soft-circles / sand-stack-starter

Simple starter project for SANDstack full stack apps (Sveltejs/Sapper, Apollo GraphQL, Neo4j Database)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SANDstack Starter

This project is a starter for building a SANDstack (Sveltejs/Sapper, Apollo GraphQL, Neo4j Database) application. There are two components to the starter, the UI application (a Svelte/Sapper app) and the API app (GraphQL server).

This project used as a starting point the api component from the GRANDstack project and the default Sapper template.

The master branch DOES NOT USE Svelte Apollo There is a separate branch that demonstrates it's use.

If you are new to Svelete this is a good introductory video

The GRANDStack documentation provides a good overview of the Neo4j GraphQL integration.

Setting up a development environment

Follow these instructions first


You can quickly start using Docker engine version 19 or later:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-stage.yml up --build

List the running containers:

docker ps

There should be three containers started:

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                      COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                      NAMES
625acfa444fa        sand-stack-starter_ui      "docker-entrypoint.s…"   3 minutes ago       Up 2 minutes>3000/tcp                                     sand-stack-starter_ui_1
843c5ea8d997        sand-stack-starter_api     "docker-entrypoint.s…"   3 minutes ago       Up 2 minutes>4001/tcp                                     sand-stack-starter_api_1
8ae79170f66e        sand-stack-starter_neo4j   "/sbin/tini -g -- /d…"   3 minutes ago       Up 3 minutes>7474/tcp, 7473/tcp,>7687/tcp   sand-stack-starter_neo4j_1

Initially the database is empty. Running the test suite automatically loads the database with sample data.

Open a new terminal

cd test
npm install
npx cypress run

The application should be running at localhost:3000

Development mode

The project is set up to allow the api and ui servers to run in dev mode. This mode enables a watch on all files and automatically deploys when changes are saved. The following instructions show you how to start each server component separately.

If you've run the docker-compose script be sure to shut down the docker containers before starting in development mode.

docker-compose down

Be sure your development machine is running Node version 12.

node --version


There are many ways to run Neo4j for development purposes. The README in the neo4j directory describes several approaches. However the simplest is to start a stand alone Docker container using the DockerFile provided.

 docker-compose up --detach --remove-orphans

List the running containers:

docker ps

You should see a neo4j container:

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                      NAMES
3c95a2947d49        neo4j               "/sbin/tini -g -- /d…"   9 seconds ago       Up 8 seconds>7474/tcp, 7473/tcp,>7687/tcp   neo4j-db

You should now be able to access the Neo4j database browser at localhost:7474 (you can log in using neo4j/letmein). Click the *() under Node Labels to list a sample of nodes.

Install dependencies

(cd ../ui && npm install)
(cd ../api && npm install)

Start API Server

Open a new terminal

cd api
npm run dev

This will start the GraphQL API server in dev mode.

You should also be able to access the Apollo GraphQL playground at localhost:4001/graphql This allows you to interactively test your GraphQL before using it in your application.

Start UI Server

Open a new terminal

cd ui
npm run dev

This will start the Svelte Sapper app in dev mode. In dev mode when a file change is saved in the ui directory the web page should automatically reload with the changes.

Start Cypress Test Server

Open a new terminal

cd test
npx cypress open

The test runner lets you select the browser you wish to use for testing.

We've found as as apps get larger and more complex it is often necessay to add cy.wait(time) to make the test stable on slower CI machines. These are end to end tests so many factors can affect test performance.

Github Continuous Integration

The /.github/workflows/test.yml is a Github action that runs the Cypress end to end tests and stores the test results to github on every push.

Sapper Export

This simple example is a readonly app and a candidate for Sapper Export

For the export to run properly the neo4j and api servers must be running.

Open a new terminal

cd ui
npx sapper export

This will create a /ui/__sapper__/export folder with a production-ready build of your site. You can launch it like so:

npx serve __sapper__/export

Sapper Environment

The ui app makes use of the Sapper Environment npm. These are environment variables that are replaced at build time by rollup.config.js so they can be used in client code. Any environment variable with prefix SAPPER_APP_ is for use in the client code.

We make especial use of this in /ui/src/apollo.js. The Apollo GraphQl client is used in both the browser and SSR. In dev mode they have the same value.


However in production they are often different as the SAPPER_APP_GRAPHQL_URI is the public address of the api server and SSR_GRAPHQL_URI is the internal address of the server. An example of this can be seen in docker-compose-stage.yml.


Simple starter project for SANDstack full stack apps (Sveltejs/Sapper, Apollo GraphQL, Neo4j Database)

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 57.1%Language:HTML 33.1%Language:Dockerfile 7.4%Language:CSS 2.3%