sogaiu / clojure-peg

Parsing and Generating Clojure...Using Janet

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Some code for parsing and generating Clojure source code...using Janet's Parsing Expression Grammar support.

Usage Examples

Basic Parsing and Generation

(import clojure-peg/rewrite)

# parse code string
(rewrite/par "(+ 1 1)")
# =>
     (:symbol "+") (:whitespace " ")
     (:number "1") (:whitespace " ")
     (:number "1"))]

# generate code string
     (:keyword ":a") (:whitespace " ")
     (:number "1")))
# =>
"{:a 1}"

# roundtrip
(def src "{:x  :y \n :z  [:a  :b    :c]}")

(= (rewrite/gen (rewrite/par src))
# =>

# replace underscores in keywords with dashes
(def src-2
  "(defn a [] {:a_1 1 :b_2 2})")

  (postwalk |(if (and (tuple? $)
                      (= (first $) :keyword)
                      (string/find "_" (in $ 1)))
               (tuple ;(let [arr (array ;$)]
                         (put arr 1
                              (string/replace-all "_" "-" (in $ 1)))))
            (rewrite/par src-2)))
# =>
"(defn a [] {:a-1 1 :b-2 2})"

With Location Info

(import clojure-peg/location)

# parse code string
(location/par "(+ 1 1)")
# =>
'@[:code @{:bc 1 :bl 1
           :ec 8 :el 1}
   (:list @{:bc 1 :bl 1
            :ec 8 :el 1}
          (:symbol @{:bc 2 :bl 1
                     :ec 3 :el 1} "+")
          (:whitespace @{:bc 3 :bl 1
                         :ec 4 :el 1} " ")
          (:number @{:bc 4 :bl 1
                     :ec 5 :el 1} "1")
          (:whitespace @{:bc 5 :bl 1
                         :ec 6 :el 1} " ")
          (:number @{:bc 6 :bl 1
                     :ec 7 :el 1} "1"))]

# generate code string
  '@[:code @{}
     (:list @{}
            (:symbol @{} "+")
            (:whitespace @{} " ")
            (:number @{} "1")
            (:whitespace @{} " ")
            (:number @{} "1"))])
# =>
"(+ 1 1)"

# roundtrip
(def src "{:x  :y \n :z  [:a  :b    :c]}")

(= (location/gen (location/par src))
# =>

Roundtrip Testing

To perform roundtrip testing on syntactically valid .clj files, use the test-samples.janet script in the support directory.

For example, to test all .clj files in a directory at path /tmp/samples:

janet support/test-samples.janet /tmp/samples

Individual syntactically valid .clj files may also be tested by specifying file paths.

For example, to test sample.clj that lives under /tmp:

janet support/test-samples.janet /tmp/sample.clj


Parsing and Generating Clojure...Using Janet


Language:Janet 100.0%