softlion / UserInteraction

Menu, Confirm, Toast, and Alert for Xamarin iOS/Android (Xamarin Essentials style)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

User Interaction for Maui and Xamarin

Compatibility: Maui & Xamarin. Android & iOS.

Nuget (Maui & Xamarin)
NuGet Xamarin



var ok = await Vapolia.UserInteraction.Confirm("Are you sure?");

//display a wait indicator while waiting for a long mandatory operation to complete
var dismiss = new CancellationTokenSource();
  var userCancelled = Vapolia.UserInteraction.WaitIndicator(dismiss.Token, "Please wait", "Loggin in");
  await Task.Delay(3000, userCancelled); //simulate a long operation

//display an obtrusive loading indicator
var dismiss = new CancellationTokenSource();
  await Vapolia.UserInteraction.ActivityIndicator(dismiss.Token, apparitionDelay: 0.5, argbColor: (uint)0xFFFFFF);
  await Task.Delay(3000); //simulate a long operation

//Single choice menu with optional cancel and destroy items
var cancel = default(CancellationToken); //you can cancel the dialog programatically.
var menu = await ui.Menu(cancel, true, "Choose something", "Cancel", null, "item1", "item2", ...); //You can add as many items as your want
//0 => always cancel action (even if not displayed, ie the cancel text is null)
//1 => always destroy action (even if not displayed, ie the destroy text is null)
//2+ => item1, item2, ...
if (menu >= 2)


Single choice menu

Menu: standard action sheet with single item choice
UIAlertController on iOS. MaterialAlertDialog on android.

Task<int> Menu(CancellationToken dismiss, bool userCanDismiss, string? title, string description, int defaultActionIndex, string cancelButton, string destroyButton, params string[] otherButtons);
Task<int> Menu(CancellationToken dismiss, bool userCanDismiss, string? title, string cancelButton, string? destroyButton, params string[] otherButtons);
Task<int> Menu(CancellationToken dismiss, bool userCanDismiss, RectangleF? position, string? title, string description, int defaultActionIndex, string cancelButton, string destroyButton, params string[] otherButtons);

cancel and destroy buttons are optional, and are displayed differently on iOS.
destroy is in red, cancel is separated from the other buttons.
This is the best UI practice, don't try to change it.

position helps the menu to display around that rectangle, preferably below/right/above/left in this order. This is useful on tablets and large screens.
You can obtain the position of an interaction using the Gesture nuget:

new Command<PointEventArgs>(async args =>
  var model = (MyItemModel)args!.BindingContext;
  var position = args.GetAbsoluteBoundsF();
  var choice = await UserInteraction.Menu(default, true, position, "title", cancelButton: "cancel", otherButtons: [ "New", "Open" ]);

Wait indicators with or without progress

//Displays a wait indicator (title + body + indeterminate progress bar)
//Returns a controller for the wait indicator
IWaitIndicator WaitIndicator(CancellationToken dismiss, string message = null, string title=null, int? displayAfterSeconds = null, bool userCanDismiss = true);

//Display an activity indicator which blocks user interaction.
Task ActivityIndicator(CancellationToken dismiss, double? apparitionDelay = null, uint? argbColor = null);

Confirmation prompts and alerts

A Toast is an unobtrusive temporary tooltip-like text used to confirm that an action was done succesfully or failed. An Input is an alert popup with one text field. You can choose the keyboard type to limit to numbers for example.
Confirm: native dialog with 2 buttons (mostly used for ok/cancel)
ConfirmThreeButtons: native dialog with 3 choices. Not Task friendly.

Task<bool> Confirm(string message, string title = null, string okButton = "OK", string cancelButton = "Cancel", CancellationToken? dismiss = null);

void ConfirmThreeButtons(string message, Action<ConfirmThreeButtonsResponse> answer, string title = null, string positive = "Yes", string negative = "No",
    string neutral = "Maybe");

Task Alert(string message, string title = "", string okButton = "OK");

Task Toast(string text, ToastStyle style = ToastStyle.Notice, ToastDuration duration = ToastDuration.Normal, ToastPosition position = ToastPosition.Bottom, int positionOffset = 20, CancellationToken? dismiss = null);

Task<string?> Input(string message, string defaultValue = null, string placeholder = null, string title = null, string okButton = "OK", string cancelButton = "Cancel", FieldType fieldType = FieldType.Default, int maxLength = 0, bool selectContent = true);

If selectContent is true (default), the text is automatically selected, so when the user starts typing it is replaced.


On Android only, add colorSurface to your application's style:

  <style name="MainTheme" parent="MainTheme.Base">

    <!-- Required -->
    <item name="colorSurface">#333333</item>


Also make sure your MainTheme.Base has a parent which is material components:

 <style name="MainTheme.Base" parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.Light.DarkActionBar">



set a default color for all activity indicators:

global::Vapolia.UserInteraction.UserInteraction.DefaultColor = 0xAARRGGBB;


This lib uses a standard Android.Material.Dialog that is themed by the material theme as described in the Google documentation.

Also check this stackoverflow answer for a sample.


License: MIT

Enterprise support available, contact Vapolia through the live chat.


Menu, Confirm, Toast, and Alert for Xamarin iOS/Android (Xamarin Essentials style)

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%