sofieneBK / Charba

J2CL and GWT Charts library based on CHART.JS

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Charba - J2CL and GWT Charts library based on CHART.JS

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What's Charba

GWT Web toolkit doesn't have charting library available out of the box.

There are some open source charting libraries for GWT available to be used but with some constraints or unclear items:

  • internet connection needed
  • open source license not completely clear, sometimes with some obligations like to add specific labels
  • old packages not longer maintained

For all these reasons, Charba has been developed, leveraging on Chart.JS capabilities which are now available to GWT developers.

Not only GWT

Even if Charba was born only as GWT chart library, since version 3, Charba has been changed in order to be used not only in GWT but also with other DOM frameworks, base on J2CL - JavaToClosure, like Google Elemental2 or Elemento.

Since version 3, Charba has got an own DOM tree manager which allows to it to be independent from any other DOM tree frameworks (i.e. GWT, Elemental2 or Elemento) but it is providing a set of hooks in order to use it also over those frameworks.



To build Charba, you can check out the project and to run Ant build.xml.

The Ant build.xml is able to build the 2 artifacts, related to the 2 distributions available.

The first distribution is a Charba file without any GWT dependency (but working on GWT anyway), consumable also in other J2CL - JavaToClosure frameworks, like Google Elemental2 and Elemento.

To build the project, execute buildBinary target.

It creates a charba-[version.release].jar file in dist folder, ready to be included in your project.

The second distribution is a Charba file with a hard GWT dependency which contains charts widgets and code splitting capabilities.

To build the project, execute buildBinaryGwt target.

It creates a charba-[version.release]-gwt.jar file in dist folder, ready to be included in your project.



Currently Charba is available on MVN repository.

It is available also on GitHub releases.

If you are using Apache Maven:

    <!-- for GWT -->

If you are using Apache Ivy:

<dependency org="org.pepstock" name="charba" rev="3.3"/>
<!-- for GWT -->
<dependency org="org.pepstock" name="charba" rev="3.3-gwt"/>

If you are using Gradle:

compile group: 'org.pepstock', name: 'charba', version: '3.3'

compile group: 'org.pepstock', name: 'charba', version: '3.3-gwt'

To install in your GWT project, both for GWT and for J2CL artifacts, you must the following configuration in your GWT project module configuration:

    <inherits name="org.pepstock.charba.Charba"/>

Charba version 1.x is based on JSNI method to integrate java script objects.

Since version 2.x, Charba is based on JSINTEROP method to integrate java script objects.

As the name suggests, JsInterop is a way of interoperating Java with JavaScript. It offers a better way of communication between the two using annotations instead of having to write java script in your classes (using JSNI).

PAY ATTENTION that if you are using a Charba version between 2.0 and 3.0 (included), GWT compiler (you are using for your project) requires -generateJsInteropExports to be passed.

If you are using Apache Maven:


Since Charba version 3.1, this is NOT needed anymore.


All Charba documentation will be maintained in GitHub wiki of Charba project.

API JavaDoc is published here.


See Charba showcase on GWT to have a look what you can do with it.

See also Charba showcase GWT source code on GitHub as starting point, if you are going to use on GWT.

See Charba showcase built by J2CL and based on Google Elemental2, to have a look what you can do with it.

See also Charba showcase J2CL source code on GitHub as starting point, if you are going to use on J2CL.

The samples are going to reflect what CHART.JS samples are showing here.

Continuous integration and quality gate

Charba is continuously built at every commit and merge in master by GitHub Action.

At every build, Charba is also checked by in order to have the pulse of its quality.

In the project, it's also provided the FindBugs project to looking offline for bugs.

Going to next release

Here you can find the list of enhancements and updates available on master branch before which will be part of new official release:


Breaking changes

  • remove ResourcesType and EntryPointStarter classes as objects to initialize Charba.
    • There are 2 new entry points to initialize Charba:
      • Charba.enable() or Charba.enable(boolean) for embedded resources
      • DeferredCharba.enable(Runnable) or Charba.enable(Runnable, boolean) for deferred resources
  • Drop Internet Explorer 11 support.
  • remove jsinterop-base dependency.



Breaking changes

  • rename defaultColor from Defaults global options to color.
  • remove DefaultFontItem class, use DefaultFont.
  • remove generateLegend method from Defaults class and from IsChart class because the prototype is not available anymore.
  • remove updateScale method from Defaults because is not available anymore. Use getScale(AxisType type) instead.
  • remove isAnimating method from ChartNode class.
  • remove getBorderWidth method from ChartNode class.
  • remove getOuterRadius method from ChartNode class.
  • remove getInnerRadius method from ChartNode class.
  • remove getRadiusLength method from ChartNode class.
  • remove getOffsetX method from ChartNode class.
  • remove getOffsetY method from ChartNode class.
  • change getLineWidths and getColumnWidths methods of LegendNode class in order to return a list of doubles instead of a list of integers.
  • remove fontSize, fontStyle, fontFamily, lineHeight and add color property (to set font color) to the following options classes, because new Font implementation must be used:
    • Options
    • LegendLabels
    • Title
    • Tooltips
  • change the chart events constructor using ChartEventContext which contains the chart and the native event.
  • remove HORIZONTAL_BAR item of ChartType enumeration because the horizontal bar is not a chart type anymore.
  • rename getDatasetMeta(int) method to getDatasetItem(int) in the IsChart interface.
  • rename getDatasets() method to getElements() in the DatasetItem class.
  • rename getMeta() method to getDatasetItem() in the DatasetPluginItem class.
  • remove render(UpdateConfiguration) method has been removed because it is not available anymore on CHART.JS.
  • rename Rectangle options and configuration in Bar, inside the Elements node of the options and configuration.
  • change fill default option for Line element from Fill.ORIGIN to Fill.FALSE.
  • rename showLines property to showLine property for line and radar chart options and configuration.
  • remove xPadding and yPadding properties from Tooltips class for options and configuration, use Padding instead.
  • change xAlign and yAlign properties in TooltipModel class which are returning a TooltipAlign object instead of a string.
  • change fullWidth property to fullSize in Title and Legend classes for options and configuration.
  • rename LegendAlign class to ElementAlign in order to be able to use for Title options and configuration classes.
  • change cutoutPercentage property from double to string in order to manage a percentage [number]% format in the options and configuration classes, for pie and doughnut charts.
  • remove Event.TOUCHEND item
  • change padding property to Title class for options and configuration in order to use Padding object instead of an integer.
  • remove AbstractChartsLifecycleListener class. Use ChartsLifecycleListener interface where all methods has got the default now.


  • add backgroundColor and borderColor default options.
  • add VerticalLine chart, options and data set classes to manage this new kind of chart.
  • add setDatasetVisibility method to AbstractChart class in order to set the visibility for a given data set.
  • add toggleDataVisibility method to AbstractChart class in order to toggle the visibility of an item in all data sets.
  • add isDataVisible method to AbstractChart class in order to get the stored visibility state of an data index for all data sets.
  • add hide method to AbstractChart class in order to hide a data set.
  • add show method to AbstractChart class in order to show a data set.
  • add update(IsTransitionKey) and reconfigure(IsTransitionKey) methods to IsChart interface in order to update the chart by an animation update mode.
  • add resize(width height) method to IsChart interface.
  • add newDataset(boolean) methods for all charts (by new IsDatasetCreator interface) in order to get new data set with the initial visibility status.
  • add usePointStyle property to Tooltips class for options and configuration.
  • add boxWidth and boxHeight properties to Tooltips options and configuration classes.
  • add xAlign and yAlign properties to Tooltips options and configuration classes.
  • improve the tooltip callbacks management providing the right defaults.
  • add borderWidth, borderRadius and borderDash properties to TooltipLabelColor item in order to improve the customization of tooltips by the callback.
  • add title property to Legend options and configuration classes in order to manage a title on legend
  • add maxWidth and maxHeight properties to Legend options and configuration.
  • add boxHeight property to LegendLabels options and configuration classes.
  • add textAlign property to LegendLabels options and configuration classes.
  • add fontColor property to LegendItem and LegendLabelItem classes.
  • add events property to Legend and Tooltips options and configuration classes in order to enable the event filtering.
  • add align property to Title options and configuration classes.
  • add hoverBackgroundColor, hoverBorderWidth and hoverBorderColor properties to Bar, Arc, Line and Point elements configuration and options classes.
  • add pointStyle property to Bar element configuration and options classes.
  • add enableBorderRadius property to Bar element configuration and options classes.
  • add hoverBorderRadius property to Bar element configuration and options classes.
  • add borderRadius property to Arc element configuration and options classes.
  • add hoverOffset property to Arc element configuration and options classes.
  • add Datasets class in order to manage data sets options and configuration classes.
  • add Interaction class in order to manage data sets options and configuration classes.
  • implement decimation plugin options and configuration.
  • implement filler plugin options and configuration.
  • add width and height options to ChartAreaNode class
  • add columnHeights property to LegendNode class.
  • add grouped property to Datasets bar options and configuration.
  • implement new animation options and configuration for new engine:
    • add new animation entities (collection of properties, transitions) and new name spaces where the options must be stored.
    • add delay property to animation options.
    • add loop property to animation options.
    • add animation options and configuration to data sets.
    • add animation options and configuration to tooltips.
    • add setAnimationEnabled and isAnimationEnabled methods to animation containers to configuration, options and data sets.
    • enable duration, delay, loop and easing properties as scriptable options in Animation configuration.
  • add skipNull property to BarOptions configuration.
  • change circumference and rotation properties on PieChart and DoughnutChart options in order to set the value in degrees instead of radians.
  • add cutout property in the options and configuration classes, for pie and doughnut charts.
  • add radius and radiusPercentage properties in the options and configuration classes, for pie and doughnut charts.
  • add resizeDelay property to options and configuration.
  • add setX and setY methods to IsPadding interface as shortcut to set X (left, right) and Y (top, bottom) dimensions.
  • add color, borderColor, backgroundColor and font properties to configuration of a single chart.
  • add toBase64Image(ImageMimeType, double) methods (and all combinations) to IsChart interface in order to get the image form chart in different image format and with different image quality.
  • enable padding property as scriptable in Layout configuration.
  • add segment property to LineOptions options and configuration in order to manage the rendering of line segments.
  • enable align, display, color, font, padding, position and text properties in Title configuration to be set as scriptable options.


Breaking changes

  • remove DEFAULT_X_AXIS_ID, DEFAULT_Y_AXIS_ID and DEFAULT_SINGLE_AXIS_ID constants from Scales class, use DefaultScaleId enumeration.
  • remove getMinor method from IsDefaultTicks interface and then from DefaultTicks and DefaultChartTicks classes.
  • rename DefaultMajorTickItem class to DefaultMajor.
  • remove SingleScaleOptions class because the radial linear axis is managed like the cartesian ones.
  • rename MultiScalesOptions class to ScalesOptions.
  • remove getAxis method from IsDefaultScale interface because the axis kind does not any default and, when not set, depends on scale id.
  • remove setAxis methods from Scale and Axis classes because it must be set when an axis is built.
  • remove getXAxes and setXAxes methods from Scales classes, use getAxes and setAxes methods.
  • remove getYAxes and setYAxes methods from Scales classes, use getAxes and setAxes methods.
  • move beginAtZero property from ticks to axis/scale.
  • move min property from ticks to axis/scale.
  • move max property from ticks to axis/scale.
  • move reverse property from ticks to axis/scale.
  • move suggestedMax property from ticks to axis/scale.
  • move suggestedMin property from ticks to axis/scale.
  • move min property from time object to axis/scale.
  • move max property from time object to axis/scale.
  • move labels property from tick (cartesian category) object to axis/scale.
  • move startAngle property from PolarAreaOptions class to RadialAxis.
  • remove getCartesianType() method from CartesianAxis class, use getAxis method.
  • rename CartesianAxisType class to AxisKind in order to manage axis type for radial linear and not only cartesian ones.
  • remove fontSize, fontStyle, fontFamily, lineHeight and add color property (to set font color) to the following options classes, because new Font implementation must be used:
    • PointLabels
    • ScaleLabel
    • Ticks
  • remove the following classes because the ticks implementation is updated:
    • TickMinor, IsDefaultMinorTick, AbstractTick, IsDefaultBaseTick, DefaultTickItem, DefaultMinorTickItem, BaseTickMinor and BaseTick
  • rename TickMajor option class to Major.
  • rename BaseTickMinor configuration class renamed to Major.
  • remove backdropPaddingY and backdropPaddingXproperties from Ticks options and RadiaLinearTick configuration. Use backdropPadding property.
  • rename Gridlines class to Grid for options and configuration in order to keep it aligned with CHART.JS name spaces.
  • remove zeroLineWidth, zeroLineColor, zeroLineBorderDash and zeroLineBorderDashOffset properties from Grid options and configuration classes.
  • rename tickMarkLength property to tickLength in Grid configuration and options classes.
  • rename offsetGridlines property to offset in Grid class for options and configuration.
  • remove ScaleDistribution enumeration. Use new scale CartesianTimeSeriesAxis, introduced in its place.
  • remove TimeTickItem class, use ScaleTickItem class.
  • add getValueAsDate() method to ScaleTickItem class in order to get the tick value as Date.
  • rename getValueAsDouble method of ScaleTickItem class to getValue.
  • remove getTimeTickItems method from ScaleItem class, use getTickItems.
  • remove MarginsItem, AxisMarginsItem and AxisMinSizeItem classes because they are not visible in CHART.JS anymore.
  • change onCallback method signature of TimeTickCallback class in order to get a list of ScaleTickItem instead of TimeTickItem.
  • change onAfterBuildTicks method signature of TimeAxisBuildTicksCallback class in order to get a list of ScaleTickItem instead of TimeTickItem.
  • remove the list of ticks as argument from AxisBuildTicksCallback class.
  • change isoWeekday property of Time options and configuration class does not store a boolean anymore but new IsoWeekDay enumeration with all days of week.
  • rename ScaleLabel class to ScaleTitle in order to keep it aligned with CHART.JS name spaces.
  • rename CartesianScaleLabel class to CartesianScaleTitle in order to keep it aligned with CHART.JS name spaces.
  • rename ScaleLabelAlign enumeration class to ScaleTitleAlign in order to keep it align with CHART.JS names.
  • remove ScaleLabelPadding options, use Padding instead.
  • remove CartesianPadding options, use Padding instead.
  • rename ScaleBounds class to Bounds.
  • rename labelString property name to text in ScaleTitle class for options and configuration.
  • rename RadialPointLabelCallback interface to PointLabelCallback for RadialPointLabels configuration.
  • add the index of the label to the signature of the PointLabelCallback interface method.


  • add axis id parameter to the cartesian axes classes constructor, by IsScaleId or a string.
  • add getAxis(scaleId, axisKind) method from IsDefaultScales interface in order to get the default scale and remove getXAxis and getYAxis methods.
  • improve the defaults management for scales.
  • change visibility of CartesianAxis class, now it is public.
  • add CartesianTimeSeriesAxis class in order to manage time series scales.
  • add backgroundColor property to Axis configuration and Scale options classes.
  • add alignToPixels property to Axis configuration and Scale options classes.
  • add singleStacked property to CartesianAxis configuration and Scale options classes.
  • add labels property to CartesianCategoryAxis class.
  • add minIndex and maxIndex properties to CartesianCategoryAxis class in order to manage minimum and maximum by index of the label, instead of its content.
  • add beginAtZero property to CartesianLogarithmicAxis class.
  • add suggestedMin and suggestedMax properties to CartesianLogarithmicAxis class.
  • add grace property to scale options and to CartesianLinearAxis class.
  • add animate property to RadialAxis configuration and Scale options classes.
  • add align property to ScaleTitle options and CartesianScaleTitle configuration classes.
  • add tickBorderDash property to Grid configuration and options classes.
  • add tickBorderDashOffset property to Grid configuration and options classes.
  • add tickColor property to Grid configuration and options classes.
  • add tickWidth property to Grid configuration and options classes.
  • add borderColor and borderWidth properties to Grid options and configuration classes.
  • add WidthCallback interface to Grid and RadialAngleLines configuration in order to set lineWidth property at runtime.
  • add ColorCallback interface to Grid, RadialAngleLines and RadialLinearTick configuration in order to set color and backdropColor property at runtime.
  • add BorderDashOffsetCallback interface to Grid and RadialAngleLines configuration in order to set borderDashOffset property at runtime.
  • add BorderDashCallback interface to RadialAngleLines configuration in order to set borderDash property at runtime.
  • add FontCallback interface to RadialPointLabels and Tick configuration in order to set font property at runtime.
  • add ShowLabelBackdropCallback interface to Tick configuration in order to set showLabelBackdrop property at runtime.
  • add count property to RadialLinearTick, CartesianLinearTick and Tick configuration classes.
  • add backdropPadding, backdropColor and showLabelBackdrop properties to Tick configuration, for all ticks.
  • add SimplePaddingCallback interface to RadialPointLabelsconfiguration in order to set padding property at runtime.
  • add format property to all numeric ticks (cartesian linear and log, radial linear) in order to apply the number formatting by ECMAScript Internationalization API, leveraging on Charba INTL NumberFormat implementation.
  • add the center axes position and the position of the axis with respect to a data value.
  • add textStrokeColor and textStrokeWidth properties to Ticks configuration and options classes.
  • add align and crossAlign properties to cartesian ticks.
  • add multiple text lines for text property of ScaleTitle class.
  • add backdropColor, backdropPadding and padding properties to PointLabels options and RadialPointLabels configuration classes.
  • add the selected value of the scale by the click event to the AxisClickEvent class.
  • add the following methods to ScaleItem class in order to improve the interaction with scale elements:
    • getDecimalForPixel
    • getPixelForDecimal
    • getPixelForTick
    • getLabelForValue
    • getPixelForValue
    • getPixelForValue
    • getValueForPixel
    • getBaseValue
    • getBasePixel
  • enable precision, maxTicksLimit and stepSize scriptable options to linear ticks.


Breaking changes

  • rename steppedLine from the dataset options to stepped.
  • rename tension from the dataset option to lineTension.
  • rename SteppedLine enumeration to Stepped.
  • rename lineTension property to tension in LiningDataset class.
  • change getXAxisID and getXAxisID methods in LineDataset class in order to return a IsScaleId instance instead of a String.
  • change getXAxisID and getXAxisID methods in BarDataset class in order to return a IsScaleId instance instead of a String.
  • add BarBorderWidthCallback interface to use for borderWidth and hoverBorderWidth callbacks in BarDataset class.
  • add pointStyle property to BarDataset class.
  • add borderRadius property to PieDataset and DoughnutDataset classes.
  • enable the feature to manage floating bars on time or timeseries axes and bar charts adding to DataPoint class the possibility to add a FloatingData object as Y value.
  • remove setT(Date) and Date getT methods from DataPoint class. Use setX(Date) and Date getXAsDate() instead.
  • change borderDashOffset option from int to double in all classes where referenced.
  • reduce visibility of setHidden method of Dataset class and add hidden argument to Dataset constructor in order to set the initial visibility. To change the dataset visibility, use the setDatasetVisibility chart method.


  • add clip property to all datasets types.
  • add spanGaps number property (double) to LiningDataset class in order to manage the value where there are some gaps.
  • add setXAxisID and setYAxisID methods to LineDataset class in order to set the scale id using IsScaleId implementation.
  • add stack item to Fill enumeration.
  • add indexAxis property to BarDataset and BarOptions classes in order to manage the horizontal bars.
  • add START and END items to BorderSkipped enumeration
  • change borderSkipped property in BarDataset class in order to manage it as indexable options.
  • change borderWidth property for BarDataset in order to be set as indexable when set as an object.
  • add borderRadius and hoverBorderRadius properties to BarDataset class.
  • add base property to BarDataset configuration and to Datasets configuration and options classes.
  • add enableBorderRadius property to BarDataset configuration class.
  • add setXAxisID and setYAxisID methods to BarDataset class in order to set the scale id using IsScaleId implementation.
  • add offset and hoverOffset properties to PieDataset and DoughnutDataset classes.
  • change borderAlign property for PieDataset, PolarAreaDataset and DoughnutDataset in order to be set as indexable.
  • enable overriding the legend pointStyle (from dataset) using new pointStyle option.
  • improve the gradients and patterns management at dataset level in order to be managed by a callback instead of by a plugin in order to have the right chart area size for gradients.
  • add grouped property to BarDataset class.
  • add rotation and circumference properties to PieDataset and DoughnutDataset classes.


Breaking changes

  • change the signatures of Plugin interface in order to manage new arguments of functions.
  • remove easing properties from DatasetPluginItem and TooltipPluginItem classes because it is not provided anymore.
  • remove ease argument from onBeforeDraw, onAfterDraw, onBeforeDatasetsDraw, onAfterDatasetsDraw, onBeforeDatasetDraw and onBeforeDatasetDraw methods of Plugin interface because is not passed by CHART.JS anymore.
  • add the update mode to the onAfterDatasetsUpdate, onAfterUpdate, onBeforeDatasetsUpdate, and onBeforeUpdatemethods of Plugin interface.
  • remove AbstractPluginCachedOptions and AbstractPluginCachedOptionsFactory classes. Use instead callbacks cache.
  • change AbstractPlugin class, removing all methods leaving only getId (because the Plugin interface has got all default methods) and new constructor where the plugin id is mandatory.
  • remove setEnabled method for DefaultPluginId enum from Plugin options class in order to avoid an inconsistent default options of plugin. Use setDisplay method for legend and title in legend and title options, and setEnabled method for tooltips in tooltips options.
  • change getXAxisID method in DatasetsItemsSelectorOptions class in order to return a IsScaleId instance instead of a String.
  • rename ClearSelection class to SelectionCleaner in the DatasetsItemsSelector plugin.
    • rename clearSelection methods to cleanSelection in the DatasetsItemsSelector class.
    • rename getClearSelection method to getSelectionCleaner in the DatasetsItemsSelectorOptions class.
    • rename DatasetRangeClearSelectionEvent class to DatasetRangeCleanSelectionEvent.
    • rename DatasetRangeCleanSelectionEventHandler class to DatasetRangeCleanSelectionEventHandler.
    • rename onClear method to onClean in DatasetRangeCleanSelectionEventHandler class.
  • remove CLEAR_SELECTION constant from DatasetRangeSelectionEvent class because the event is containing the selected values and not the indexes anymore.
  • remove fontColor property from SelectionCleaner options, use color instead.
  • remove fontSise, fontStyle and fontFamily properties from ClearSelection options, use font object instead.
  • change LabelsPlugin in order to :
    • add new color property for the font color, in order to be aligned with CHART.JS 3 implementation.
    • use font object instead of the single properties.
    • change FontColorCallback in favor of ColorCallback where you can decide the color.
    • add FontColorCallback in favor of FontCallback where you can decide the whole content of font.
    • pass a LabelsContext object instance as argument to all plugin callbacks instead of RenderItem and FontColorItem ones.
  • remove setOptions(List<T>), getOptionsAsList and getOptionsType methods from Plugins configuration and options classes.
  • change DataLabelsPlugin in order to :
    • move Weight enumeration from org.pepstock.charba.client.datalabels.enums to org.pepstock.charba.client.enums because new Font implementation must be used.
    • remove TextAlign enumeration from org.pepstock.charba.client.datalabels.enums and use TextAlign in org.pepstock.charba.client.enums instead.
    • org.pepstock.charba.client.datalabels.callbacks.ColorCallback class have been replaced by org.pepstock.charba.client.callbacks.ColorCallback class to manage whatever scriptable option which manages colors.
    • org.pepstock.charba.client.datalabels.callbacks.OffsetCallback class have been replaced by org.pepstock.charba.client.callbacks.OffsetCallback class to manage whatever scriptable option which manages offsets.
    • org.pepstock.charba.client.datalabels.callbacks.OffsetCallback class have been replaced by org.pepstock.charba.client.callbacks.OffsetCallback class to manage whatever scriptable option which manages offsets.
    • org.pepstock.charba.client.datalabels.callbacks.TextShadowColorCallback class have been replaced by org.pepstock.charba.client.callbacks.ColorCallback class to manage whatever scriptable option which manages colors.
    • org.pepstock.charba.client.datalabels.callbacks.TextStrokeColorCallback class have been replaced by org.pepstock.charba.client.callbacks.ColorCallback class to manage whatever scriptable option which manages colors.
    • org.pepstock.charba.client.datalabels.callbacks.TextStrokeWidthCallback class have been replaced by org.pepstock.charba.client.callbacks.WidthCallback class to manage whatever scriptable option which manages line widths.
    • org.pepstock.charba.client.datalabels.callbacks.PaddingCallback class have been replaced by org.pepstock.charba.client.callbacks.PaddingCallback class to manage whatever scriptable option which padding.
    • org.pepstock.charba.client.datalabels.callbacks.FontCallback class have been replaced by org.pepstock.charba.client.callbacks.FontCallback class to manage whatever scriptable option which manages fonts.
  • rename CompleteCallback class to CompletedCallback (and the name of the method from onComplete to onCompleted) in the ZoomPlugin.
  • rename getCompleteCallback and setCompletedCallback methods to getCompleteCallback and setCompleteCallback in the Zoom and Pan options in the ZoomPlugin.
  • change ModeCallback interface method signature adding new argument, the configuration element of the Zoom options.
  • remove sensibility property from Zoom configuration and options.
  • rename enabled property to display in LineLabel configuration of AnnotationPlugin.
  • move AnnotationType enumeration from org.pepstock.charba.client.annotation.enums to org.pepstock.charba.client.annotation in order to maintain the low visibility of internal classes of the annotation plugin implementation.
  • rename LineLablePosition class to LablePosition for LineLabel configuration of AnnotationPlugin.
  • add adjustScaleRange options to all annotations element.


  • change all methods of Plugin interface becoming all default ones.
  • add new hooks to Plugin interface:
    • onBeginDrawing and onEndDrawing in order to invoke the plugin once before starting and after ending any drawing.
    • onBeforeElementsUpdate
    • onReset in order to enable to catch when a chart is resetting.
    • onInstall, onStart, onStop, onUninstall to manage plugin life-cycle.
    • onBeforeDataLimits, onAfterDataLimits, onBeforeBuildTicks, onAfterBuildTicks to manage scale setup.
  • add events property to AbstractPluginOptions options classes in order to enable the event filtering for plugin.
  • improve the code of HtmlLegend plugin in order to manage texts (for legend items and title) in the same way.
  • manage new legend title in HtmlLegend plugin.
    • add HtmlLegendTitleCallback callback to apply a custom legend title in HTML.
    • rename HtmlLegendTextCallback callback to HtmlLegendItemCallback.
  • improve Annotation plugin in order to leverage on callbacks cache which enables the complete configuration also at default or chart type levels.
  • add new features to AnnotationPlugin plugin.
    • add setXScaleID and setYScaleID methods to BoxAnnotation class of Annotation plugin in order to set the scale id using IsScaleId implementation.
    • add setScaleID method to LineAnnotation class of Annotation plugin in order to set the scale id using IsScaleId implementation.
    • implement only click, dblclick, enter and leave events.
    • add ellipse and point annotation types.
    • add display property to all annotations in order to enable or disable the display of annotation.
    • remove mode property from annotation line options because new plugin is using the axis property of scales for line orientation.
    • remove events property from annotation options because the event listeners will be added based on the callbacks definitions.
    • add autoRotation property to annotation line label options in order to enable the automatic calculation of label rotation.
    • add textAlign property to annotation line label options in order to enable horizontal alignment when context text is multiple lines.
    • remove name property from annotation options because is not needed anymore. Use id property instead.
    • change getScaleID method in LineAnnotation class of Annotation plugin in order to return a IsScaleId instance instead of a String.
    • change getXScaleID and getXScaleID methods in BoxAnnotation class of Annotation plugin in order to return a IsScaleId instance instead of a String.
    • change the constructors of LineAnnotation and BoxAnnotation in order to set an ID to the object. This will enable the possibility to define annotations items as default.
    • enable the callback definitions for all scriptable options in all annotations.
    • add drawTime property to LineLabel configuration of AnnotationPlugin.
  • add enabled property to DatasetsItemsSelector plugin in order to disable/enable the plugin at runtime.
  • add setXAxisID method to DatasetsItemsSelectorOptions class in order to set the scale id using IsScaleId implementation.
  • add new DatasetRangeClearSelectionEvent event for DatasetsItemsSelector plugin in to order to notify when a clear action has been performed on chart.
    • remove fireEventOnClearSelection properties has been removed from DatasetsItemsSelectorOptions class because an clear selection event will fire only if there is a event handler.
  • improve the logic of DatasetsItemsSelector plugin in order to leverage on new capabilities of scale item to retrieve the selected data instead of the index.
  • improve DataLabels plugin in order to leverage on callbacks cache which enables the complete configuration also at default or chart type levels.
  • improve DataLabelsOptionsBuilder class in order to manage the multi-labels configuration.
  • improve Labels plugin in order to leverage on callbacks cache which enables the complete configuration also at default or chart type levels.
  • improve LabelsOptionsBuilder class in order to manage the multi-labels configuration.
  • improve Zoom plugin in order to leverage on callbacks cache which enables the complete configuration also at default or chart type levels.
  • add threshold property to Zoom configuration and options.
  • add RejectedCallback class to Zoom and Pan options in the ZoomPlugin in order to manage the event when pan or zoom fail because modifier key was not detected.
  • add modifierKey property to Pan options in the ZoomPlugin in order to enable pan only when modifier key was detected.
  • add wheelModifierKey property to Zoom options in the ZoomPlugin in order to enable zoom only when modifier key was detected.
  • add overScaleMode property to Zoom and Pan options in the ZoomPlugin in order to enable zoom only when modifier key was detected.


Breaking changes

  • remove the feature to create custom controller without extending an existing one. You can only extend existing chart type.
  • change Controller interface in order to be align with new interface implemented in new CHART.JS.
  • change the constructor signature of ControllerType class adding a mandatory argument of ControllerProvider instance which can provide the instance of controller to register.
    • add an optional argument (boolean) in order to decide if the base default options of the chart which is being extended must be cloned or not.
    • reduce the visibility of register method of Controller class
  • rename extend method of Controllers class to register.
  • change setHoverStyle and removeHoverStyle methods of Controller interface now additionally take the datasetIndex and index as arguments.
  • remove fontFamily and fontStyle properties from meter and gauge options, use font instead.
  • rename GaugeThreshold enumeration to DefaultThreshold.
  • rename MeterDisplay enumeration to Render and move from org.pepstock.charba.client.impl.charts package to org.pepstock.charba.client.enums.
  • rename displayFontColor property to fontColor in meter and gauge options
  • rename animatedDisplay property to animated in meter and gauge options
  • change the signature of MeterFormatCallback interface in order to get only a MeterContext instance as argument.


  • add linkScales and buildOrUpdateElements methods to Controller interface in order to have the complete mapping of CHART.JS controller interface.
  • implement easing value management for Meter and Gauge charts (and their controller) because in the new version of CHART.JS, easing value is not provided anymore.
  • add ControllerRegistrationHandler interface to set to a ControllerType constructor in order to enable the notification before and after the controller registration to CHART.JS.
  • add autoFontSize property to meter and gauge options in order to enable or disable auto calculation of font size and use the font size provided by the user.
  • add NONE item in the Render enumeration in order to disable the label rendering in meter and gauge charts.
  • enable fontColor property to be set by callback in meter and gauge charts.


Breaking changes

  • change the structure of scriptable options context.
    • remove getIndex method from DatasetContext class, use getDataIndex instead.
    • add type of the context.
    • remove isHover method from DatasetContext class.
    • rename options property to attributes in the context classes to store custom options at runtime.
  • creates new context classes based on the type of context:
    • create ChartContext class to map the context for configuration chart callbacks, type equals to chart.
    • rename ScriptableContext class to DatasetContext to map the context for configuration datasets callbacks, dataset and data types
    • ScaleContext class to map the context for configuration scales callbacks, scale and tick types.
    • DataLabelsContext which is mapping datalabels types, for callbacks invoked by DataLabelsPlugin.
    • LabelsContext which is mapping labels types, for callbacks invoked by DataLabelsPlugin.
    • AnnotationContext which is mapping annotation types, for callbacks invoked by AnnotationPlugin.
  • all scriptable options are extending the Scriptable interface which has changed own signature, accessing only 1 argument, the context defined as generic.
  • BackgroundColorCallback and BorderColorCallback classes have been replaced by ColorCallback class to manage whatever scriptable option which manages colors.
  • BorderWidthCallback class has been replaced by WidthCallback class to manage whatever scriptable option which manages line widths.
  • rename BorderCapStyleCallback class to CapStyleCallback.
  • rename BorderJoinStyleCallback class to JoinStyleCallback.
  • remove LegendCallback interface and its usage from ConfigurationOptions class because the prototype is not available anymore.
  • remove hidden attribute from LegendItem and LegendLabelItem classes because not supported anymore. Use new isHidden(chart) method of LegendItem class.
  • redesign of TooltipModel class in according with new Chart.js model.
  • rename TooltipCustomCallback class to TooltipExternalCallback in order to keep it aligned with CHART.JS name spaces.
  • rename getValue and getIndex methods to getFormattedValue and getDataIndex ones in TooltipItem class in order to be aligned with new CHART.JS tooltip item interface.
  • change the return value of getTooltip method of TooltipPluginItem class, returning now a TooltipModel object instead of TooltipNode.
  • remove x and y properties from TooltipItem class.
  • remove getEasing method from AnimationItem class because is not provided anymore by new animation engine.
  • rename HtmlLegendTextCallback class to HtmlLegendItemCallback.
  • rename ValueCallback to MeterFormatCallback class.
    • rename setValueCallback and getValueCallback of MeterOptions class to setFormatCallback and getFormatCallback.
  • change all properties of BaseBoxItem, SizeItem, LegendHitBoxItem classes from int to double.


  • add dataPoint property to TooltipItem class.
  • add onLabelPointStyle method to TooltipLabelCallback interface and TooltipLabelPointStyle class in order to manage the point style in tooltip.
  • create ItemSortCallback interface in order to be extended by legend and tooltip callback interfaces.
  • add sort callback (by LegendItemSortCallback class) to the LegendLabels configuration in order to sort the legend items.
  • move width and height options to BaseBoxitem class.


Breaking changes

  • reduces the visibility of Gradient and Pattern class constructors in order to use new GradientBuilder and PatternBuilder classes. This change avoids inconsistent gradient and pattern objects, improving some capabilities of them (like the equals and hashCode methods in case they will be needed).
    • adds setColors methods (getting a list or an array of IsColor) to GradientBuilder in order to enable the gradient creation to the ColorScheme instances.


  • add checkAndGetValue static method to IsColor class.
  • remove static cache for canvas patterns and gradients creation, going to a cache for each canvas object factory in order that every factory must manage own objects.


Breaking changes

  • change toFont method to Utilities class in order to get the weight of the font.
  • remove JsWindowHelper class. Use Window.enableResizeOnBeforePrint().
  • rename UndefinedValues class to Undefined.


  • add toFont method to Utilities class in order to get a Font object as parameter.
  • add the following properties to RegExp class;
    • lastIndex (static)
    • dotAll
    • global
    • ignoreCase
    • multiline
    • source
    • sticky
    • unicode
  • add groups method to RegExpResult in order to get the object to refer to certain token by string that a regular expression matches.
  • add CScheduler class in order to provide asynchronous and delayed task scheduling.
  • add CTimer class in order to provide asynchronous and repeatedly task scheduling.

INTL and date adapters

Breaking changes

  • change the type for some properties of LuxonOptions class:
    • locale is now a CLocale object instead of a string.
    • numberingSystem is now a NumberingSystem object instead of a string.
    • zone is now a TimeZone object instead of a string.
    • outputCalendar is now a Calendar object instead of a string.
  • remove the usage of Moment as date library because it does not use the web internationalization.
  • remove the usage of Date-fns as date library because it does not use the web internationalization.


  • add locale property to options and configuration.
  • implement INTL NumberFormat of ECMAScript Internationalization API.
    • implement CLocale class to manage locale objects.
    • implement the retrieving of locale from query string, <meta> element (as GWT is doing) or from navigator instance.
  • implement INTL DateTimeFormat of ECMAScript Internationalization API.
  • change the default date adapter library, using as default Luxon instead of Moment in order to enable I18N by default.
  • change the Adapter options and configuration of time axis in order to get a date adapter options (LUXON options) by date property.


  • change visibility of AbstractModel class, now it is public.
  • add @Override annotation to all overriding methods.
  • change the registering of tooltips positioner in order to apply to CHART.JS tooltips plugin.
  • override the hashCode $H property for NativeObject objects that GWT is adding to objects in order to set the property as NOT enumerable and NOT configurable.
  • change compare static method of Key interface in order to test if the keys are valid and not only not null.
  • add JsPluginHelper class in order to use CHART.JS registry feature to manage plugins.
  • create a controller template code generator and add a specific target in build.xml.
  • reintroduce the Findbugs project in order to check the bugs on project.
  • reduce the visibility of objects which must get a javascript native object as argument on constructor, using an envelop. This reduces the possibility to map a native object with a wrong wrapper.
  • remove D dataset type from AbstractChart class by IsDatasetCreator interface.
  • rename the controller id for Meter and Gauge charts adding charba prefix in order to avoid overlapping with possible other controllers with meter and gauge ids.
  • Window.enableResizeOnBeforePrint() method has been fully implemented by JSINTEROP.
  • reduce visibility of property handler classes leveraging on the interface.
  • implement ImmutableDate class to use to return the date value stored to chart configuration and to callbacks.
  • change Travis configuration in order to use JDK11 to compile the project and install NodeJs12 in order to be compliant with new restrictions of SonarCloud.That means that Charba is compilable also on JDK11 but it will be release on JDK8 in order to be consumed by applications which are still using JDK8.
  • add equals and hashCode methods to standard keys implementation in options package.
  • add BaseLocation and BaseNavigator native object classes to get the location and navigator from DOM.
  • add Meta native object class to map a <meta> element from DOM document.
  • add boolean has(Object,String) method to JsHelper class in order to check if a property (by its key) belongs to an object or not. THis is done because CHART.JS merges objects without prototype, for security reason.
  • improve the visibility and reuse of the native object factories in order to have only 1 static instance from the object which must be created.
  • improve the management of properties used cross classes or packages.
  • use new location for legend, title and tooltips options, in plugins options node.
  • enable CI by GitHub Action, disabling Travis.
  • fix font and color fallbacks to the defaults values.
  • re-factor the configuration package in order to manage both configuration and chart options (at runtime).
  • change the NativeObject from a class to an empty interface in order to skip ClassCastException in J2CL when the object, passed from CHART.JS, doesn't have any prototype or is a proxy.
  • add methods to NativeObjectContainer in order to manage a unique internal ID, as string.
  • add image mime type and image quality to toDataUrl methods (with all combination and defaults) to Canvas object.


Charba is available under the Apache 2.0 license.


J2CL and GWT Charts library based on CHART.JS

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 99.1%Language:JavaScript 0.9%Language:Shell 0.0%