3 dimensions.


This code depends on the following free and open-source programs:

  • Gmsh, to generate the mesh and do the post-processing;
  • FreeFem++, to solve the PDE numerically;
  • Paraview, to visualize results;
  • Gnuplot, to produce plots;
  • GNU Make, to build the project;
  • cpp, to configure the solver.


To code of the project can be obtained by cloning the git repository.

git clone

Getting started

A simulation is defined by three elements:

  • A geometry, which must be described by a Gmsh .geo file.
  • A problem configuration, which must be written in the FreeFem++ language, and specifies the initial and boundary conditions of the problem, based on the physical labels defined in the geometry. In addition, this file can be used to specify the physical parameters of the problem (interface thickness, mobility, etc.) and the parameters of the solver (value of time step, number of steps). If left undefined, default parameters are used.
  • A post-processing file, which produces pictures or videos from the output produced by the solver.

Creating a new simulation

Below, we describe step by step how to create a simple simulation for the coalescence of two droplets in 2D, which we name example-droplets.

The first step is to create the directory inputs/example-droplets (mkdir -p inputs/example-droplets). and to define each of the elements above.

  • For the geometry, we create a file square.geo in the newly created directory. This file defines a simple square, assigns the label 1 to the domain, and the labels 1,2,3,4 to the boundaries.
// Dimensions of square
Lx = 1;
Ly = 1;

// Mesh size;
s = .01;

Point(1) = {0,  0,  0, s};
Point(2) = {Lx, 0,  0, s};
Point(3) = {Lx, Ly, 0, s};
Point(4) = {0,  Ly, 0, s};

Line(1) = {1,2};
Line(2) = {2,3};
Line(3) = {3,4};
Line(4) = {4,1};

Line Loop(1) = {1,2,3,4};
Plane Surface(1) = {1};

Physical Surface (1) = {1};
Physical Line (1) = {1};
Physical Line (2) = {2};
Physical Line (3) = {3};
Physical Line (4) = {4};

// View options
Geometry.LabelType = 2;
Geometry.Lines = 1;
Geometry.LineNumbers = 2;
Geometry.Surfaces = 1;
Geometry.SurfaceNumbers = 2;
  • Next, we write the problem configuration in a file coalescence.pde, in the same directory. This file must define initial and boundary conditions.
// Initial condition
real radius = 0.2;

real x1 = 0.5 + radius*1.1;
real y1 = 0.5;
func droplet1 = ((x - x1)^2 + (y - y1)^2 < radius^2 ? 1.5 : -0.5);

real x2 = 0.5 - radius*1.1;
real y2 = 0.5;
func droplet2 = ((x - x2)^2 + (y - y2)^2 < radius^2 ? 1.5 : -0.5);

func phi0 = droplet1 + droplet2;
func mu0 = 0;
[phi, mu] = [phi0, mu0];

// Boundary conditions (Hydrophobic boundaries)
varf varBoundary([phi1,mu1], [phi2,mu2]) =
  int2d(Th,1,2,3,4) (-5*mu2)

// Value of epsilon
eps = 0.04;

// Time step
dt = 1 * 1e-6;

// Number of iterations
nIter = 400;
  • The program used for visualization in 2D is paraview, and so the view must be callable by pvpython. The specification of this part is less flexible, and we recommend that you start by taking the following script.
# Import modules
import re
import glob
import sys
import optparse
from paraview.simple import *

# Parse command line options
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option('-v', '--video', dest = 'file_video')
parser.add_option('-i', '--input', dest = 'field_name')
parser.add_option('-r', '--range', dest = 'range')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

# Ask for file name if undefined
if options.field_name is None:
    options.field_name = raw_input('Enter field name:')

# Paraview code

# Read data file
files = sorted(glob.glob("output/"+options.field_name+".*.vtk"), key=lambda x: int(x.split('.')[1]))
scalarField = LegacyVTKReader(FileNames=files)

# Retrieve name of scalar field
cellData = str(scalarField.GetCellDataInformation().GetFieldData())
list_data_names = re.findall(r'Name: (.+)', cellData)
data_name = list_data_names[0];

# Animation
animationScene = GetAnimationScene()

# Get active view and display scalar field in it
renderView = GetActiveViewOrCreate('RenderView')
display = Show(scalarField, renderView)

# Set field to color
ColorBy(display, ('CELLS', data_name))

# show color bar/color legend
display.SetScalarBarVisibility(renderView, True)

# Set range
if options.range is None:
    bounds = options.range.split(',')
    scalarLUT = GetColorTransferFunction(data_name)
    scalarLUT.RescaleTransferFunction(float(bounds[0]), float(bounds[1]))

# reset view to fit data

# Set representation type
# display.SetRepresentationType('Surface With Edges')

# Save video or play animation
if options.file_video is not None:
    WriteAnimation(options.file_video, Magnification=1, FrameRate=40.0, Compression=True)

To finish specifying the problem, we must create a configuration file in the same directory, to specify that the geometry, problem, and post-processing are described by the files we created.

DIMENSION = 2               # Dimension of the problem
GEOMETRY = square.geo       # File describing the geometry
PROBLEM = coalescence.pde   # File describing the problem
VIEW =              # File used for post-processing

Executing the simulation

Once all the elements of the simulation have been specified, it can be run. Since the folder inputs can contain the parameters for many simulations, the first step is to specify that we want to run the example-droplets example. This is done with the command make install, which creates the directory tests/example-droplets, which is where the different programs (gmsh, FreeFem++, gnuplot) will be executed, and where the outputs and temporary files will be stored.

Once this is done, we can proceed to create a mesh using make mesh and run FreeFem++ for the problem using make run. The run generates output files in the directory tests/example-droplets/output/, which can be read by the file to produce animation. One can see the simulation results using make visualization, and create a video using make video.


This section provides additional documentation about the code.

Targets of Makefile in top directory

The Makefile in the top directory of the project defines the following targets:

  • install: lists the simulations defined in inputs, prompts the user to select one and:

    • Ensures that the directory tests/simulation-name exists, or creates it if necessary.
    • Creates folders for the output, pictures and logs in the newly created directory, if necessary.
    • Copies (using hard links) all the files from inputs/simulation-name and sources to the new directory.
    • Creates a file .problem containing the name of the simulation in the root directory.
  • uninstall: removes the file .problem.

  • clean-all: removes the directory tests, which contains the outputs of all the simulations run.

  • .DEFAULT: when calling make with any other target than the three described above, GNU Make will pass the target to the Makefile in the subdirectory tests/simulation-name, where simulation-name is read from the file .problem created at installation.

Targets of Makefile in subdirectories

Below, GEOMETRY, PROBLEM and VIEW are the variables defined in the configuration file.

  • mesh : creates the file output/mesh.msh from the file GEOMETRY.
  • run : preprocess and execute solver.pde using FreeFem++, using the PROBLEM.
  • visualization : shows the simulation results in Paraview (2D) or Gmsh (3D) using the file VIEW.
  • video : same as visualization, but create a video from the frames.
  • view : view video using vlc.
  • plots : create plots of the physical quantities based on script in sources/gnuplot/thermo.plt.

Use predefined geometries and views

In the simple example above, we created new files for the geometry, the problem and the post-processing, and referred to these files for the configuration file Often, however, one would like to use the same geometry or post-processing for different simulations. In addition, this repository defines geometries in sources/geometries and views in sources/views. Since these two folders will both be copied to the simulation directory (tests/simulation-name), they can be used for the simulation. For example, instead of rewriting a .geo for a square, one could use the readily available file sources/geometries/square.geo, and refer to it from the configuration file. The path to the file must be relative to the execution directory, i.e. we have to write

GEOMETRY = geometries/square.geo.

Modules of the code

Several modules can be activated to simulate more complicated models. To activate a module, add a line "MODULE = 1" in Each of the modules is described below

Module adapt

The use of this module activates mesh-adaptation.

In 2D, the FreeFem++ built-in function adaptmesh is use, with parameters hmax = 0.1 and hmin = hmax/64.

In 3D, the metric field used for the adaptation is used using mshmet, with parameters hmax = 0.1 and hmin = hmax/20, after which the adaptation is accomplished by Tetgen through the FreeFem++ function tetgreconstruction.

In both cases, the default values of hmin and hmax have been chosen based on a number of examples and usually provide good results, but they can be changed if desired in the problem configuration file.

Module PLOT

When activated, the solver will display a plot of the solution at each time step. Note that this slows down the simulation.


This modules adds Navier-Stokes equations to the sytem of equations of the simulation. To use this module, boundary conditions for the pressure and velocity fields have to be specified in the problem file.

varf varUBoundary(u, test) = ...;
varf varVBoundary(v, test) = ...;
varf varPBoundary(p, test) = ...;

Physical parameters can also be defined, and will take default values if not. The different parameters, with default values, are defined below:

  • Re (default: 1) is the Reynolds number of the flow, which is assumed to take a constant value across the two phases.
  • Ca (default: 1) is the capillary number.
  • muGradPhi (default: 1) is a parameter prescribing the discretization used for the capillary term. Its value must be 1, to use the discretization mu*grad(phi), or 0, to use phi*grad(mu).

Module ELECTRO (unstable)

Using this requires the definition of

  • epsilonR1: relative permittivity in phase phi = -1.
  • epsilonR2: relative permittivity in phase phi = 1.

When enabled, the system will be coupled to the Poisson equation for the electric potential, through the addition of an additional term in the free energy.

Module GRAVITY (unstable)

Using this requires the definition of

  • rho1: specific mass of phase phi = -1.
  • rho2: specific mass of phase phi = 1.
  • gx: x-component of the gravity vector.
  • gy: y-component of the gravity vector.
  • gz: In 3D, z-component of the gravity vector.

When enabled, gravity will be added to the simulation.


Benjamin Aymard started the project in October 2015, and Urbain Vaes joined in March 2016.


Code to simulate the Cahn-Hilliard equation

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:GLSL 89.9%Language:Processing 5.2%Language:Python 2.1%Language:C++ 0.9%Language:Makefile 0.8%Language:C 0.7%Language:Shell 0.2%Language:Awk 0.1%Language:Gnuplot 0.1%